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Ms. Kelly 7th Grade Health

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1 Ms. Kelly 7th Grade Health
TOBACCO Ms. Kelly 7th Grade Health

2 Journal #5: How have you, personally, been affected by tobacco, alcohol, or drug use. (Please do NOT use names unless you have individual’s permission.)

3 Smoking Pre-Test

4 1.) True or False: Smoking is the second most preventable cause of death in the US. FALSE

5 ~4000 Every day, _______________ teens smoke their first cigarette.
2.) ~4000 Every day, _______________ teens smoke their first cigarette.

6 3.) 19 _______ % of US adults were current smokers in 2011

7 4.) 69 _________% of smokers want to quit, but only __________% actually attempt to each year. 43

8 5.) True or False: A preservative for dead frogs is one of the substances found in cigarette smoke. TRUE

9 6.) INCREASES Nicotine __________________ your heart rate and causes your blood vessels to _________________ CONSTRICT

10 FALSE True or False: Chewing tobacco is safer than smoking cigarettes.
7.) True or False: Chewing tobacco is safer than smoking cigarettes. FALSE

11 8.) True or False: Young people who start smoking at an earlier age are more likely to develop an addiction than people who start later. FALSE

12 9.) 5 1 of ____ deaths in the US results from the use of tobacco.

13 10.) Tobacco contains over ____________ chemicals, hundreds known to be toxic, including more than _________ that can cause cancer. 4000 70

14 11.) True or False: Nicotine is just as addictive as heroin and cocaine. TRUE

15 12.) True or False: A pregnant woman who smokes during pregnancy can harm her baby in many ways. TRUE

16 13.) On average, people who smoke live ___________ years less than those people who do not smoke. 10

17 $8.4 …that’s ~$23million/day!!
14.) In 2011, the cigarette industry spent _________ billion on advertising and promotions $8.4 …that’s ~$23million/day!!

18 15.) How much did tobacco cost the US each year in loss of productivity and health care expenditures? >$289 billion

19 Journal: Create a T-chart.
In one column, tell me briefly that you already KNOW about tobacco (or what you learned from the “History of Tobacco” article). In the other column, write down any QUESTIONS you have after reading the article, or things you WANT to know regarding tobacco.

20 Tobacco A plant that’s leaves are often dried, cut, rolled, and smoked or otherwise ingested Contains more than 4000 chemicals known to be harmful to one’s health, including many carcinogens (cancer-causing agents)

21 Tobacco Products Cigarettes: A tobacco product that is consumed via smoking

22 Tobacco Products Hookahs: Water pipes used to smoke specially made tobacco that often comes in a variety of flavors

23 Tobacco Products Smokeless Tobacco: Tobacco that is not burnt, but rather “chewed” or sniffed

24 Tobacco Products E-Cigarettes: Battery operated products designed to turn nicotine and other chemicals into vapor to be inhaled

25 Leading to high blood pressure (hypertension)
Nicotine The addictive drug in tobacco leaves Reaches the brain in 8-10 seconds, stimulating pleasure centers of brain Increases respiration rate Increases heart rate Constricts blood vessels Leading to high blood pressure (hypertension) }

26 Nicotine (continued) Promotes build-up of “bad” cholesterol (LDLs)
Releases glucose (blood sugar) into blood, allowing smokers to feel more alert after smoking

27 Tar Brown, tacky substance left behind on the end of the cigarette filter Paralyzes the cilia (hair-like projections) in lungs Direct correlation to lung cancer, emphysema, and bronchial diseases

28 Carbon Monoxide Odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas
Combines with hemoglobin in lungs, replacing the oxygen in red blood cells (RBCs) and impairing the ability of blood to carry oxygen to body cells Direct correlations to heart disease

29 Journal: React to the following….

30 Journal: What do you think this is an image of? How do you know? Discuss/ describe any emotions evoked or thoughts/ feelings you are experiencing.

31 Could pickle your lungs.
What pickled this frog, Could pickle your lungs. The same formaldehyde that preserves dead frogs is found in cigarettes.

32 What comes in this box, Also comes in this box.
Cyanide is the deadly ingredient in rat poison. And just one of the many deadly substances in cigarette smoke.

33 Many bug sprays contain nicotine. All cigarettes do.
What comes out of this, Also comes out of this. Many bug sprays contain nicotine. All cigarettes do.

34 CARCINOGENS What’s in that Smoke? More than 4,000 harmful chemicals
At least 10 different metals Over 70 cancer causing agents As well as…. CARCINOGENS

Acetic acid Acetone Ammonia Arsenic Benzene Butane Cadmium DDT/Dieldrin Ethanol Formaldehyde Hexamine Hydrogen cyanide Methane Methanol Napthalenes Nitrobenzene Nitrous oxide phenols Stearic acid Vinegar, photo developer Nail polish remover Household cleaner (floor/toilet cleaner) Rat poison Gasoline, rubber cement Lighter fluid Batteries Insecticides, bug spray (OFF!) Grain alcohol Body preservers Barbecue lighter fluid Poison in gas chambers Swamp gas Rocket fuel Mothballs Gasoline additive Disinfectants Candle wax


37 Journal: Over the past two days, you rotated through 4 different stations where you analyzed different modes of information related to tobacco use (E- cigarettes article, PSA video, print advertisements, and chemicals in smoke slogans). Which station did you find most impactful? Which station was least interesting? Why? What was the biggest thing you will take away from these stations?

38 Journal: What would happen if it really did rain cats and dogs?

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