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USA, France and Australia

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1 USA, France and Australia
Ethnic Sports USA, France and Australia

2 USA Baggatoway - Lacrosse
New games to lose colonial image. Native sports encouraged - Am Foot, Base, Bask. Rugby Gridiron Football. Masculine, sensational, violent. Reinforced policy of isolation. Rounders Baseball. Ice Hockey - Speed and collision. New Games - Basketball - Invented in 1891. Volleyball - Created in USA in University.

3 France Ethnic game = ‘confined to a small geographical are that is rural and remote.’ Some daily, some annual. Brittany - Breton wrestling, 1300s. Basque Provinces - The 6 meet annually for rural games festival. Strongman sports. La boule - Street game popular throughout France. Social game.

4 Australia Aboriginal games - Functional, survival.
Aborigines thought of as sub-human until 1971. Still underrepresented in many sports. Aussie Rules - Origins in Melbourne. Taken form an aboriginal leaping game. Shaped by several cultural factors?

5 Questions With reference to the culture and the nature of the game, outline why Australian football is a refection of ‘frontierism’. (6) Give an example of one ethnic sport from France and explain why it is considered important within the community. (5) Describe and explain the social changes that have occurred in basketball since the invention of the game in (5)

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