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The big picture at Morris Brandon
The view from MBES Administrative Team
Vision and Mission Nurture, inspire, and support students in becoming lifelong, responsible, compassionate inquirers who develop a global perspective. Create a rigorous learning environment that prepares our students to be leaders in the global community.
We will work collaboratively to:
Beliefs We will work collaboratively to: provide our students with authentic problem solving experiences and relevant academic experiences encourage students to take active roles in their learning through hands-on activities and guided inquiry immerse our students in a technology-rich setting employ diverse instructional techniques to meet the needs of all our students celebrate diversity and model a fully inclusive community
Where we’ve been and Where we’re going
Special Education Improvements Consistency of processes and instruction Writing teaching and learning improvements Communication improvements Transition to Milestones Data Tracking to tailor instruction and services Teacher Leadership Technology Improvements DLI planning Math and Science improvement planning IB Action Plan and Improvement International Travelers In School Targeted Tutoring School Wide Culture Math Teaching and Learning Improvement Science Teaching and Learning Improvement DLI Implementation
Morris Brandon Elementary School (North Atlanta Cluster)
District Mission & Vision Cluster Mission & Vision School Mission & Vision With a caring culture of trust and collaboration, every student will graduate ready for college and career. A high-performing school district where students love to learn, educators inspire, families engage and the community trusts the system To implement IB with depth and fidelity for all students in order to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who will graduate ready for college and career. A high performing cluster where students, educators and families work together to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To nurture, inspire, and support students in becoming lifelong, responsible, compassionate inquirers who develop a global perspective. To create a rigorous learning environment that prepares our students to be leaders in the global community. Signature Program: International Baccalaureate Key Performance Measures School Priorities School Strategies Increase Math Performance in Proficient and Distinguished categories from 72% GA Milestones. (include a STAR Math measure for K-2 after baseline year) Increase Science Performance in Proficient and Distinguished categories from 72% to GA Milestones. Maintain an 81% or higher rate of students performing in the Proficient/Distinguished categories on GA Milestones in ELA (include a STAR Reading measure for K-2 after baseline year) Maintain a 74% or higher rate of students performing in the Proficient/Distinguished categories on GA Milestones in SS Increase Total Progress Points across all academic areas from a 72.8 (from ELA 75.6, Math 78.4, Sci 65.3, SS 71.8) Satisfy all IB Program standards, reducing MTBA from 14. Increase stakeholder (student, personnel, parent) satisfaction as measured by GA climate survey. Improve student mastery in Math and Science Maintain student achievement levels in ELA and Social Studies Implement the IB PYP model with fidelity Ensure all subgroups are making academic progress across all content areas. A. Utilize the Eureka Math curriculum resource with fidelity in K-5. B. Develop and implement an ongoing professional development plan for continuous support in best practices in content area instruction. C. Define, refine, and implement an instructional framework that is implemented with fidelity in K-5. E. Utilize standards-based common assessments and progress monitor student data by implementing a data analysis and response protocol to provide remediation and enrichment where needed. F. Implement the 5-year action plan submitted to the IBO in response to the 2015 evaluation. Academic Program Uses of Flexibility/Innovation A. Provide targeted professional learning opportunities focused on the implementation of the Georgia Standards of Excellence and the IB PYP. B. Implement intentional vertical and horizontal alignment collaboration throughout school and cluster. C. Increase the number of Gifted certified teachers in order to implement a Gifted model that aligns with the IB PYP. D. Continue to onboard qualified DLI staff (bilingual teachers and paraprofessionals) 5. Build teacher capacity in core content areas, particularly math and science 6. Ensure all faculty receive and maintain adequate training and certification needed to implement the IB PYP with fidelity, to include DLI. 7. Build and implement systems for identifying and addressing root causes which may prohibit academic growth for all students 8. Build systems and resources to support IB PYP implementation Talent Management Uses of Flexibility/Innovation Ensure adequate funding and resources are in place for progress monitoring, remediation, and enrichment tools and resources. Ensure school day/year schedule and programming allows time for remediation, enrichment, and instructional activities designed to support student growth across performance levels. Ensure adequate funding is available to support the number of teachers needed, the amount of training required, and the quantity of instructional resources available to provide an IB PYP experience for all students. Systems & Resources 9. Increase opportunities for student recognition 10. Maintain a positive, informed and engaged school culture Design and implement a student recognition plan and implement with fidelity for K-5. Ensure adequate funding to support this plan. Design a parent education plan to keep parents informed and engaged in the IB PYP and instructional framework. Implement an internal and external communication plan. Culture Uses of Flexibility/Innovation
Post Elementary School Readiness
Achievement Content Mastery Milestones 2016% 2016 points 2015% 2015 points ELA Developing or Above 104.51 10.451 10.545 Math Developing or Above 98.922 9.892 96.784 9.678 Science Developing or Above 98.235 9.824 95.261 9.526 SS Developing or Above 10.284 10.088 Total 40.451 45.1 39.837 Post Elementary School Readiness ELL performance band movement (ACCESS) 68.75 7.53 87.5 9.584 SWD in gen. ed 80% of day 62.5 9.615 60 9.231 3rd grade with 650+ lexile 89.881 8.988 85.795 8.58 5th grade with 850+ lexile 94.643 9.464 98.039 9.804 career lessons completed 100 10 93.131 9.316 missing fewer than 6 days 66.455 9.73 65.15 9.539 55.327 56.054 Predictor for HS Graduation Proficient/Distinguished 76.225 7.623 74.526 7.453 Total Achievement Points 45.5
Progress 2016 2015 ELA 75.6 76.9 Math 78.4 78.8 Science 65.3 68 SS
2016 2015 ELA 75.6 76.9 Math 78.4 78.8 Science 65.3 68 SS 71.8 63.1 Total 72.8 Points 38 37.5
Achievement Gap Gap Size Gap Progress Points 2016 2015 2014 ELA 3 2 NA
Gap Size Gap Progress Points 2016 2015 2014 ELA 3 2 NA Math Science SS
ED/EL/SWD 2016 2015 # of test scores 320 305 % test scores 15.7 14.8
2016 2015 # of test scores 320 305 % test scores 15.7 14.8 points 1.5/1.6 .9/1.5 meeting subgroup performance target 11 out of 12 7 out of 12
Subgroup Performance ELA 2016 ELA 2015 Math 2016 Math 2015 Sci 2016
ELA 2016 ELA 2015 Math 2016 Math 2015 Sci 2016 Sci 2015 SS 2016 SS 2015 Black 77.143 81.452 65.714 62.903 60 66.154 74.286 74.615 Hispanic 70 75 74 73.214 68 60.714 62.5 ED 71.277 63.83 53.191 50 63 59.574 62 EL 68.75 71.875 64.706 65.625 SWD 62.857 66.129 64.286 45 68.571 63.235 72.857 70.588 White 107.18
Exceeding the Bar 2016% 2016 points 2015% 2015 points 2014%
2016% 2016 points 2015% 2015 points 2014% 2014 points 1 above grade level classes 2 passing WL or Fine Arts 100 0.5 98.543 3 STEM No N 4 5th Grade Career Portfolio 54.375 5 SLDS clicks Yes 6 Innovative Practice 7 Personalized Climate Practice TOTAL
2016 Milestones ELA 2016 ELA 2015 Math 2016 Math 2015 Sci 2016
ELA 2016 ELA 2015 Math 2016 Math 2015 Sci 2016 Sci 2015 SS 2016 SS 2015 Distinguished 30 34 28 27 26 33 Proficient 51 48 44 45 41 40 Developing 15 13 23 21 Beginning 4 5 7 6
Where we’ve been and Where we’re going
IB Action Plan and Improvement International Travelers In School Targeted Tutoring Schoolwide Culture Math Teaching and Learning Improvement Science Teaching and Learning Improvement DLI Implementation Roll out of Collaborative Gifted Model in grade 1 and planning for Cluster/Collab in Grade 2 in Next steps in Math and Science improvements Refresher Reading training and implementation K-5 Next phase of DLI Implementation World Language examination Next steps of Hive roll out Inclusive practices training for all staff
Differentiated Supports Culture Hives Inclusivity Signature Program
Academics Math/Science/ Reading Differentiated Supports Culture Hives Inclusivity Signature Program International Baccalaureate (IB)/International Travelers (IT) Dual Language Immersion
Differentiated Supports Culture Hives Inclusivity Signature Program
Academics Math/Science Reading Differentiated Supports Culture Hives Inclusivity Signature Program International Baccalaureate (IB)/International Travelers (IT) Dual Language Immersion
Math, Science and Reading
Eureka Math implementation Pacing, common assessments, PD Science Labs Science standards-based common assessments Complete Reading Series Refresher training K-5 Use of Lexile leveled text to guide reading instruction Standards-based reading instruction/protocols K-5
Differentiated Supports Culture Hives Inclusivity Signature Program
Academics Math/Science Differentiated Supports Culture Hives Inclusivity Signature Program International Baccalaureate (IB)/International Travelers (IT) Dual Language Immersion
Gifted EIP ESOL SST Tutoring
Special Education
Differentiated Supports Culture Hives Inclusivity Signature Program
Academics Math/Science Differentiated Supports Culture Hives Inclusivity Signature Program International Baccalaureate (IB)/International Travelers (IT) Dual Language Immersion
What Hive are you in? Next Steps -student to student mentoring
-increased student recognition -individual Hive meetings/assemblies -increased opportunities for Hive specific events
Differentiated Supports Culture Hives Inclusivity Signature Program
Academics Math/Science Differentiated Supports Culture Hives Inclusivity Signature Program International Baccalaureate (IB)/International Travelers (IT) Dual Language Immersion
Inclusivity and Responsiveness
Culturally Responsive Classroom PD Brain Breaks Alternative seating Technology integration “Push in” over “pull out” Focus on multi-culturalism of student body Use of data to inform instructional decisions
Differentiated Supports Culture Hives Inclusivity Signature Program
Academics Math/Science Differentiated Supports Culture Hives Inclusivity Signature Program International Baccalaureate (IB)/International Travelers (IT) Dual Language Immersion
International Baccalaureate
What is IB? Curriculum Model The Learner Profile Concept Based Learning Transdisciplinary Learning Explicit teaching of International mindedness Student centered/student inquiry Best practices from around the world Preparing students for successful participation in a global society “A program of international education designed to help students develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, and skills necessary to participate actively and responsibly in a changing world.”
International Travelers
“Born with the vision to provide students with an international experience, the International Travelers Program is a week-long classroom immersion in the culture, history, and language of a foreign country.” This inaugural year MBES will be traveling to MEXICO! We need your help!
Differentiated Supports Culture Hives Inclusivity Signature Program
Academics Math/Science Differentiated Supports Culture Hives Inclusivity Signature Program International Baccalaureate (IB)/International Travelers (IT) Dual Language Immersion
Dual Language Immersion (DLI)
Implementation of Spanish Immersion is taking place in Kindergarten this year. The program is a one way 50/50 model. 50 students are participating in the program. Students learn English/Language Arts, Social Studies/Science in English and Math, Social Studies/Science, and Spanish Literacy in Spanish Students receive lesson reinforcement in the opposite language on a daily basis. The program is off to a terrific start!!! We will add a cohort every year beginning in K. So next year we will have a K and 1 cohort.
Budget/Staffing 2017-2018 Same number of HRs as this year
Projected enrollment of 1000 which would be about 20 less than current enrollment Looping may occur with a couple of teachers; those HRs will be notified by letter after Spring Break if this is to occur 8 teachers moving grade levels Hiring for Spanish DLI, Spanish speaking paraprofessional, Self-contained Special Education classroom
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