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Phnom Penh, 1 November 2011 Helmut Schwarzer

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1 Phnom Penh, 1 November 2011 Helmut Schwarzer
SPER Methodology - Social Protection Expenditure and Performance Review Phnom Penh, 1 November 2011 Helmut Schwarzer

2 Performance Evaluation of a Social Security System

3 Description and Aims of a SPER What is a SPER?
The « Social Protection Expenditure and Performance Review» is a tool developed by the Social Security Department of the International Labor Office (ILO). It measures and evaluates the social protection programs with the goal of establishing an overview. A SPER notably contributes to a global picture of the expenditure trends, the social coverage and level of benefits, with the aim of supporting the policy-makers on the field of social policy. 3 3

4 Description and Aims of a SPER Which are the goals of a SPER?
Analize the demographic and economic settings, especially the levels of informality and characterize vulnerable groups. Identify the coverage level of the social protection system. Offer a static analysis of the costs and financing sources of a national social protection system. Measure the performance in terms of efficacity, equity and efficience of the social protection system, as well as develop a number of performance indicators of the system. 4 4

5 Description and Aims of a SPER: Analytical Sequence
Demographic and Economic Environment Informality Level? Vulnerable Groups? Risk sources? Social Protection Coverage Occupation of workers? Quality of occupation? Social Protection Costs Covered population? Efficacity of the Schemes? Performance Evaluation of the Existing System Distribution of current funds? How is Social Security financed?

6 Demographic Characteristics Urbanization, population structure, etc.
Description and Aims of a SPER Demographic and Macroeconomic Environment Demographic Characteristics Urbanization, population structure, etc. Labour Market Participation rates, unemployment/underemployment rates, distribution of employment by sector and income levels Macroeconomic environment Income, employment, poverty and redistribution

7 Global vision of the Social Protection System
Description and Aims of a SPER Coverage of the Social Protection System Global vision of the Social Protection System Overview of the social protection institutions and the characteristics of the benefits Benefit levels Equity and sufficiency of benefits National Coverage Measurement Social protection coverage analysis Identification of limits to coverage extension

8 Description and Aims of a SPER Social Protection System Costing
Total Annual Cost of Social Protection As % of government expenditure As % of GDP Regarding age, gender, income levels and employment sectors

9 Description and Aims of a SPER Social Protection Regimes
Old-Age, Invalidity and Survivorship Labour Accidents Family Benefits Sickness and Maternity Unemployment Social Assistance Employment Policies 9 9

10 Effectiveness Indicatores Social Results Wealth Redistribution
Description and Aims of a SPER Performance measurement of existing schemes Effectiveness Indicatores Social Results Wealth Redistribution Administrative Performance Coverage Indicators Coverage Levels Coverage Extension Coverage Quality Financing Indicators Proportion of Expenditure on Social Protection

11 The indicators can be compared to: Social policy goals
Description and Aims of a SPER Performance measurement of existing schemes The indicators can be compared to: Social policy goals Recent experience National experience International Standards

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