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Field Experience I: Midpoint Check-in

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1 Field Experience I: Midpoint Check-in


3 Sign–in Sheet

4 Agenda Discuss Midpoint Assignments Complete Assignment 2: What do I need to know about the edTPA?

5 2 Midpoint Assignments Listed in Syllabus:
Assignment 1: Evaluating the Literacy Environment (due by midpoint of semester on Academic Calendar) Read the article The Importance of the Classroom Library by Susan B. Nueman. Take notes on and keep track of your favorite ideas from the article, as well as any comments and questions that come up. Complete the Print / Literacy Rich Checklist for your fieldwork classroom from the website Complete the Early Childhood Context for Learning Information part in the edTPA Early Childhood Assessment Handbook for your fieldwork classroom. You can locate this by using the Table of Contents in your edTPA handbook. Look for “Early Childhood Context for Learning Information.” Complete as much as you can of this part of the edTPA. The purpose of this part of the assignment is to familiarize you with this portion of the edTPA and to help you take an inventory of what you know/don’t know about the literacy environment and the learners in your placement. You will probably not have enough information to answer every single question. That is okay, just do the best you can. Find the template for this section on the Blackboard Community site – “edTPA STU CANDIDATES” find the tab on the left called “edTPA Permission Letters, Calendars, and Document Templates” Locate the “Early Childhood Templates.” Download the “Task 1 Context for Learning” template and type your responses into it. Turn in this completed form on LiveText Based on your reading of the article, your findings on the Print / Literacy Rich Environment Checklist, and your completion of the Context for Learning pages from the edTPA, answer the following questions using one well-written paragraph per question. What are areas of strength in the literacy environment? What areas need to be strengthened? What materials need to be added? Turn your answers to #4 in on LiveText. Assignment 2: What Do I Need To Know About the EdTPA? Assignment (due by midpoint of semester on Academic Calendar) Bring a hard copy or digital copy of the Early Childhood edTPA with you to the fieldwork meeting. Complete activities during the meeting. We will begin the assignment sheet together, and you will finish the assignment sheet on your own. Turn in your completed assignment sheet on LiveText Submit on LiveText by Fri. 10/14 Submit on LiveText by Fri. 10/21

6 Assignment 1: Evaluating the Literacy Environment
As a teacher you will create a literate environment in your classroom. On the edTPA, you will be asked to explain theory/research that supports the instructional choices you made about the literate environment As a practicing teacher, you will be asked to justify decisions you have made regarding the literate environment of your classroom.

7 Step 1: Read Article

8 Step 2: Complete Checklist

9 Step 3: Early Childhood Context for Learning Use the Table of Contents in your EdTPA

10 Based on steps 1,2, & 3, answer the following questions using one well-written paragraph per question. What are areas of strength in the literacy environment? What areas need to be strengthened? What materials need to be added? **TURN THIS IN ON LIVETEXT

11 So wait, what do you turn in????
Completed Context for Learning Responses to the three questions on the previous slide [NOT the checklist!]

12 Assignment 2: What Do I Need To Know About the EdTPA?

13 Teachers are like lawyers and doctors
Coursework must be completed but specialization exam must also be passed

14 Current Use This is up 39 programs from last year. States in red, required for certification. States in grey, working toward that. States in tan, have programs at some school who are exploring edTPA.

15 edTPA Performance Assessment Aligns with APPR
Based on work of Linda Darling-Hammond & colleagues at Stanford 25 years of Educational Research

16 Assignment 2: Complete edTPA Activity Sheet

17 Our purpose – scroll out and get a lay of the land before you zoom in on each part that you need to complete.




21 How are all these artifacts and commentaries submitted?
Turn to pg. 43 Early Childhood Evidence Chart Each task is broken down into parts (i.e. A-E) with specifications on how each of those parts needs to be submitted. Types of files Number of files Length of responses Etc.


23 How is your work graded? Multiple Rubrics for every task
Task 1 – p How many rubrics are there? What is each focused on? Task 2 – p How many rubrics are there? What is each focused on? Task 3 – p. 33. How many rubrics are there? What is each focused on?


25 Who does well on edTPA? Those who…
Prepare ahead of time by studying handbooks Seek assistance when needed (peers and supervisors) Plan to devote time during student teaching to the exam (in other words, do not work another job – student teaching is full time work already)

26 Due Dates for Midpoint Assignments
Assignments Due on LiveText

27 ENDPOINT meetings posted on website One endpoint assignment-- CHECK YOUR SYLLABUS

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