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Parent Awareness Night: Social Media Safety CHS Policies and Indiana Laws April 30th, 2015 7:00 P.M.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Awareness Night: Social Media Safety CHS Policies and Indiana Laws April 30th, 2015 7:00 P.M."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Awareness Night: Social Media Safety CHS Policies and Indiana Laws
April 30th, :00 P.M.

2 Sergeant Phil Hobson Carmel Police Department School Resource Officer Karen McDaniel Assistant Principal Student Services Carmel High School

3 Topic Overview Social Media Parent Awareness and Resources
Laws Related to Social Media School Policies and College Admissions Q & A

4 Child Exploitation Harassment Intimidation
Laws and Trends Child Exploitation Harassment Intimidation



7 Social Media Apps Instagram Kik SnapChat Omegle Whisper
Photo Vaults


9 Social Media & Employment

10 Social Media & Employment
93% of hiring managers will review a candidate’s social profile before making a hiring decision. Of those, 55% have reconsidered a candidate based on what they find, with most (61%) of those double-takes being negative. Worst mistakes? – referencing illegal drugs, profanity, guns, alcohol, spelling/grammar Time Magazine

11 Social Media & Employment
Accordingly to a 2014 survey by, 51% of all employers use social networking sites to research job candidates, rejecting those whose social media profiles include provocative photos, evidence of drug use or drinking, negative posts about previous employers or co-workers, or comments that might be interpreted as racist, sexist or ageist. This figure is up from 34% in 2012. Forbes

12 Social Media & College

13 Social Media & College A recent study by Kaplan found that nearly 1/3 of college admission officers check social media to see if an applicant would make a good fit at their educational institution. Up 5% from last year. 12% of college admission applicants were rejected because of what the college saw on social media.

14 Before you send, text, forward or post, ask yourself. . . .
Will I be embarrassed if the whole school sees it? Could it jeopardize my chance at college or jobs? Am I sure this is a good idea? Could it hurt my reputation? Can this get me in trouble at school or home? Will my parents be mad? Is it illegal?

15 Misusing Social Media Ramifications for CHS students

16 Social Media Misuse Regardless of whether or not the misuse (bullying, intimidation, threats, sexting, etc.) of social media occurred during the school day or on school property, CHS administration has an obligation to investigate. If the social media misuse violates school rules by creating a disruption to the educational environment and process, the school may pursue disciplinary action, which may include suspension or expulsion.

17 Additional Parent Resources

18 Sergeant Phillip Hobson
Assistant Principal Karen McDaniel (317) ext 7411 Sergeant Phillip Hobson (317) ext 7079

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