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Joel Priestley, Text Laboratory Oxford, April 2016

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1 Joel Priestley, Text Laboratory Oxford, April 2016
The LIA Project Joel Priestley, Text Laboratory Oxford, April 2016

2 LIA Funded by: The Infrastructure program, the Norwegian Research Council Amount: NOK 27 Mill (≈ GBP 2.5 Mill) 2014–2019 Who: The four big universities in Norway (UiT, UiB, NTNU and UiO) and the National Library Coordinated at UiO

3 Goal Gather, preserve and digitize audio recordings (1950s–1980s, mostly Norwegian dialects, but also Sami and North American Norwegian heritage language) Transcribe all recordings Make available as corpus and downloadable audio files where possible (some restricted by the data protection legislation)

4 The Corpus Built on the same model as the Nordic Dialect Corpus
Newly redeveloped Glossa interface Intended for dialect and language research Freely accessible Comprising Speech recordings from NTNU, UiB, UiO and UiT Corresponding transcriptions (phonetic, orthographic, morphological) Metadata Distributable: Recordings of informants born before1925 are freely available All transcriptions can be downloaded

5 Data Manually transcribed using coarse-grained phonetic standard (ELAN) Orthographic tier generated using (semi-) automatic transliteration tool (propagation) Morphosyntactic tier generated from orthography Time coded at «sentence» level

6 Distribution of “imellom”
Glossa Common technologies Easy to install (java archive) Feature rich Flexible (text, spoken, parallel, etc.) Federated content search Audio/video Acoustic analysis Geographical maps Distribution of “imellom”

7 Transcription guidelines:
Coarse-grained phonetic transcription according to Papazian & Helleland: Norsk talemål E.g.: L ← [ɽ] (retroflex flap) å ← /o/, o ← /u/ and u ← /ū/ sj ← /ş/, kj ← /ç/ Transcription guidelines:



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