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‘Hate Crime Reduction Initiative’

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1 ‘Hate Crime Reduction Initiative’
Community Safety Service Presentation to the Trust from Barnsley MBC. Multi Agency Panel ‘Hate Crime Reduction Initiative’ Max Senior Principal Hate & Hidden crime officer.

2 Aims of MAP To increase the reporting of hate incidents
To reduce the levels of victimisation To raise awareness of all forms of harassment and abuse. To work towards changing attitudes and perceptions To improve service provision To contribute to a safer and more inclusive society

3 Question Three P Syndrome
Where does prejudice, ignorance, and attitudes towards people of different cultures stem from? Three P Syndrome

4 Who’s Who Asylum Seeker Refugee Failed Asylum Seeker Illegal Immigrant
Economic Migrant

5 What is a Hate Crime? ‘Any Incident, which constitutes a criminal offence, perceived by the victim or any person as being motivated by;- PREJUDICE OR HATE

6 What is Racism? Racism is any conduct or words which advantage or disadvantage people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin. People can also experience discrimination, harassment & abuse because of their faith or religious beliefs. SIMPLE WAY TO TELL IF SOMEONE IS BEING RACIST ?

7 Hate Incidents can be identified under any of the following;-
Ethnicity ( race) Religion or belief (e.g. Islamaphobia) Gender identity ( Transphobia) Sexuality ( Homophobia) Disability Age.

8 Racial Incident Definition: Macpherson
‘Any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person’

9 Reporting An Incident Direct to SYP Reporting Centres
Serious incidents 999 Crime Stoppers Stop hate UK On Line


11 What happens following a report of a hate crime?
SYP-CMS Agency hate crime incident report forms Corporate database Casework Conference Role of Victim Support Contact with victim after an incident.


13 2001 Census – Religions of Barnsley
All People – Christian – Buddhist – 137 Hindu – 172 Jewish – 35 Muslim – 505 Sikh – 181 Other Religion – 304 No Religion – 23426 Not Stated *2009 estimated population 224,000 ** 114,880 female.

14 Migration- The facts Fact - less than 2,000 migrant workers
Fact – less than 230 asylum seekers Fact – migrant & commonwealth workers are usually highly skilled ;- doctors, surgeons, consultants nurses Etc. Fact – The NHS, local Hospitals, & care homes could not operate without them.

15 Migrant Workers ‘Facts’
If Britain kicked out all its foreign-born immigrants and migrant workers our country would be in a mess. E.g. Our NHS would collapse as 16% of nurses would be forced out, to say nothing of the 30% of doctors.

16 Migrant Workers ‘The Facts’
Over 5.5 million Britons, 10% of the population live or work abroad including 800,000 mainly retired people living in Spain. The number of people worldwide estimated to be living outside their country of birth is 175 million. Britain has a tiny fraction of these

17 Top 10 Nationalities of Asylum Seekers Within the UK
1. China 6. Zimbabwe 2. Eritrea 7. Somalia 3. Iraq 8. Pakistan 4. Iran 9. Sri Lanka 5. Afghanistan 10. Nigeria

18 June 2010 top 10 Countries of Asylum Seekers in Barnsley
1.Zimbabwe Bangladesh 13 2.China Turkey 3.Pakistan Afghanistan 9 4.Congo Eretria 5.Iran Senegal 6.Sri Lanka 7.Iraq NB over 40 different countries in total.

19 More Facts Fact – Barnsley is a safe Town
Fact – Most refugees in Barnsley do actually stay because they see Barnsley as their home. Fact – Most people in Barnsley are friendly & welcoming to others. Fact – Only a tiny minority are RACIST!

20 South Yorkshire & Humberside Hate Crime Statistics 2009-10
442 people prosecuted for racist & religious crime. 37 people prosecuted for homophobic crime. 26 people prosecuted for disability crime South Yorkshire exceeded the targets for ALL hate crime.



23 Thank you for listening.

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