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DTN Network Management

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1 DTN Network Management
Ed Birrane

2 Topics Status Informational Report Draft Protocol Specification
DTN NM Informational Report DTN NM Draft Protocol Specification Informational Report Key Points Document Review Draft Protocol Specification Reference implementation status Next Steps / Discussion 2

3 Status – NM Informational Report
Draft informational report consolidating multiple engineering/research efforts. Reviewed novel aspects of this capability. Several publications over past two years related to network management concepts for DTN and for space systems. E. Birrane, R. Cole, “Network Management of Disruption-Tolerant Networks: A Systems Engineering Approach”, Proceedings of the SpaceOps 2010 Conference, April 2010, Huntsville, Alabama, USA, AIAA. Birrane, E, & Cole, R. (2011). Management of Disruption-Tolerant Networks: A Systems Engineering Approach. In C. A. Cruzen, J. M. Gunn, & P. J. Amadieu (Eds.), Space Operations: Exploration, Scientific Utilization, and Technology Development (pp ). Reston, VA:American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.    E. Birrane, S. Burleigh, V. Cerf, “Defining Tolerance: Impacts of Delay and Disruption when Managing Challenged Networks,” Proceedings of AIAA Conference, March 2011, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. AIAA. E. Birrane, H. Kruse, “Delay-Tolerant Network Management: The Definition and Exchange of Infrastructure Information in High Delay Environments,” Proceedings of AIAA Conference, March 2011, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. AIAA. Reviewed heritage architectures at JHU/APL Review of missions operations applications and procedures for commanding, telemetry retrieval. Some evidence of automatic file retransmission from the MESSENGER mission. Review of flight software telemetry production models. 3

4 Status – NM Draft Protocol Specification
Data monitoring messages specified and prototyped. System model for the protocol has been drafted and in early review Data types, primitives, and identifier mappings have been proposed Methods of data customization have been specified Roles and responsibilities associated with the protocol have been identified. Data Monitoring Key report messages defined in the protocol using above mentioned data types, customization methods, and roles/responsibilities. Subset of data monitoring primitives identified for BP, LTP, and ION ICI. Reference implementation of this subset provided in branch of the ION codebase. Demo of this given at last CCSDS meeting Draft Protocol Specification Protocol document exists and is being prepped for review. 4

5 DTN NM Informational Report
Overview of Proposed Key Concepts Network Layers Functional Areas Functional Characteristics Quick walkthrough of Draft Document Outline review Charter discussion Scope and Schedule Questions Priority versus draft protocol specification informational reports tend to serve as supporting information for a protocol specification. Should we finish the draft protocol spec first?

6 DTN NM Informational Report – Network Layers
Network Layer is not a “clean” separation Various Layers We focus on the “Network” layer Above the link layer Below the application layer Some blurring with the application layer Are protocol support services apps? Routing, Security, NM, Aggregation? Break Network Layer into 3 Tiers Tier 1: Protocol Services Tier 2: Protocol Support Services Tier 3: Managing Applications

7 DTN NM Informational Report – Functional Areas
Highest level requirements for a DTN NM Function. Configuration Apply settings across network nodes Remember multiple states and associated properties. Provide versioning, authentication, and idempotency as appropriate. Performance Monitoring Collect local node information, as configured. Aggregate information by time and type through the network, as appropriate. Provide forensic support of reported values (timestamps, sender ids). Event Reaction Switch amongst pre-configured operational modes as appropriate. Produce more/difference data based on mode. Support fault recovery at the Tier 2/Tier3 network Management Layer.

8 DTN NM Informational Report – Management Features
Standardized Naming Scheme Identify Data, Control formats Enable cooperation with terrestrial protocols “Managed Identifier” (MID) Consolidated Data Model Package data, reports, controls to be atomic. Application Data Model (ADM). Persistent Storage Store data for aggregation. Controls for configuration. Measurements for reaction. Evaluation Engines Process data/controls as necessary.

9 DTN NM Informational Report
Quick walkthrough of Draft Document Charter discussion Questions Priority versus draft protocol specification informational reports tend to serve as supporting information for a protocol specification. Should we finish the draft protocol spec first? Review of Operational Use Cases

10 DTN NM Draft Protocol Specification
Overview of Proposed Key Concepts Desirable Properties Identifiers, Application Data Modes CONOPS Agent Architecture Quick walkthrough of Draft Document Outline review Charter discussion Scope and Schedule

11 Delay-Tolerant Network Management Protocol (DTNMP)
Desirable Properties Configured Push rather than Operator Pull Do not require bi-directional comms for every query. Small Message Sizes Avoid high overhead of transmitting ID information for every DATUM Use binary representations Specify exactly data desired (no undesired bulk queries) User-Defined Data Network managers define custom groupings of data. SNMP-Compatibility Identify data such that it can be understood by terrestrial SNMP agents Initial Challenges Assigning Identifiers (need to keep them small) Configuring production (pushing the data) 11

12 Example: Collect A at high rate, Collect B,C at lower rate.
DTNMP: Push, don’t Pull Example: Collect A at high rate, Collect B,C at lower rate. SNMP (PULL) DTNMP (PUSH) 12

13 Keep Message Sizes Small
Fully Named ASCII Data (Good) ~ 60 bytes EXPIRED_BUNDLE_COUNT = 50505 CUSTODY_REJECT_BAD_EID = 10000 Fully Named Binary Data (Better) ~ 30 bytes 0x11092A A010150 50505 0x11092A A010140 10000 Summary Named Binary Data (Best) ~ 19 bytes 0x11092A A010150 50505 10000 13

14 Allow User-Defined Messages
Bundle Protocol Data LTP Data ION ICI Data Pre-defined sets of data BP, LTP, ICI Query individual items Pre-defined collects per set All BP Disposition All LTP Stats All ICI SDR Stats ExpiredBundleCount Heap Used Small Pool Size CustodyAcceptCount Head Free Unused Memory BundleFwdFailures Small Pool Free BundleExpiredCount Large Pool Size BundleQueuedCount Large Pool Free CustodyReleaseBytes How to mix/match across MIBs? ExpiredBundleCount + Head Used + Small Pool Size Could make 3 queries (3 sets of NAME=VALUE) This is wasteful from previous slide) Define new report to represent 3 values 1 NAME, 3 VALUES More bandwidth efficient USER DATA ExpiredBundleCount LTP Head Used ICI Small Pool Size 14

15 SNMP Compatibility SNMP Uses OIDs as IDs DTNMP Uses MIDS (Managed IDs)
Global, Managed Tree Structure “Path to data” is concatenation of #s. ifSpeed = Supports Binary Encoding (BER) Compress first 2 #s: 1.3 => 43 SDNV-encode rest SNMP Identifier: <type> <length> <value> Type 6 -> OID Length (in this case) = 9 bytes ifSpeed = 0x06092C DTNMP Uses MIDS (Managed IDs) MIDS encapsulate OIDs (less <type> field) Option to compress OID Makes easy to interoperate with SNMP 15

16 DTNMP MIDs (Managed Identifiers)
Initial Challenge: How do we name all of this data? Leverage existing OID infrastructure, but try to optimize to reduce size. MID Identifies three types of data Data formally defined in global standards Data defined within an administrative domain Commands (similar to ICMP capabilities) [Not Discussed Here} MID has multiple fields Flag Byte: Type: Data Identifier or Command Identifier Priority Present ? Issuer Present ? Tag Present ? OID Type: Full OID, Parameterized, or Compressed OID Flag Byte Priority (OPT) Issue (OPT) OID Tag (OPT) DTNMP MID 16

17 MID Fields (1/2) Priority Issuer Tag
Useful when defining computed data items to avoid circular computational dependencies. When omitted, the highest priority is assumed. (atomic data definitions have omitted priority fields) Issuer From the protocol point of view, a binary blob. Otherwise, a managed binary description of an organization, similar to an OID hierarchy. For example, an identified organization’s OID. Tag Organization-specific identifier for the OID. This may be a version number, hash on the OID value, time generated, or any other value. Some organizations will never use the tag, preferring to always issue unique OIDs. Other organizations will want to keep an OID the same and use versions to refer to them separately.

18 MID Fields (2/2) Full OID Parameterized OID Compressed OID
The complete OID definition in ASN.1 notation following BER rules. i.e. an SNMP OID. The initial type field of 0x6 is omitted for brevity in the protocol. Parameterized OID An OID root followed by one or more SDNVs identifying parameters. This allows an associative array lookup for data values Ex: bundles_from_eid(ipn:1.1) and bundles_from_eid(ipn:1.2) Single “root” OID in the ADM bundles_from_eid Defined to take a single parameter coded in SDNV: EID No need to understand the EIDs in the network prior to building ADM. Compressed OID Experimental, may not be included in DTNMP. OIDs are large, and often share common path. Extract path into dictionary and make first SDNV in the OID an index into that dictionary. Similar to Bundle Protocol use of dictionary to reduce space used by EIDs.

19 Application Data Models (ADM)
Pre-defined data, reports, and controls for applications managed by DTNMP. Pre-defined, atomic data Definitions from MIBs Global, unique OIDs No tag/issuer fields All data and reports Build blocks for user content Data MIDs can be used in user definitions Pre-defined controls Also global, unique OIDs Opcodes, description, params Build blocks for macro commands No ability for user-defined controls outside of these pre-defined functions. Bundle Protocol ADM Atomic Data Reports MID1 = ExpiredBundleCount MID5 = MID1, MID2 MID2 = CustodyAcceptCount MID6 = MID5, MID3, MID4 Computed Data Controls MID3 = MID1 + MID2 MID7= ClearBundleCnt() MID4 = AVG(MID3, 10s) MID8 = ClearAcceptCnt()

20 DTNMP: CONOP and Status
Managed Device Managing Device Proc DTNMP Agent DTNMP Mgr DTNMP Agent Cmd/Cfg/Data Defs Agent Query Proc Push Reports SNMP Agent Proc Data Cfg Cfg Data OIDs MIB / CIB Headers drive firmware. MIB Compilers for SNMP. A Push Model for information Managed devices accept universal primitive definitions from MIB/CIBs Managing devices configure unique, temporal combinations Managed devices push data based on local autonomy

21 NMA Architecture Stand-alone application exploiting Instrumentation API and implementing subset of DTNMP for reporting. ION Instrumentation API ION BPA Network Management Application Cmd/Cfg Bundles Production Rules Ingest Local Data Adapter Autonomy Cfg Report Bundles Cmds Remote Data Aggregator Aggregate Data Atomic Data 21

22 DTN NM Draft Protocol Specification
Quick walkthrough of Draft Document Charter discussion Questions

23 Next Steps / Discussion
Draft NM Informational Report out mid-year next CCSDS Draft NM Draft Protocol Specification out mid-year Updated next CCSDS Meeting Discussion 23

24 Review of Informational Report
Backup Slides Review of Informational Report Use Cases 24

25 Configuration Scenarios
Pushing New Contact Graphs Synchronizing data across Tier-2 applications Demonstrates application of policy: who update whose contacts? Updating ADM and aggregation definitions New version of telemetry pages, how to build them, or when to send them. Demonstrates handling versioning issues in the network. Work prototyped in RMON extensions Security Key and Group Changes Add new group, keys in the network Demonstrate security model, including group-based access (ACL) Work prototyped in IBE code in ION 25

26 Performance Monitoring Scenarios
Tracking bundle status through the network Cache/batch report-to addresses through the network Demonstrates reportability of bundles without saturating network links. SNMPv3 Gateways Construct “pull” repositories populated by “push” data. Demonstrates terrestrial NM interface to high-delay/distruption systems. Prototype work completed by GRC (DTN2) and OU (ION). Producing verbose telemetry on failure Rule/Action configurations define verbose tlm pages on fault Demonstrate ability to get information to operator faster 26

27 Event Reaction Scenarios
Cancelling large file transfer Multiple bundles form CFDP transfer Demonstrate control of bundles at all nodes in the network. Quality of Service Enforcement Codified policy decisions on bandwidth, rate, or contact Demonstrates ability to control traffic over links based on rule configurations at intermediate nodes. Path Failure Reaction Tier-2 application configuration in reaction to loss of node. Likely update contact graph Demonstrate ability to automate certain fault recovery. 27

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