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By shannon ciantar and julienne faure’ 3M

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1 By shannon ciantar and julienne faure’ 3M
PLOTTER PRINTERS By shannon ciantar and julienne faure’ 3M

2 Output &output devices
One way of communication between and information processing system and the outside world. Signals sent by the system Some examples of output devices are monitors, printers, speakers and touchscreens. Output devices give outputs.

3 The plotter printer Output device that gives a hardcopy output. Prints vector graphics (the use of geometrical primitives (points, lines, curves etc.) to represent images in computer graphics). They were replaced with wide-format conventional printers. Used for printing designs of ships and machines, plans for buildings etc.

4 history A number of printer control languages were created to operate pen plotters. They were used in applications such as computer-aided design. Early pen plotters of 1959 worked by placing the paper over a roller that moved the paper back and forth for X-motion while the pen moved on a track for Y-motion.

5 Advantages of a plotter printer
The advantages are that because they are a vector graphics printer, meaning they can only print lines and minimum curves, they are great for printing blueprints and maps. Drawings are the same quality as if an expert drew them. Largest sizes of paper can be used than most printers can manage.

6 Disadvantages of a plotter printer
Disadvantages are that they are very expensive, so big businesses are usually the only ones that use them. They also aren't designed for printing ordinary photographs, so you would be disappointed with the quality if you tried. Plotters are slower then printers because each line is drawn separately .

7 Thanks for cooperating 

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