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Media Evolution: How Modern media has lost its authenticity

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1 Media Evolution: How Modern media has lost its authenticity
By Samantha bernard

2 introduction Presidential election 2016 Coverage of the election
Many major media outlets promoted the prediction and assumption that democratic candidate Hillary Clinton would win Guests and celebrities tried to influence voters to follow the predictions of media Coverage of the election During election coverage, media was accused of promoting fake news regarding polls and stories to defame then candidate Donald trump Unequal divide between political goals Modern news media no longer covers news, but cross into entertainment for more views This results in loss of media authenticity

3 20th century Media outlets such as radio, newspaper, and television focused on media information for competition of authenticity News networks used direct sources rather than secondary sources News limited reporting until information was confirmed by direct sources News did not contain much entertainment news or topics Later 20th century Television has gained in popularity Broadcast competition grew, resulting in broadcast news to add entertainment content to news coverage

4 21st century 9/11 After the events of 9/11, news media began to avoid content that was likely very upsetting to people Events of 9/11 showed a rise in news viewership Politicians begin to use news media to influence population politics Post 9/11 Early signs of “Gatekeeping” Media begins to limit news stories to ones that will attract viewers News sources add or omit information to promote political adgenda

5 2010’s Internet Misinformation Social media Opinionated websites
Clarity of news is not present. News does not have credible sources or lack of sources Opinionated websites People use biased opinions, often not supported by adequate information Misinformation Fake news Falsified articles are spread throughout social media and other websites to promote political agendas Hard to decipher from real news

6 conclusion Stopping the spread of fake news is unobtainable
People question the authenticity of sources Biased opinions are still likely to be present in the fact checking process People must be their own filter of information, but these “filters” could also be biased Being analytical of information is the most effective way to spot fake news If people are more open to objections to their biased beliefs, they are likely to receive more truthful information

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