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Aborigines — The First Australians

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Presentation on theme: "Aborigines — The First Australians"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aborigines — The First Australians

2 The Word Aborigine Derived from Latin Means “from the beginning”
Given by the Europeans Aborigine = Koori

3 Where Do They Come From? The first inhabitants of Australia From Asia
Around years ago

4 What Are They? dreamtime Dark–skinned Nomadic hunter–gathers
Spears and boomerangs Fruits, nuts and yams aborigines, about 250 tribal groups Own territory, traditions, beliefs and language dreamtime

5 The First Encounter With Settlers
1770 Botany Bay, Captain James Cook “First Fleet” Spirits of dead ancestors 1778 Captain Arthur Phillip

6 The First Misunderstanding And Conflict
Different cultures The behaviour of white foreigners Fights and killing Diseases

7 Depravation Ferra nullius (unhabited by humans)
Whites occupied the country Killing and explotation continued » Aborigines were second class citizens in their own land

8 Reconciliation Returnung land to their traditional owners
Encouraging Aborigines to rebuild their culture and lives Still a long way to go 1,5% of the Australian population


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