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Computer Security: Problem

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1 Computer Security: Problem
The Problem: Billions in Losses Outright theft Online scams Viruses / Worms Actual damage Actions to avoid damage Denial of Service Etc. Possible Traps (Public Systems ! ! ! ) Trojan Horse Onlooker Cameras

2 Computer Security: Defenses
Passwords Using Secure Passwords Keeping them Secure Encryption Simple (Classical Encryption – Pre-Computer) Strong (Modern – Computer Based) Good Practices Like all fields, doing something stupid … Tradeoffs Is the cure worse than the disease? Long Live Common Sense!

3 Good Passwords and Cracking
Briefcase (style) Combination Locks Brute force methods: Try all combinations Number of wheels Number of position per wheel Time per trial How long does it take? Contrast to BRUTE brute force method (Always Consider!) Password on a computer + More possibilities per “wheel” + More “wheels” (often up to user) - Computer based cracking faster! - Dictionary attacks Picking a good UNIX password

4 Classical Encryption When passwords fail, encryption can be fallback
Also provides extra level of difficulty Security vs. Privacy Many levels of encryption sophistication: Go through some of them Single Alphabetic Substitution Caesar: L FDPH, L VDZ, L FRQTXHUHG Magic decoder ring? Cryptoquote Cracking single alphabetic substitution Character frequency -- ETAONIRSH (Length of text)

5 Classical Encryption: Single Alphabet
I F O J L K F J N D C E L N P N C X N D J L D V F F O J I D M R N J L U J F O V R M I F J M R F C M R S L K F C M S C N C M, D C N Q C D M S F C, K F C K N S P N E S C B S U N J M X, D C E E N E S K D M N E M F M R N G J F G F L S M S F C M R D M D B B A N C D J N K J N D M N E N H O D B. -- D B S C K F B C A 1 H 1 O 4 V 2 B 6 I 3 P 2 W 0 C 16 J 11 Q 1 X 2 D 14 K 7 R 6 Y 0 E 7 L 6 S 10 Z 0 F 15 M 15 T 0 G 2 N 18 U 2

6 Classical Encryption Polyalphabetic Substitution Cypher Reuse !
The Vignere Cypher The Babbit Solution How many alphabets used? digraph frequency “th” Several Single-Alphabet problems Cypher Reuse ! Bigger pool of data Patterns become obvious One Time Pads Can be Absolutely Secure Computers and Random Number Generators ?!

7 Classical Encryption The Key Exchange Problem Threats
Using your “secure” channel A padlock analogy Diffie, Hellman, and Merkle solution

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