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Heart, Blood vessels, EKG.

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Presentation on theme: "Heart, Blood vessels, EKG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heart, Blood vessels, EKG

2 Heart



5 Blood vessels

6 EKG P: Atrial depolarization QRS: Ventricular depolarization
T: Ventricular repolarization



9 AliveCor

10 Avoid touching metal and remove jewelry
Place two fingers of each hand on electrode Alivecor: go to playstore and download Kardia Password: windward96744 Avoid touching metal and remove jewelry

11 Directions After recording, email the recording to yourself
Open it up on the class laptop and print. Identify and label 3 waves 4. Describe or diagram the associated events that are occurring in the cardiac pump at the time of each of these wave deflections. 5. Estimate the heart rate by measuring the distance between two adjacent QRS complexes.

12 R T P Q S P-R segment S-T HT T P wave T wave T-R S-T interval
P-R interval P-R segment QRS Complex Q-T interval S-T interval T wave S-T T-R P wave HT T

13 Estimate Heart Rate

14 Conditions Lying Down (Baseline) Sitting Up Breath Hold Exercise
Effects of body position and exercise on ECG wave durations and interval Conditions Lying Down (Baseline) Sitting Up Breath Hold Exercise

15 Table 1. Individual ECG Data
Table 2. Effects of Exercise and Body Position on ECG Intervals TR T (ht) T QT Int ST Seg QRS P-R seg P-R Int P Heart Rate Condition Lying down (baseline) Sitting up breath hold (20 sec) Exercise (5 minutes) Subject Info Subject 1 Gender Age Fitness 1-5 Subject 2 Subject 3 Ave Segment Measured Duration Normal Duration P wave 1. 2. 3. Ave P-R Interval P-R Segment 0.06 QRS Complex S-T segment <0.20 Q-T Interval T wave T-R variable Estimated Heart Rate

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