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The Integrated Microbial Genome (IMG) systems

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1 The Integrated Microbial Genome (IMG) systems
Nikos Kyrpides Genome Biology Program (GBP) DOE Joint Genome institute 1

2 IMG IMG Systems Data Types Genes SNPs Proteomics Regulons Genomes
Functions Metadata Clusters IMG SNPs Proteomics Regulons Transcriptomes

3 Gene/Genome context analysis tools
Gene Context Tools Gene Fusion Gene neighborhood Gene co-occurrence Genome Synteny Tools VISTA (predetermined genome set) DotPlot (two user specified genomes) ACT (multiple user specified genomes) Gene Fusion Gene Synteny Co-occurence DotPlot ACT

4 Gene Fusions

5 Conserved chromosomal cassettes
Genes are replaced by protein families (COGs, pfams, IMG ortholog families). One gene  multiple families. H G F E D C B A XI X IX VII VI V IV III II I Conserved chromosomal cassette contains: cassettes that share at least TWO protein families, protein families that cassettes have in common. The definition of conserved chromosomal cassette does not take into account the order of the protein families on the cassette. Mavromatis et al, (2009) PLoS ONE

6 Missing Function context based analysis
Missing function from the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway No known gene for this function has a homolog in Streptococci

7 Genome Synteny tools

8 IMG Function Curation 1. Protein Product 2. Protein Family
public & automatic 1. Protein Product 2. Protein Family

9 IMG Function Curation (b) manual 3. IMG Term 4. MyIMG

10 IMG Function Curation 1. Protein Product 2. Protein Family 3. IMG Term
Automatic and Manual 1. Protein Product 2. Protein Family 3. IMG Term 4. MyIMG

11 Who is there?

12 Finding organisms

13 What is the role of the organism in the community?

14 What is the metabolic potential of the community?
Function Abundance

15 Relative abundance of functions
Cloning bias. PCR bias. Assembly coverage. Misassemblies. Erroneous gene prediction.

16 IMG curation

17 Curation check


19 Gene annotation curation
Allows overview comparisons between cluster (family) and gene annotations to identify over and underclassified genes

20 Gene page Main gene detail page



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