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Biofuels and the EC Sustainebility

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1 Biofuels and the EC Sustainebility
Danish legislation

2 Lov om bæredygtige biobrændstoffer
Was approved in the summer of 2009 The legislation was made given the RED from April 2009 (10% RE in 2020) and the Danish political agreement from February 2008 (5,75% in 2010) Establish percentage of commitment at 5.75 possibility for phase-in possibility for changing the percentage in case of shortage of biofuels or crisis 2. generation of biofuels counts twice obligation to report to the authorities - DEA The minister will superwise the compliance with legislation and is able to issue injunctions

3 Order on sustainable biofuels
Establishes sustainability criteria; the transformation of RED are mandatory Reporting obligation: annually submit documented report on the use of sustainable biofuels and commitment percent calculation method described in Annex 1 - calculation of GHG using mass balance system Companies must demonstrate that there is established an independent audit, and must ensure a sufficient standard for the independent verification of information submitted to the DEA as well as make data information available to the Board.

4 Order on sustainable biofuels
The foregoing shall not apply where: The Community has concluded agreements with third countries on sustainable biofuels as they are formulated in RED and the Commission has approved these agreements The Commission has decided that voluntary arrangements entered into under EV-directive art. 18, paragraph. 4, comply with its requirements on sustainability criteria and the companies provide proof that their biofuels are covered by such agreement or arrangement.

5 Documentation RED is somewhat vague in this area: “Member States shall require economic operators to arrange for an adequate standard of independent auditing of the information submitted, and to provide evidence that this has been done."

6 What will happen in the near future?
Said notice will be sent in consultation, and then released so it can enter into force on 1 January 2010. The Commission will issue a communique in January 2010 on the detailed understanding of RED, including: sustainability criteria reporting obligation documentation probably closer definition of second generations of biofuels

7 What will happen in the near future?
DEA will, in light of the Commission's announcement decide whether there is a need for additional / altered regulation in this area. It may be the case where the Commission has clarified areas. It may be in the form of a guide to selected areas or a review of the upcoming announcement. Thank you for the opportunity to come here today.

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