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The Causes of World War One

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1 The Causes of World War One
Made with as much love as a World War could ever allow, Ms. Clyde

2 Causes of WWI After Napoleon the world had a century of peace
WWI ( ) resulted from a combination of three units we have all ready studied; Nationalism, Industrial Revolution, and Imperialism All three combine to create the “Great War” Modern forces progress and brought problems, the price being massive death and destruction

3 Nationalism The American and French Revolution led to the birth of the “modern” nation-state. Government was meant to serve the masses of people Nationalism brought collective unity, pride, and protection Unifying people towards a common good Also lead to conflict between nations Nationalism demanded loyalty to defend your nation

4 Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution used machines and technology to bring the benefits of mass production. It also brought the means to do mass destruction Newly industrialized militaries led to pride and glorification of national military strength and war to achieve greatness

5 Imperialism Imperialism was the interaction and domination of nations over nations. Conflicting “empires” created a source of conflict International Rivalries- France went to war with Germany in 1870’s and lost. France wanted revenge. Germany challenge Britain economically and Militarily A growing German Navy became a rival to Britain’s naval dominance, setting off an “ARMS RACE”

6 ARMS RACE British King George and the German Kaiser (King) Wilhelm were cousins who were very competitive Russia viewed Germany as a threat, so they allied with France and surrounding Germany Germany allied themselves with the Turkish Ottoman Empire to ally against the common enemy, Russia.

7 Journalism was Used Nationalism and Sensationalistic journalism used national rivalry and conflict to sell newspapers; it influenced people by the masses Our cause is “good”their cause is “bad”

8 Entangling Alliances European powers started signing treaties pledging to defend one another Nations thought they could stop or prevent war through “collective security”. Powerful nations would stop nations from attacking other nations

9 Who was with Who Germany Serbia Austro-Hungarian Russia
Turkish Ottoman Empire France Belgium Britain

10 Balkan “Powderkeg” The Balkan Peninsula was the meeting point of three worlds In the West you have the Catholics, (Austro- Hungarians) In the East you have the Eastern Orthodox Christian Slavs In the Middle East you have the Ottoman Empire

11 Balkan “Powderkeg”- One small “explosion” could set off a massive conflict
There was a lot of national pride (too much) and a lot of people wanted independence, especially in the Austrian-Hungarian territory as well as in the Ottoman Empire Serbians wanted a “Slav” nation; Yugoslavia that was independent from Austro-Hungary

12 Archduke Franz Ferdinad was shot
Show video Archduke Ferdinad was assassinated by Serbian nationalist that wanted to be out from under Austrian rule The shooting was the spark that ignited a “great war” throughout Europe and the World

13 Entangling Alliances Assassination set off a chain reaction that resulted in WW1 Austria took a firm stand against is Serbian Subjects, declared war on them Russia went to defend Serbia; so Germany declared war on Russia . and France

14 Germany invaded France through Belgium so Britain declared war on Germany
Allies Central Powers Britain Germany France Austro-Hungary Russia Ottoman Empire Italy Japan

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