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Web Programming Anselm Spoerri PhD (MIT) Rutgers University

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Presentation on theme: "Web Programming Anselm Spoerri PhD (MIT) Rutgers University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Programming Anselm Spoerri PhD (MIT) SC&I @ Rutgers University
Info + Web Tech Course Web Programming Anselm Spoerri PhD (MIT) Rutgers University

2 Survey + Introductions Prerequisites
Lecture 1 - Overview Course Overview Learning Goals | Assignments (Exercises | Project | Quizzes | Discussions) Course Website Lectures | Schedule | Requirements | Exercises Sakai Syllabus | Links to Course Website Submit Assignments | Forums (Q&A, Discussions) | Wiki (Exercises, Project URLs) In-Person Class Review Key Concepts & Steps | Q&A | Lab Survey + Introductions Prerequisites HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Programming Principles What to Do BEFORE Next Class View Video Demos | Install | Practice Coding

3 Learning Goals Learn to Code using Key Web Programming Concepts, Structures and Processes Understand what constitutes Full Stack development and its related front- and back-end concepts and tools. Develop code using JavaScript and ECMAScript 6 that makes advanced use of functions, loops, event control, array processing and DOM manipulation. Create templates, modules and components using front- end frameworks. Use code editors and workflow tools to effectively develop and debug code. Employ version control systems, such as Git, to manage source code changes and use and share code on repository hosting services, such as GitHub.

4 Know how to Use Key Code Libraries and Front- and Back-End Frameworks
Learning Goals Know how to Use Key Code Libraries and Front- and Back-End Frameworks Create responsive page layouts using front-end frameworks, such as Bootstrap.js and its grid system and components. Become familiar with Model View Controller (MVC) design-patterns, two-way data binding and how to create templates, modules and services. Implement single page application using front-end frameworks, such as React.js or Angular.js. Design single page application using a back-end framework, such as Node.js, to exchange data with a database.

5 Connect to Databases and Data Sources
Learning Goals Connect to Databases and Data Sources Implement NoSQL database, such as MongoDB, that works within a back-end framework, such as Node.js. Learn to Use Online Documentation, Forums and Code created by Others Debug code by using online documentation and forums. Interact with other developers online to troubleshoot code and interact with local developers by joining a MeetUp.

6 Individual Exercises (65% of Course Grade)
Exercise 1: HTML, CSS and JavaScript Basics – Style Web Page using CSS and Add Interactivity using JavaScript (7.5%) Due Week 3 | Rev Week 6 Exercise 2: JavaScript Essentials – Control Appearance and Interactivity of Web Page using JavaScript (12.5%) Due Week 5 | Rev Week 8 Exercise 3: Responsive Design using Front-End Framework – Create Responsive Web Page using Bootstrap.js (15%) Due Week 7 | Rev Week 10 Exercise 4: Design of Modular, Reusable User Interface Components using Front-End Framework – Create Web Page Components using React.js (15%) Due Week 9 | Rev Week 12 Exercise 5: Design Single Page Application using Back- End Framework to Exchange Data – Create Single Page Application using JSON, Angular.js, Node.js and Express.js (15%) Due Week 12 | Rev Week 15

7 Term Project and Discussions & Quizzes
Term Project: MEAN Stack Development – Create Web Application using Angular.js, Node.js and Expess.js to Connect to MongoDB Database (20%) Due Week 15 Discussions (7.5%) Week 11 | Week 14 Quizzes (7.5%) – Open Book – 5 best scores and bonus question Week 2 | Week 4 | Week 6 | Week 8 | Week 11 | Week 14 A B+ B C+ C

8 Gameplan Course Website Schedule Lectures Video Demos | Resources | Handout LyndaCampus Videos: Login | Transcript | Offline Viewing Requirements Exercises May change content of exercises and their respective course grade percentage

9 Sakai In-Person Class Survey Gameplan
Syllabus | Links to Course Website Submit Assignments (Exercises | Project | Quizzes | Discussions) Forums: Q&A and Discussions Wiki: (Exercises and Project URLs) In-Person Class Review Key Concepts and Steps in assigned videos Q&A Lab Survey

10 Anselm Spoerri Your Guide Computer Vision Filmmaker – IMAGO
Information Visualization – InfoCrystal  searchCrystal Media Sharing – Souvenir DataVis Material Properties Rutgers Website

11 HTML Prerequisites Quiz
W3Schools: examples elements links blocks lists layout html5_new_elements html5_semantic_elements Tags-reference Quiz

12 CSS Prerequisites Quiz
W3Schools: examples syntax howto boxmodel positioning float navbar cssref Quiz

13 JavaScript Prerequisites
W3Schools: examples whereto syntax statements variables assignment datatypes functions objects scope events arrays array_methods if_else loop_for errors debugging best_practices mistakes Quiz

14 To Do for Before Next Class
View Video Demos (highlighted in green on Lectures page) Prerequisites: Video Demos in Week 1 Workflow Tools for Web Development Learn Atom: The Basics Up and Running with Git and GitHub Install Atom Code Editor Git Version Control Practice Coding HTML & CSS JavaScript (use W3School resources and video demos in Week 1)

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