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My Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "My Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Culture

2 Culture is social values, beliefs, actions, and knowledge that identifies particular groups within society and defines the way we think and feel.

3 Aspects of my culture Arts cuisine Individualism Religion Sports

4 Arts Music Holidays Country Pop Irish Folk Scottish Folk Christian
St. Patrick's Day (Irish) Ash Wednesday (Roman Catholic) Good Friday (Roman Catholic) Easter (Christian) All Saints’ Day (Roman Catholic) Christmas (Christian)

5 Cuisine Food Drinks Potato's Corn beef and cabbage Beer
Corn beef and hash Irish Stew Soda Bread Seafood chowder Scottish smoked Salman Fish and Chips Black pudding Bratwurst Schnitzel Weisswurst Drinks Beer Guinness German bier Whiskey Irish Whiskey Irish coffee Scotch Wine Spirits

6 Individualism Constitution Self-expression Self- support Immigrants
Free speech Bare Arms Self-expression Hair styles clothes Self- support Move out of house Get job Immigrants Irish Scottish German

7 Religion Christian Roman Catholic Methodist Presbyterian
Baptist Roman Catholic Methodist Presbyterian Lutheran-Protestant

8 Sports Volleyball Swimming Shooting 2nd Amendment Military/Police
Competitions Shooting 2nd Amendment Military/Police Competitions Nationals Presidents Hundred shoot AMU (Army Marksmanship Unit) Olympics U.S. first gold metal winner in Olympics was in air rifle. Trainers Businesses

9 sources Holidays in America Scottish religion German religion
Scottish religion German religion Irish religion Scottish food 1f3o0 Irish food and drink f1d3379H0 German food b a79ao0 Pictures

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