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Peer Group Synthesis 24 November 2006

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1 Peer Group Synthesis 24 November 2006
EFA MDA Coordination Peer Group Synthesis 24 November 2006

2 The Group in Action

3 Presentation Outline EFA Coordination Benchmark Standards
Strategy and action for engaging partners Strategy and action for involving the media Managing cross-cutting issues

4 Proposed ‘Standards and Functions’ of EFA Coordination
Creating a common standard for assessment of EFA Coordination and the basis for recommendations for reforms in the future

5 Proposed ‘Standards and Functions’ of EFA Coordination
Integrated planning for basic education Coordinated policy-making Monitoring and Evaluation function Resource mobilization for EFA Information dissemination Role in agenda setting within Education and Socio-Economic Dev. Planning Mobilize inter- and intra-ministry and partner agency action towards the achievement of EFA Permanent and dedicated secretariat

6 Managing cross-cutting issues
Strategy 1. Technical Working Group (TWGs) 5 and 6 to work with TWGs 1-4 to develop the quality and gender issues within the sub-components of EFA Goals 1-4. Action 1. TWGs 1-4 to hold workshops or meetings and invite representatives of TWGs 5 and 6 to provide information and data on gender and quality, and assist TWGs 1-4 to develop the sub-sections on goals 1-4. Action 2. TWGs 5 and 6 to invite TWG on indicators/EMIS to look at data required for gender and quality.

7 Managing cross-cutting issues
Strategy 2. TWGs 1-4 will assist TWG 5 and 6 to develop sub-sections on gender and quality. Action 1. Once TWGs 1-4 are ready with components related to gender and quality within their sub-sections, the information will be exported to the gender and quality sub-sections; Action 2. While TWGs 5 and 6 assist TWGs 1-4 to develop sub-sections of EFA Goals 1-4, they will also be working on other additional information required under their own sub-sections [5 and 6], which is not within the TWGs 1-4. Action 3. Hold joint consultative/review meetings, bringing together all TWGs to consider specific and cross-cutting issues of gender and quality.

8 Strategies and actions for engaging partners
(including external partners within the country as well as international organizations / institutions) Strategy Get official endorsement of the MDA process Invite relevant partners to provide technical support (as advisers of specific themes) and financial assistance to the MDA process Establish a “feedback-ing” mechanism to update progress of assessment between the NAT and partners as well as within partners’ internal organizations

9 Strategies and actions for engaging partners
Specific Actions Creation of the National Assessment Team Development of NAT Work and Financial Plan (should include how the partners will be engaged and the expected contributions of the different partners) Orientation of partners on the EFA MDA Individual discussions with different partners

10 Strategies and actions for engaging partners
Specific Actions Conduct of regular/periodic meetings to update progress and initial assessment results; posting of updates in the Ministry’s website (if available) Actual conduct of special surveys/studies by selected partners Review and validation of final draft report Dissemination of assessment results and advocacy to policy changes/reforms, programme development and implementation.

11 Involving the media Emphasizes the active involvement of those who are engaged in the activities in presenting the output published to the public through the following actions: Ensure coverage of seminars organized by the MOE, with the present of those come from universities, donors, other ministries, as well as TV, Radio, electronic, and printed medias; Initiate press conferences to announce policy issuances, status, implementation, output and outcome of government education programmes. Optimally utilize the function of the Centre for Information and Public Relations of the MOE to conduct monthly coverage of directions/actions of the Minister and the outcomes of ministerial policy

12 Involving the media Initiate live discussions from the MOE on private radio and TV concerning issuances of education policy directions. Establish a website on EFA that would be jointly initiated by the MOE and other related Ministries and partners. Utilize regional UNESCO EFA website [ as a point of information sharing/exchange. Upload EFA MDA National Reports to the website.

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