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Tweeting for Trees Twitter Basics to Better Your World

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Presentation on theme: "Tweeting for Trees Twitter Basics to Better Your World"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tweeting for Trees Twitter Basics to Better Your World
Melissa Gutierrez Education & Communications Program Manager

2 How Today Will Go Basic Explanation of How Twitter Works (slides)
Demonstrating What We’re Talking About on the Slides (internet) Q&A – throughout (small group) At the end: time for custom assistance with Twitter

3 Why Tweet? Professionalism: shows you’re a legitimate 21st century organization Character: allows you to be a real person Timeliness: gives you a handle on current events and connect with partners in real time Perk: It’s forgiving – goes away in a few days Caveat: Even a tiny mistake can cause a big PR snafu!

4 Why I Love Twitter It’s a microtool – a tiny thing you can start doing to make a big difference One small interaction can turn into a big relationship Easy way to check in on how/what people are doing Streamlined – chronology makes it easy to know what happened when Simple – in an overwhelming world, it’s nice to practice focusing and stringing together key points

5 Why should tree people love Twitter?
Makes the transition to paperless easy It’s FREE Other people love trees and Twitter is a great place to show off the trees you work with (a break from the regular vicious news cycle!) Connecting cross-discipline (chats, etc) – if youre looking to connect with people you can directly do so, or join chats, etc Connecting with tree people at state (CAL FIRE), national (USFS), and global levels (UK! AU! Canada!)

6 What’s in a tweet? 140 characters – short, sweet, and efficient
Tags – the sign allows you to connect with specific people/organizations Hashtags – the “#” sign allows you to organize events, campaigns, and information

7 140 Characters Stick to the point: omit everything unnecessary
Elements of Style by Strunk & White On Writing Well by William Zinsser Online tools: &, abbreviations, etc – get creative! Caveat: but not sloppy (“u,” “r,” – be careful to keep it professional)

8 Tags – “@” Also called a “handle” Who are we talking to?
How do we find people? Their websites – look for the logo (if someone has Twitter, they will put it up) Google – search by name and it will come up on Google Twitter search – type in name, hit “Accounts” Lists (make them, subscribe to them) Who’s following who – do your stalking!

9 Tags Part 2 – The photo secret: you can tag up to 10 people in a photo! You need to know their handles Great way to generate big group conversation and get a lot of people involved without using up character space

10 Hashtags – “#” More than just a search mechanism: your content will come up in a Twitter search no matter what Great for collecting thoughts about an event: #PCFIndy Great for hosting a conversation: #treechat Great for organizing your own campaigns or contributing to others’ #saveourwaterandourtrees #UpliftCA #GivingTuesday

11 Content 1/3 your content 1/3 others’ content – RT
Keep it simple: use the “rule of thirds” (idea borrowed from Uptown Studios): 1/3 your content 1/3 others’ content – RT 1/3 fun  (office, playing around, pictures, puppies, etc)

12 Your Content Decide what your priorities / areas of focus are Trees
Youth Parks Events Decide what ISN’T important so you don’t get distracted or overwhelmed

13 Others’ Content Use your priorities list, but begin to expand
Share to show you’re interested (people love being RT’d) Think about the message it sends to your audience What do you find intere

14 Retweeting – “RT” Regular RT Quote RT Respects the source Add comments
Ask questions Add enthusiasm

15 Fun Content  Your office Your park Tree Fact Friday Puppies, babies
Lighten the mood – if you’re having fun doing what you’re doing, people will be attracted to that!

16 Where do I start? ReLeaf is so small & busy we are just beginning this, but it is valuable Goal for small orgs: 1x a week Goal for bigger orgs: 1x a day Goal for taking it to the next step: 2-4x a day Don’t worry about the numbers – but pay attention GET OUT THERE!!!

17 More Resources: 1-hour “Twitter 101” Webinar from Uptown Studios
1-hour “Social Media 101” Webinar from Uptown Studios 1-hour “Social Media Advocacy” Webinar from Uptown Studios

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