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Angelfish News Ms. Linda’s Pre-k Class April 10-13, 2017

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1 Angelfish News Ms. Linda’s Pre-k Class April 10-13, 2017
What We Are Learning This Week Weekly Theme: Holy Week Bible Lesson: The Crucifixion and Easter Morning Bible Verse: He is not here, for He has risen, as He said. Mathew 28:6 Letter: Review Number: Review Color: Review Shape: Review Everyday Words: Review Word Time: pass, share, few, many, friends, people Show and Tell: None Dates to Remember Apr Dylan is Snack Helper Apr. 13 Easter Party and Egg Hunt Apr. 14 & 17 Easter Holiday-No School Apr Justin is Snack Helper Apr. 20 Spring/Pre-K Graduation pictures Apr. 21 Pizza Friday Apr. 27 Donuts with Dad Apr. 29 Pizza Friday Easter Party and Egg Hunt Our Easter Party and Hunt will be on Thursday, April 13. We will have a picnic lunch, so please pack your child a lunch and please make sure that everything is disposable. Our Easter Egg Hunt will be at 12:30pm. If you haven’t done so, please bring your child’s eggs on Monday. Please save all your empty cereal boxes, egg cartons, milk jugs, small moving boxes, Ziploc boxes, etc. We will create something spectacular with them! Please send them to school after the Easter Holiday. Ms. Linda is out of the hospital and at home resting. Ms. Desiree (Ms. Dede) will continue to fill in every date that she is available, but there are some days where she has committed to being at another school for this month. These days will be filled by someone on staff (Ms. Lisa, Ms. Denise, etc.) Again, please understand that we are trying to keep things as consistent as possible for the children. We are happy to say that Ms. Desiree will be with us for the entire month of May! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please speak with Ms. Cathy or Ms. Kelly. Reminders Make sure your child has been to the bathroom before class Please check and empty your child’s folder each day Please check out our Question of the Week Show and Tell is on Fridays Homework goes home most Fridays, due on Monday Please dress in play clothes and comfortable shoes . .

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