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Ozone depletion today – introduction and ozone chemistry

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1 Ozone depletion today – introduction and ozone chemistry
tomorrow – Antarctic ozone hole

2 Ozone molecule that contains 3 oxygen atoms – O3
bluish color and unique odor powerful oxidizing agent and relatively unstable – explosive in high concentrations arose naturally as a byproduct of photosynthesis and the rise of atmospheric oxygen shields against harmful solar UV radiation important for almost all of life on Earth – we should protect it

3 Ultraviolet radiation
UVA: 320 – 400 nm relatively harmless, causes tanning but no burns, not absorbed by O3 UVB: 290 – 320 nm harmful – has biological effect: causes sunburn, skin cancer, damage eyes, partly absorbed by O3 UVC: 200 – 290 nm very dangerous but mostly absorbed by O3

4 Ultraviolet radiation
UVB has strong biological effect on humans, other animals (under water too) and plants biological effect is determined by the dose rate – number of UV photons per unit time that lead to biological response Example: erythemal action spectrum – appearance of sunburns in humans

5 Ultraviolet radiation
Inverse relation between O3 and UVB flux determined theoretically and experimentally – less O3 - more UVB radiation solar flux of UVB is high and absorption by O3 relatively low – sensitive balance small change in O3 concentrations can cause a big change in UVB dose rates

6 Ozone distribution Vertical distribution:
most of O3 is in the stratosphere this layer of ozone is also called ozonosphere peak at 25 – 30 km above ground O3 concentrations measured indirectly by satellite or Dobson spectrophotometer direct measurements by ozonesondes

7 Ozone distribution Vertical distribution:
amount of O3 present is measured in column depth – total amount of O3 per unit area over a certain location (number of molecules per square centimeter) column depth can be expressed in atmosphere-centimeter – thickness that a layer of pure O3 would have at surface pressure (1 mbar) also used Dobson unit: 1 DU = 1000 atm-cm average value about 0.3 atm-cm = 300 DU layer of O3 0.3 cm thick (< 1/8 in)

8 Ozone distribution Spatial distribution:
highest concentrations of O3 are in mid to high latitudes in spring (both hemispheres) lowest at equator (prior to ozone holes) concentrations vary in time and space O3 produced mostly over tropics – stratospheric circulation redistributes it to higher latitudes

9 Ozone distribution

10 Ozone distribution Spatial distribution:
UV radiation flux on the surface depends on solar zenith angle (and latitude) and column depth of O3 easier to get sunburn in Florida than in New York (on a sunny day) current value in New York: 312 DU Miami: 248 DU (4 Dec 2004)

11 Ozone distribution Tropospheric (ground-level) ozone:
10 % of all O3 is in troposphere (first 10 km of atmosphere) O3 occurs naturally in troposphere in small conc. (from hydrocarbons and intrusions of O3 from stratosphere) helps to keep the air clean it is very reactive – cleans pollutants like CO, SO2 too much of O3 in troposphere is bad (becomes pollutant itself) part of photochemical smog (UV radiation reacts with hydrocarbons and NOx emitted by cars, fossil fuel burning...) toxic to plants, irritates eyes and lungs ground level O3 concentrations have doubled since 1900

12 Production of O3 – Chapman mechanism
production of O3 (photochemistry) first explained by Sydney Chapman, English scientist, in 1930 assumes pure oxygen – nitrogen atmosphere production: UV photon with wavelength λ < 240 nm – UVC M – some molecule which accelerates the reaction but remains unchanged itself - catalyst

13 Production of O3 – Chapman mechanism
destruction: photon can be visible light – very fast reaction that can happen anywhere in the atmosphere ozone destroyed permanently – slow but important O from (3) can also recombine with O2 to form O3 O3 is constantly being produced and destroyed solar radiation needed – maximum production in tropics Chapman mechanism overestimates O3 production by 30% there are other processes in real atmosphere that destroy O3

14 Catalytic cycles of N, Cl, Br – destruction of O3
Chapman mechanism ignores the effect of trace atmospheric constituents: nitrous oxide (N2O), water vapor, freons (contain chlorine), ... they can be photolyzed and produce highly reactive radicals which destroy ozone Chlorine catalytic cycle: similar reactions happen for other radicals NO, Br, OH most radicals are anthropogenic but some are natural, e.g. hydroxyl (OH) complex chemistry

15 Catalytic cycles of N, Cl, Br – destruction of O3
Chlorine cycle: chlorine is the most important for stratospheric O3 chemistry current stratospheric chlorine concentration is ~ 3.3 ppb natural sources of chlorine: CH3Cl (methyl chloride) HCl (hydrogen chloride) produced by marine plankton most of it destroyed in troposphere in stratosphere only 0.6 ppb Cl (18% of total stratospheric chlorine) main sources are volcanic eruptions and sea spray most of it dissolves in water droplets and falls out – doesn’t reach stratosphere

16 Catalytic cycles of N, Cl, Br – destruction of O3
Chlorine cycle: anthropogenic sources of chlorine: chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or freons freon-11 (CCl3F): used as propellant, blowing agent for foams, cleaning electronics freon-12 (CCl3F2): refrigerant in air conditioners banned in US and replaced – concentrations decreasing since 1990s freons are very inert (and harmless) in troposphere, but also mix out to stratosphere where they photolyze with UV light and release Cl atom other chlorocarbons CCl4 (carbon tetrachloride), CH3CCl3 (methyl chloroform) concentrations strongly decreasing since early 1990s (usage decreased and short life time) sink: chlorine reacts with methane, produces HCl which precipitates to the surface

17 movie

18 Catalytic cycles of N, Cl, Br – destruction of O3
Nitrogen cycle: nitrogen radicals destroy O3 in catalytic reaction very similar to chlorine catalytic reaction radicals with odd nitrogen (NO, NO2) – very reactive sources: nitrous oxide (N2O) from troposphere (microbial activity in soils and ocean, fertilizers, supersonic transport airplanes which fly in stratosphere) converts to reactive radical NO: sink: NO2 eventually reacts with OH, converts to inert nitric acid (HNO3) and precipitates back to surface

19 Catalytic cycles of N, Cl, Br – destruction of O3
Bromine cycle: bromine destroys O3 in similar catalytic reaction sources of bromine: natural anthropogenic methyl bromide (CH3Br) produced in oceans halons (CF3Br, CF2ClBr) used in fire extinguishers halons defuse to stratosphere and photolyze with UV light releasing Br sink: precipitates to troposphere as hydrogen bromide HBr

20 Ozone hole – Antarctic ozone hole

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