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Soft Market Test Shared Lives

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1 Soft Market Test Shared Lives
Management of a sub regional contract in the South West Webinar 17th March 2017

2 Purpose of Event The start of a conversation Shape our thinking Develop and input into the proposal

3 About Shared Lives Shared Lives is an important alternative to home care and care homes for people in need of support. Shared Lives offers personalised, quality care where carers share their lives and often their homes with those they support. The service is subject to CQC inspection with performance across a range of measures consistently rated above 90% nationally.   Nationally, there are now around 15,000 people supported through Shared Lives schemes, and the scope for expansion is significant.

4 About Shared Lives cont.
The model has traditionally been used for adults with a learning disability There is scope to extend this to a range of other client groups Shared Lives is one of a range of options, alongside residential care and supported living

5 Shared Lives Plus Shared lives is a delivery model with a range of different providers Shared Lives Plus is an umbrella membership organisation Shared Lives Plus promotes the model and is able to support new providers understand how to deliver

6 Shared Lives in the South West
There are 15 local authorities in south west England All LA’s have some form of shared lives scheme The greatest number of places, by far, is for adults with a learning disability. There are a small but increasing number of families supporting people with mental health difficulties, dementia and other support needs

7 Shared Lives in the South West cont.
There are wide variations across the local authorities in how the scheme is currently delivered. There is a range of in –house and externally commissioned schemes The schemes have different approaches to the costs; fee bandings for carers; rent and household costs; management overheads and provision for carer breaks/holidays

8 South West Sub-Regional approach Eight local authorities in the south west are working together to explore a sub-regional approach Cornwall Torbay Wiltshire North Somerset Devon Plymouth Somerset Gloucestershire

9 South West Sub-Regional Approach cont.
Across the 8 authorities there are a total of 537 Shared Lives placements 94% are of adults with a learning disability Somerset, Cornwall and Devon operate the largest schemes Four schemes are currently in-house and four managed by independent providers Most, although not all, schemes have a “banding” system for assessing the support needs of individuals and paying carers

10 Commissioning Intentions
Commissioning have identified the following benefits: The development of common standards across quality/performance/cost Economies of scale from a large, sub-regional scheme Greater opportunity to attract new sources of funding for investment Continuity of approach for carers across Local Authority boundaries Reviving schemes that have not expanded for some years The expansion of small schemes, particularly those in large authorities Scope for innovation Sharing good practice

11 Commissioning Intentions cont.
A sub regional approach will deliver: better outcomes for the individual clearer progression towards independence (where appropriate) a service model that works for a wider range of needs e.g. dementia or mental health short breaks service that works for a wider range of needs e.g. a re- ablement option following a hospital discharge ensuring value for money

12 Indicative Timeline March Soft Market Test By late Summer – Local authorities confirm how to proceed Autumn – Tender out to advert By Christmas – contract or contracts awarded April 2018 – new contracts in place

13 Co-production Carers and people who use a shared lives service model will be involved in progressing the tender. This could include: Participating in the soft market test Co-producing the specification Tender evaluation

14 Carers Perspective

15 Issues to discuss Are there examples of good practice that provide learning? How can barriers and blocks to expansion best be overcome, specifically: recruitment of new carers? 2. extension to other service areas such as mental health and dementia? 3. how to support carers who host people with complex needs? 4. how to recruit carers on a timescale required by social work teams? 5. suitable adapted homes 6. matching multiple clients and needs in one setting

16 Issues to discuss cont. Is a move to regional fee banding desirable and, if so, how best can it be achieved? What would make shared lives more attractive to new providers Other….

17 Shared Lives Plus The Shared Lives model
National overview of Shared Lives What is Shared Lives Plus? Shared Lives Plus support offer Anna McEwen Executive Director of Support & Development an overview of the shared lives model what it is what there is now across the country what support SL+ can offer to develop the sector support SL+ can offer to new providers

18 The Shared Lives model What is Shared Lives?

19 Support people to have a good life
Shared lives carers Provide a mix of paid an unpaid support Support people to manage their health Link people in to the local community Support people to make friends and maintain relationships Provide a break for family & unpaid carers Support people to learn skills and have new experiences Support people to go on holiday Support people to have a good life

20 Sharing lives – what people who use Shared Lives say….
20 Shared Lives is when you live with a family or one carer in their home and they help and support you with what you need. Where I live now is the best place I have ever lived. I have my freedom but I know people care about me and I feel safe. A chance to have a life with their family. When I moved into shared lives my carers saved my life, I was depressed and being bullied before I went to live with them. Now I feel so much better. I love everything about my life with my carers, now I feel like I belong to a family.

21 The national perspective – England
11,570 people using Shared Lives in England in 2014/15

22 The national perspective

23 CQC Shared Lives schemes are CQC regulated
95% of schemes are good or outstanding compared to 78% residential and 75% community services No schemes have been rated inadequate Safeguarding alerts are low

24 What is Shared Lives Plus?
Shared Lives Plus is the UK network and membership body for Shared Lives carers, Shared Lives schemes and Homeshare programmes. Shared Lives Plus was established in 1992 and has 5,000 members UK- wide. Shared Lives Plus helps our members to work together to survive and thrive, influencing local and national policy makers and providing support, training, events, resources, research programmes and access to insurance

25 Shared Lives development
27% growth in Shared Lives in two years Older people People living with dementia People with mental ill health Young people in transition Parents with learning disabilities Intermediate care Important to maintain and improve the quality of Shared Lives as the sector grows and develops Shared Lives Plus best practice guidance Quality Framework Outcomes measuring tool – My Shared Life

26 Shared Lives Plus offer – Membership
Homeshare schemes Good practice guidance Quality Framework Peer support/community of practice Access to specialist support Shared Lives schemes Good practice guidance Quality Framework Learning materials My Shared Life Peer support/communities of practice Shared Lives carers Insurance Helplines Legal cover Benefits advice

27 Shared Lives Plus offer – Development
Development team Older people Dementia Socially excluded adults – mental health, domestic violence, drug and alcohol misuse, offenders Young people in transition Intermediate Care Resources available Business cases How to guides Evaluation Quality Framework

28 Shared Lives Plus offer – Consultancy
Bespoke support available for providers and commissioners New providers “Setting up a Shared Lives scheme” support package – policies, procedures, learning materials, Quality Framework Engagement seminars with stakeholders On going support – scheme systems & processes, recruiting & assessing Shared Lives carers, establishing a Shared Lives carer panel, matching process, Shared Lives carer tax/NI & payment protocols, locally identified issues Existing providers Health check Support and training to develop and diversify services Recruitment of Shared Lives carers

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