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06/22/2017 NUCA Greater Kansas City Region Chapter

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1 06/22/2017 NUCA Greater Kansas City Region Chapter NUCA Safety Roundtable Discussion 06/22/2017 Common Issues & Challenges Regarding Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) & Modified, Defective & Improper Use of Tools Tiffani Peña Safety Director/Murphy Tractor & Equipment Co.

2 Identifying Common Issues & Challenges (PPE)
Reluctant to Wear PPE Overcoming Resistance Knowledge Is Power! Explain Why, When & How Limitations & Consequences; Involve Employees & Listen to their Feedback; Rethink Your Approach; Make the Connection; Focus on Your Safety Leaders Comfort or Lack Thereof; Disinterest; Not a Priority or Important; Increased Body Temperature; Multiple Pieces of PPE Worn Together: Restrictive Hamper productivity Embarrassment

3 Hard Hats (Tips & Facts)
Know the Type & Class: Type I: The shell of the hard hat is designed to protect and reduce the force of impact to the top/crown of the head. Type II: The shell of the hard hat is designed to protect and reduce the force of impact to the top/crown of the head and sides of the head. Class G (General): Rated for 2,200 volts Class E (Electrical): Rated for 20,000 volts Class C (Conductive): Does not offer electrical protection. The symbol to left (reverse donning) indicates that the hard hat can be worn frontwards or backwards.

4 Hard Hats (Inspection & Service Life)
Inspect all PPE prior to use. Best practice is to inspect PPE before and after use. Look for signs of wear and tear: Shell is chalky, chipping, cracked, or dented. Suspension wear and tear: Cut or frayed straps, cracks, or damage to plastic. If any of these issues are found replace the hard hat shell and/or suspension immediately. Hard hats that sustain impact should also be replaced immediately (shell & suspension) Service Life: Always check the manufactures specifications.

5 High Visibility Options
Fabric and Reflective Requirements (Type & Class) Flame Resistant ANSI/ISEA Required label markings (meeting one of the flame resistance test methods). Label must include letters FR and the ASTM standard used to evaluate flame resistance; or Label indicating NFPA 1977 or 2112 certification. Garments that do not meet the standard must be labeled Not Flame Resistant. Service Life: Will depend on industry & use. High-Visibility garments should be replaced When torn, faded, burned, cracked or damaged.

6 Eye Protection Options
There are 2,000 eye injuries daily caused as a direct result of not wearing protective safety glasses. Up to 20% of those injuries result in permanent vision loss. Options Safety Glasses w/side shields: High Impact protection, limited protection from chemical splashes, debris and fragments. Safety Goggles: High Impact protection, provides full/complete protection around the eyes. Face Shields: Face shield offer added protection when used with safety glasses and goggles.

7 Poorly Maintained Portable Tools :
Hazards & Risk: Poorly Maintained Portable Tools : Hand Tools: Misuse & improper maintenance: Hammers with loose/damaged heads; Chisels and punches with mushroomed heads; Blunt saw Blades . Power Tools: Broken or malfunctioning safety emergency switch; Missing protective covers and guards; Cracked or broken grinder wheels. Hydraulic Tools: Damaged hoses cut, cracked; High pressure fluid injections. Pneumatic Tools: Stuck by tool or attachment; Release of energy

8 Serious Incident/Importance of Proper Storage of Tools.

9 Hazard Prevention Inspect all tools before and after use; Test the functionality of tools before use; Keep tools in good repair, clean and sharp; Tag out and remove all defective tools; Use appropriate tools and equipment while carrying out maintenance Never modify or alter tools. Never remove guards. Inspections Audits Tagout

10 NUCA Trench Safety Stand Down June 19th-24th 2017

11 From new to used equipment, two things are true: (1) We have what you need and (2) Nothing runs like a Deere. Murphy Tractor has painstakingly built a reputation on reliability and accountability. The equipment we sell is as productive as possible, so you can be too. From attachments to wheel loaders; if you’re looking for it, chances are we have it.


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