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Intelligent Systems Technical Committee

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1 Intelligent Systems Technical Committee
August 4, 2016 AIAA Intelligent Systems Workshop NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA

2 ISTC Summer 2016 Meeting Agenda
Opening welcome by chair and a round of introductions - (5 min) ISTC update – (10 min) IS workshop update – (10 min) Roadmap Subcommittee update – (10 min) conference planning – (10 min) Item 5 – Other subcommittee reports (5 min each - 35 min total) Awards Membership PDE&O Procedures Public Policy Publications Website TC Chair Election Process (10 min) Adjourn Social at local pub (chair invites all)

3 Members Sam Adhikari Sysoft Corporation Florian Adolf
German Aerospace Center DLR Nisar Ahmed University of Colorado Boulder Danette Allen NASA Langley Ella Atkins University of Michigan Mark Balas Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, FL Christine Belcastro David Casbeer AFRL Kelly Cohen University of Cincinnati Steve Cook MITRE Corp Mary Cummings Duke Richard Doyle NASA JPL Nick Ernest Psibernetix Inc Fernando Figueroa NASA Stennis Yu Gu West Virginia University Joshua Harris Texas A&M Michel Ingham NASA JPL Elad Kivelevitch University of Cincinnati Kevin Kochersberger Virginia Tech Stephan Kolitz Draper Lab Chetan Kulkarni NASA Ames / SGT Andrew Lacher MITRE Quang Lam Leidos Amanda Lampton Systems Technology Inc Thomas Lombaerts Catharine McGhan University of Michigan Andrew Meade Rice University Kevin Melcher NASA Glenn Miguel Morales HCL Technologies Jonathan Muse AFRL Natasha Neogi NASA Langley Nhan Nguyen NASA Ames Akira Oyama JAXA Eric Rozier University of Cincinnati Kristin Rozier John Ryan NASA Armstrong Chelsea Sabo University of Sheffield  Robert Savely NASA Johnson Daniel Selva Cornell University Julie Shah MIT Ashok Srivastava Verizon Sean Swei NASA Ames James Steck Wichita State U. Christopher Tschan Aerospace Corp John Valasek Texas A&M Yan Wan University of Texas, Arlington Adnan Yucel Lockheed Martin Tansel Yucelen University of South Florida Paul Zetocha AFRL

4 ISTC Update 2016 is shaping up to be another good year
3rd Intelligent Systems Workshop at NASA LaRC – 165 registered Public release of 1st edition of roadmap on June 6, 2016 TAC funding return and fund raising from Intelligent Systems Workshop ISTC continues to enjoy strong membership interest 49 members 11 new membership applications, 7 accepted ISG selected ISTC for TC-of-the-Quarter article “Roadmap for Intelligent Systems in Aerospace” in the TAC newsletter ISTC received TAC funding approval for $470 for Synopsis Championship and $500 for TC loyalty and recognition items – must be spent by September 30 2017 Intelligent Systems Workshop at University Of Michigan? Ella Atkins has volunteered to host the workshop

5 ISTC Update ISG creates Information Systems Forum task force
TAC considers possible Information Systems Forum First meeting at Aviation Forum in June 2016 ISTC chair represents ISG at AIAA nomination committee at Space Forum on September 15, 2016 Opportunities for subcommittee leaderships in publications and PDEO subcommittees Finally, our former chair, Kelly Cohen, has stepped down from the ISTC due to health issues

6 Subcommittees Roadmap Subcommittee – Chairs: Chris Tschan, Adnan Yucel
Members: Missy Cummings, Quang Lam, Nhan Nguyen, Yu Gu, Dani Selva, Yan Wan Workshop subcommittee – Chairs: John Valasek, Danette Allen Members: Florian Adolf, Nhan Nguyen, Chris Belcastro Conference Planning subcommittee – Chair: David Casbeer Members: Sam Adhikari, Florian Adolf, Nisar Ahmed, Ella Atkins, Mark Balas, Fernando Figueroa, Elad Kivelevitch, Kevin Kochersberger, Amanda Lampton, Thomas Lombaerts, Natasha Neogi, Julie Shah, Yan Wan, Adnan Yucel, Tansel Yucelen, Paul Zetocha Awards subcommittee – Chairs: Chelsea Sabo, Kevin Melcher Members: Mark Balas, Mitch Ingham, Stephan Kolitz, Amanda Lampton, Miguel Morales, Nhan Nguyen, Robert Savely, James Steck, Tansel Yucelen Membership subcommittee – Chairs: Nhan Nguyen, David Casbeer Members: Kelly Cohen, Chris Tschan

7 Subcommittees PDE&O subcommittee – Chairs: Kristin Rozier, Chelsea Sabo Members: Ella Atkins, Missy Cummings, Rich Doyle, Stephan Kolitz, Chetan Kulkarni, Amanda Lampton, Catharine McGhan, Andrew Mead, Eric Rozier, James Steck Procedures subcommittee – Chairs: John Ryan, Sam Adhikari Members: Sam Adhikari, David Casbeer, Mitch Ingham, Marcus Johnson, Elad Kivelevitch, Quang Lam, Kevin Melcher, Miguel Morales, Chelsea Sabo, Ashok Srivastava, Adnan Yucel Public Policy subcommittee – Chair: Chris Tschan, Elad Kivelevitch Members: Christine Belcastro, Steve Cook, Missy Cummings, Kevin Kochersberger, Quang Lam, Kevin Melcher, Eric Rozier, Paul Zetocha Publications subcommittee – Chairs: Ella Atkins, Elad Kivelevitch Members: Florian Adolf, Nisar Ahmed, Kelly Cohen, Rich Doyle, Thomas Lombaerts, Akira Oyama, John Valasek Website subcommittee – Chair: Catharine McGhan Members: Nick Ernest

8 Park Lane Tavern of Hampton
TC Social Park Lane Tavern of Hampton Peninsula Town Center, 4200 Kilgore Ave, Hampton, VA 23666

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