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Autumn Term Second Half Year 3-4

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1 Autumn Term Second Half Year 3-4
Week Topic Learning objectives Activities Literacy and Numeracy Resources 1 30h- October-4th November PQs: to identify the personal question for 7 answer. Numbers up to 60. Maths: number bonds To produce and match the question for 7 personal questions. To count in tens forward and backwards from 60. To manipulate numbers up to 60. PQs. Catch the ball and answer the question. Power point: producing questions. - Matching questions with answers. Numbers up to 30. - Listen to a sing and join in counting in ones. Extend it up to 60. Flashcards games. 4 corners. Number bonds Numeracy: counting in tens. Adding, taking away, doubling. Mini cards Flashcards Video song. Big dice 2 7th- 11th November Review colours. Reading and writing. - Adjectival agreement reviewing classroom stationary. School subjects. To understand and apply accurately the Spanish adjectival agreement. To read and copy 11 colours. To recognise 6 subjects. Colours review: - Colour song - Power point presentation adjectival agreement. Upside-down bingo. Pass arond a magic bag and take one stationary item out and say its colour. Have a look at an spanish year 4’s timetable. Hot and cold Orquestra conductor Literacy: adjectival agreement. Magic bag. Real stationary items. Power point presentation. Señorita Eva Toro

2 3 4 Autumn Term Second Half Year 3-4 Adjectival agreement production.
Week Topic Learning objectives Activities Literacy and Numeracy Resources 3 14h-18th November Adjectival agreement production. Plurals. School subjects. To understand and use accurately the plural agreement between nouns and colours. To read and copy 9 school subjects. Adjectival agreemtent. Plural: power point. Nought and crosses (gender). Extension: plurals. Opposites. Police hats Bingo Literacy: plural agreement. Rucksack Big nought and crosses 4 21th-25th November Parts of the school: la clase, el pasillo, el patio, el comedor. The time: es la 1; son las 2/3/4, etc. En punto; y media To practice telling the time o’clock and half past. To name 9 school subjects To identify 4 parts of the school Vowels song review. Hang man Reorder the letters of each word. The time. Power point. Flashcard games. Parts of the school. Song Do what I say not what I do Video. Flashcards. Señorita Eva Toro

3 28th November-2nd December
Autumn Term Second Half Year 3-4 Week Topic Learning objectives Activities Literacy and Numeracy Resources 5 28th November-2nd December Opinions: me gusta/me encanta/ mi asignatura favorita es …/no me gusta/ no me gusta nada/odio. Spanish Crhistmas: charol. To practice giving 6 opinions about school subjects. To listen and join in singing a Christmas Carol. Opinions Do what I say not what I do. Simon dice … Nought and crosses. Family fortunes. Christmas Carol. Listen to it. Have a look at the lyrics. Karaoke competition. Fly swatters. Video Big circles and croses. 6 5th-9th December Spanish Christmas: spots the differences between spanish and british Christmas. Chirtsmas Carol: fill the gaps in. To complete a wordsearch about school subjects. To spot 9 differences between Spanish and British Christmas. To identify missing words in a Christmas Carol. School subjects and parts of the school worksheet. Spanish Christmas. Having a look at the calendar, identify the Spanish days for celebration and the british ones. Spots the differeces. Christmas Carol song practice. Listen to the song and join in. Say the missing word. Christmas Calendar. Word cards’. Señorita Eva Toro

4 7 Autumn Term Second Half Year 3-4 Spanish Christmas celebration.
Week Topic Learning objectives Activities Literacy and Numeracy Resources 7 12th-16th December Spanish Christmas celebration. To create an Spanish Christmas card. Spanish Christmas celebration. Christmas cards. Spanish greetings ad wishies on a card. Classroom stationary. Colour cards. Señorita Eva Toro

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