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Keeping up to date on NCDs: effective use of the Internet

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1 Keeping up to date on NCDs: effective use of the Internet
Pascal Bovet, MD, MPH Professor, University Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, Lausanne Consultant for NCD Section, Ministry of Health, Seychelles 8th WHO-IUMSP International Seminar on the Public Health Aspects of NCDs Lausanne-Geneva, 2-7 June 2014

2 World Health Organization (WHO)
GBD Institute of Health Metrics Supercourse Wikipedia Resources for evidence-based public health (USPSTF, CPSTF, Cochrane, NICE) NCDseminar

3 WHO - NCD & mental heath

4 Tools to prevent NCD by objectives (6), targets (9) and indicators (25):

5 Global monitoring framework -

6 Health stat & info systems:
Chiolero - Internet ressources

7 HSIS – Global Health Observatory:

8 Global health observatory http://www. who. int/gho/en/ http://www. who

9 Data collection tools: http://www. who

10 Infobase :

11 WHO infobase -

12 Global health estimates (WHO): http://www. who
Global health estimates (WHO): example:

13 Tobacco free initiative

14 Surveillance tools STEPwise approach to surveillance (STEPS) There are currently two primary STEPS surveillance systems, the STEPwise approach to risk factor surveillance and the STEPwise approach to stroke surveillance. Global school-based student health survey (GSHS) .

HINARI Access to Research in Health Programme HINARI Programme set up by WHO together with major publishers, enables low- and middle- income countries to gain access to one of the world's largest collections of biomedical and health literature. Up to 13,000 journals (in 30 different languages), up to 28,800 e-books, up to 70 other information resources are now available to health institutions in more than 100 countries, areas and territories benefiting many thousands of health workers and researchers, and in turn, contributing to improve world health. Map of country breakdown 2014 png, 121kb

16 The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME): Global Burden of Diseases -

17 GBD country profiles India: causes risk factors

18 Supercourse -
By topics, for instance: Concepts of Epidemiology Course by Raj Bhohal (10 lectures in English and 1 in Spanish) Epidemiology Course by Nigel Paneth (22 lectures in English, Spanish Version translated by Nicolas Padilla and lectures in Portuguese, translated by Maria Rita Barros Justino) Introduction to Chronic Disease Epidemiology. Supplemental Curriculum for Health Department Associates (Laporte, Linkov) By authors: 1. S.N. Blair: Physical Inactivity: The Most Important Public Health Problem of the 21st Century

19 Wikipedia Lots of information on diseases and pathophysiology
Few information on prevention – but many links Improvement is necessary (limited scientific validity)

20 Resources for evidence-based public health
Kohatsu ND, Robinson JG, Torner JC. Evidence-based public health: an evolving concept. Am J Prev Med. 2004;27(5):

21 Authoritative web sites for NCDs
CDC World Heart Federation American Heart Association International Diabetes Federation Etc…

22 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
The USPSTF conducts scientific evidence reviews of a broad range of clinical preventive health care services (such as screening, counseling, and preventive medications) and develops recommendations for primary care clinicians and health systems. Screening for diabetes Screening for Breast Cancer Screening for prostate cancer with PSA Tobacco cessation

23 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Prevention of CVD

24 Cochrane:

25 Medline
US National Library of Medicine, NIH PubMed comprises more than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.

26 WHO-IUMSP Seminar firstname.lastname NCDseminar2012

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