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EAME TA2 Inspections Training program Medium Wheel Loaders

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1 EAME TA2 Inspections Training program -- 2009 Medium Wheel Loaders
Via Webex - Malaga, May 2010 Customer Stimulus Program

2 Objectives After completing this training module you will be able to:
- Explain the concept and key benefits of a TA2-inspection, - Perform a full TA2-inspection in the most efficient manner on a MWHL following Caterpillar best practice procedures and recommendations.

3 Agenda (1) 1. Introduction to Caterpillar’s TA2-inspection: Definition
Key benefits Strategic fit – Customer Stimulus program 2. Inspection preparation: Familiarizing yourself with the inspection forms Gathering technical documentation Safety considerations 3. WHL-TA1 walk around visual inspection (including video-clips & screen captures) 4. WHL-TA2 technical inspection (including video-clips & screen captures)

4 1. Introduction to Caterpillar’s “TA2 Inspection”

5 TA2-Inspection: Definition
TA2 inspections are designed by Caterpillar - to provide insight into a machine’s general performance health & - to support a customer goal of maximum mechanical performance with minimal unscheduled downtime. Properly executed, this supports the dealers service differentiation => additional Parts & Machine Sales

6 TA2-Inspection: Definition (Ctd)
Fluids level, color and condition checks Leaks checks Sealing condition checks Visible structural checks Visual wear-checks Noise checks Broken, loose or missing parts checks Pressure checks Cycle time checks Cylinder drift checks Back to factory standards Fault Codes download S.O.S

7 TA2-Inspection: Key Benefits
TA2-Inspections provide: clear insight to the working condition of a machine: definition of potential problems before failure condition of critical systems adjustments upfront repair costs and downtime planning After TA2-Inspections, repair-strategies (before failure) can be developed to maximize machine uptime to preempt expensive repairs to improve machine efficiency to improve machine fuel efficiency

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