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Irvine Ranch Conservancy Monitoring on the IRNL

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1 Irvine Ranch Conservancy Monitoring on the IRNL
Heli survey 15 days Missing last four days (ended on

2 The Irvine Ranch Stewardship For a Sustainable Tomorrow
4/20/2018 October 2004 Update

3 HABITATS We manage to protect and enhance native habitats and wildlife

4 Conservation Targets Management Actions Compliance
Fundamental research questions are luxuries here

5 ↑ FIRE FREQUENCY ? Smog Human Access Loss of Predators Climate Change
Invasive Species Climate Change Loss of Predators Habitat Loss & Degradation Smog ?

We try to make monitoring QUESTION-BASED and informative for adaptive management

7 Measure Success of Our Adaptive Management in:
Increasing native habitat diversity, structure & function Decreasing key invasive species Decreasing impacts of frequent fires Maintaining wildlife & sensitive species Minimizing human access impacts

What are the thresholds for community stability and resilience in relation to relative levels of non-native abundance and to other threats? 3400 endemic plants in the CFP. USGS USGS 8

Habitat-specific long-term monitoring (CSS, oak woodland, perennial grassland) Invasive species surveys Vegetation mapping Aerial photo analysis / long-term photos Floristic inventories (post-fire / opportunistic) Wildlife monitoring

10 Habitat Monitoring CSS Grassland Oak woodland
Transects across a gradient of cover Transects within burned and unburned CSS (SDNHM small mammal arrays) Other long-term transects? Grassland Polygon-level post-fire grassland survey Oak woodland

11 Random selection using a number generator
Locations within the 2007 Santiago Fire Burn Area. GIS Suitability Criteria: 1) >30m from “in-tact” CSS (>60% shrub cover) 2) >30m from pure non-native (>90% cover) stands 3) One of three common CSS types (Jones & Stokes 1992) Sagebrush-black sage Sagebrush-buckwheat Mixed sage 4) 30 – 300m from roads 5) Habitat area of at least 100m2 Random selection using a number generator


13 Restoration Monitoring
Point intercept transects CNPS rapid assessments Quadrats Photo-points Some external soil flora monitoring Arthropod monitoring

14 Invasive Surveys


16 Over 4000 populations in total

17 Sensitive Plant/Floristic Surveys

Periodic small mammal surveys (post-fire and 3-5 yr) Raptor surveys (annual) Wildlife activity (quarterly) External surveys (e.g., Sea and Sage quarterly bird counts) Luxury surveys Trapdoor spiders Butterfly transects

19 STRESSORS AND IMPACTS Wildfire occurrence/extent/impact
On wildlife, rodents, raptors, habitat etc. Human recreation impacts Wildlife response to stressors

20 How does human activity affect wildlife activity, movement patterns, and persistence? How do these patterns vary over spatial scale and over shorter versus longer term time frames? χ2 = 81.79, df = 2, P < 0.01 Prop. Days Obs. Daily Human Access


22 OUR LONG-TERM NEEDS Long-term and experimental data to address management concerns about habitat trajectories. Collaboration with establishing, maintaining and analyzing long-term studies designed to address both management and fundamental research questions. Updates to researcher study sites and findings.

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