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1 Please check, just in case…

2 APA Tip of the Day: Emphasis
Use italics (not bold or single or double quotation marks) for emphasis with: “titles of books, periodicals, films, videos, TV shows, and microfilm publications” (APA, 2010, p. 104) “introduction of a new, technical, or key terms or label (after the terms has been used once, do not italicize it)” (APA, 2010, p. 105), A letter, word, or phrase cited as a linguistic example” (APA, 2010, p. 105), and “words that could be misread” (APA, 2010, p. 105).

3 Instructional Models:
CALLA (Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach): Tahirih Funds of Knowledge (Luis Moll): Andrea GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Device): Nikki OLE: (Optimal Learning Environment – Nadeen Ruiz): Valerie SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol): Moniqua SDAIE (Specially-Designed Academic Instruction in English): Rachelle Sheltered English Instruction: Siobhan Structured English Immersion: Trish TPR (Total Physical Response): Max and Alex

4 Announcements Notes due Thursday – paper or electronic.
Instructional model/method papers & presentations due July 13. Don’t wait to get started. Make an appointment as soon as possible if you need help or want to chat about upcoming assignments. See revised schedule – posted on Julia’s website

5 Questions, quandaries, concerns or complaints?

6 Strengths and limitations of program models
June 27, 2017 Today’s Readings: Soltero (2004), August et al (2005), and McLeskey et al (2013)

7 Jigsaw Activity Get into different groups from last week. Share the information that you gained from your different small groups last week (jigsaw). If you have time left over, figure out which one model(s) you would most like to know more about. For example, for possible inclusion in your final paper. Then, fill out a worksheet on that model in small group.

8 Quick Write: When an English language learner is identified as needing special education, he/she still requires ALS. Considering the program models we've examined, how could we most effectively coordinate both services/programs?

9 IDEA Requirements for LRE
(2) Each public agency must ensure that-- (i) To the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities, including children in public or private institutions or other care facilities, are educated with children who are nondisabled; and (ii) Special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of children with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only if the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily.

10 Models of Inclusion One dually licensed teacher Co-teaching:
Parallel teaching (split class) Rotational teaching (stations) 1 “teacher”, 1 “assistant” (or one observer) Alternative teaching (small group on the side) Tag teachings (both teaching at once) Consult model: EA could be in classroom to provide support Co-planning needed! (goal: differentiation)

11 Coordinating Program Models
Special Education Settings: ALS: DLI Transitional Bil Ed Maintenance Bil Ed Enrichment Bil Ed Heritage Language Bil Ed ESL (45 minutes/day pull-out/class) ESL + sheltered instruction Monitoring Inclusion Inclusion + pull outs Resource room Segregated settings (80% or more)

12 Stop and Smell the Roses…
5 minutes

13 Looking ahead… Topic: Fundamentals of Instruction in Bilingual Special Education Read: Hoover et al (2008), ch 4, AND Klingner et al (2015) ch 6

14 Please take a minute for the minute paper.
And don’t forget to turn your phone back on.

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