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Liberia Early Warning and Disease Surveillance

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1 Liberia Early Warning and Disease Surveillance
Epidemiological week 28 July 10-16, 2017 Data Source: CSOs from 15 Counties and Lab

2 Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, NPHIL
HIGHLIGHTS Public Health Events Reported Keynotes and Events of Public Health Significance Fifty-two suspected cases 14 deaths 99% completeness and timeliness One confirmed case of measles was reported Friday, July 21,2017 Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, NPHIL

3 REPORTING COVERAGE County Number of Health Facility Report Expected
Number of Reports Received Number Received on Time Completeness (%) Timeliness (%) Bomi 23 100 Bong 55 Gbarpolu 15 Grand Bassa 33 Grand Cape Mount 32 Grand Gedeh 24 Grand Kru 19 Lofa 59 Margibi 44 43 98 Maryland 25 Montserrado 283 Nimba 74 Rivercess River Gee Sinoe 35 Liberia 759 758 99 Friday, July 21, 2017 Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, NPHIL

Measles Comparison of Suspected Cases of Measles Reported, Liberia, Epi week 1 – 28, 2016 & 2017 Suspected cases: 7 Montserrado (4) Nimba (1) Lofa (1) Grand Gedeh (1) Cumulatively: 949 (84% of suspected cases were investigated by Lab.) Lab. Result: 122 Positive 89 epi-linked 631 negative ** 244 positive for Rubella Cumulative 2017 deaths recorded: 95 compared to 106 in 2016 by week 20 PPH (34%), Anemia (15%) and Sepsis (16%) accounts for the highest causes of death Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, NPHIL Friday, July 21, 2017

Neonatal Tetanus Suspected cases: 3 Grand Bassa (2) Montserrado (1) Cumulatively:10 Cumulative 2017 deaths recorded: 95 compared to 106 in 2016 by week 20 PPH (34%), Anemia (15%) and Sepsis (16%) accounts for the highest causes of death Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, NPHIL Friday, July 21, 2017

Yellow fever Suspected cases: 2 Rivercess (1) Margibi (1) Cumulatively: 128 Lab Confirmed: 0 Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, NPHIL Friday, July 21, 2017

Maternal Mortality Causes of Maternal Death Reported, Liberia, Epi week 1 – 28, 2016 & 2017 Maternal deaths: 6 Nimba (2) Grand Gedeh, Lofa, Sinoe, Montserrado Causes: Postpartum hemorrhage Sepsis Pre-eclampsia Eclampsia Anemia Renal failure Cumulative: 144 PPH (32.6%), Sepsis (14.5%) and Anemia (13%) Friday, July 21, 2017 Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, NPHIL

Neonatal Mortality Causes of Neonatal Death Reported, Liberia, Epi week 1 – 28, 2016 & 2017 Neonatal deaths: 8 Grand Bassa (3) Montserrado (2) Lofa (1) Bomi (1) Maryland (1) Causes: Neonatal sepsis (3) Birth asphyxia (2) Neonatal tetanus (2) Preterm (1) Cumulatively: 339 deaths recorded 17 Neonatal deaths reported: 5- Montserrado 4- Lofa 2- River Gee…. Causes: Birth Asphyxia, Neonatal Sepsis and Preterm Cumulatively: 243 deaths recorded Birth asphyxia (52%), Neonatal Sepsis (33%) and Preterm (9%) accounts for the highest causes of death Friday, July 21, 2017 Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, NPHIL

9 Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, NPHIL
DIARRHEA DISEASES Bloody Diarrhea (Shigellosis) Suspected cases: 6 Montserrado (5) Sinoe (1) Cumulative: 148 Lab. Confirmed: 3 Negative: 139 Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, NPHIL Friday, July 21, 2017

10 Other Reportable Diseases
Human Exposure to Animal Bites (Suspected Rabies) Suspected: 20 Montserrado (5) Rivercess (5) Margibi (3) Lofa (2) Nimba (2) Grand Bassa (2) Bong (1) Cumulatively: 827 Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, NPHIL Friday, July 21, 2017

National level Weekly meeting with the laboratory to ensure data verification and harmonization Ongoing IDSR supportive supervision to 8 counties (Bong, Nimba, Lofa, Grand Bassa, Margibi, Grand Cape Mount, Bomi and Gbarpolu) Implementation of an Auto Visual AFP detection and reporting (AVADAR) surveillance in 4 districts in Montserrado County Follow up with counties to conduct maternal deaths investigation, revision of forms and implementation of recommendations made Counties are encouraged to conduct health education for all public health diseases based on risk Counties are encouraged to update their cholera preparedness plans and review existing stocks of supplies for prepositioning Friday, July 21, 2017 Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, NPHIL

12 Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, NPHIL
THANK YOU!!! Friday July 21,2017 Division of Infectious Disease and Epidemiology, NPHIL

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