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Scientific Revolution

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1 Scientific Revolution

2 Explain the concepts of geocentric and heliocentric theories.
Do Now Explain the concepts of geocentric and heliocentric theories.

3 Objectives Identify the factors that contributed to the Scientific Revolution Explain how Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo challenged traditional thought Identify the accomplishments of Isaac Newton and who’s works did he use to achieve them Identify some of the important scientist of the period and their discoveries.

4 Terms Scientific Revolution Geocentric theory Heliocentric theory
Universal law of gravitation Scientific method Inductive reasoning Deductive reasoning Sphere

5 The Factors that contributed to the Scientific Revolution
Renaissance/Reformation Began to question old belief/ the teachings of the church People were no longer content to explain the world in terms of religious thought, magic or ideas of ancient writers Use of experiments and mathematics to answer question about the natural world New instruments emerged Scientific Method

6 From Magic to Science Until the 1500s there was little difference between science and magic Before believed that Alchemists could use spells and magic formulas to try to change one substance into another Astrologers believed that positions of planets would influence human life

7 Natural Philosophers Natural Philosophers (medieval scientists) relied on religion and the works of the ancient Greeks and Romans to explain the natural world Began to change w/ the Renaissance Early investigators in solving ancient problems in astronomy, physics, and anatomy created a new way of thinking that no longer relied on magic

8 Time of Change Renaissance encouraged curiosity as well as the search for new ideas During the Renaissance people began to question old ideas and beliefs People were no longer content to explain the world in terms of religious thought, magic or ideas of ancient writers Use of experiments and mathematics to answer question about the natural world Would lead to the Scientific Revolution

9 Scientific Revolution
Transformation in thinking that occurred during the 1500s and 1600s caused by scientific observation, experiments and mathematical calculations to verify the results of the experiments

10 1st mercury barometer (1643-1644)
New Instruments During the1500s people began to question traditional opinions and began to observe and experiment for themselves. Scientist had access to newly invented instruments: 1st mercury barometer ( ) barometer, microscope, thermometer, air pump, and telescope Galileo's telescope, constructed in 1609 1st microscope, constructed around 1595 Galilean thermometer 1st vacuum pump, constructed in 1656

11 Scientific Method Used scientific method to verify the results of an experiment Scientific method: method of inquiry that includes carefully conducted experiments and mathematical calculations to verify the results of experiments

12 Objectives Identify the factors that contributed to the Scientific Revolution Explain how Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo challenged traditional thought Identify the accomplishments of Isaac Newton and who’s works did he use to achieve them Identify some of the important scientist of the period and their discoveries.

13 Objectives What the factors that contributed to the Scientific Revolution? Renaissance/Reformati0n People were no longer content to explain the world in terms of religious thought, magic or ideas of ancient writers Use of experiments and mathematics to answer question about the natural world New instruments emerged Scientific Method

14 Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomers believed in Ptolemy’s theory that the Earth was the center of the universe and other planets and the Sun moved around it: Copernicus published a book titled On the Revolutions of Celestial Spheres in which he explained his heliocentric theory Sun is the center of the universe Geocentric theory

15 Nicolaus Copernicus Problem with the theory:
Could not test and prove the theory with the instruments or the mathematics that was available to him Orbits were perfect circles

16 Geocentric vs Heliocentric
Ptolemy's Theory Copernicus' Theory


18 Geocentric vs. Heliocentric
Heliocentric: “Sun-centered” Geocentric: “Earth-centered”

19 Johannes Kepler Problem:
Used mathematics to test the heliocentric theory of Copernicus Discovered the orbits of the planets were not exact circles, they were ovals called ellipses Known as Kepler’s Three Laws of Planetary Motion Problem: Could not be observed; only mathematicians understood it

20 Copernicus vs. Kepler

21 Kepler's Three Laws of Planetary Motion
"The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at a focus.“ Planets travel around the sun in an ellipse "A line joining a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time.“ Planets move faster when they are closer to the sun "The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the third power of the semi- major axis of its orbit. Moreover, the constant of proportionality has the same value for all planets.“ Relates to the time it takes for a planet to complete an orbit around the sun

22 Galileo Galilei Provided concrete evidence that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Made a telescope and used it to disprove the geocentric theory

23 Sketches from Galileo 's Sidereus Nuncius (The Starry Messenger) 1610
Galileo's drawings of the moons of Jupiter of successive nights A sketch of the sun made by Galileo in June 1613. Galileo's drawings of phases of the Moon.

24 Dialogue on the Two Great Systems of the World.
Published findings in in Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. Church disapproved of the theory because it seemed to contradict the Bible In 1633, the Inquisition summoned Galileo to Rome, where it ordered him to renounce his belief.

25 Dialogue on the Two Great Systems of the World.
Galileo was convicted of "grave suspicion of heresy" based on the book, His book was placed on the Index of Forbidden Books, from which it was not removed until 1835 Galileo facing the Roman Inquisition by Cristiano Banti, 1857

26 Objectives How did Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo challenged traditional thought?

27 Isaac Newton

28 Isaac Newton Published Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
combined and related the contributions of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo. Book contained his law of motion and universal gravitation, which explained the movements of objects on the Earth as well as of the planets.

29 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1687) (known as Principia)
Newton's First Law of Motion: An object moving in a straight line will continue moving in a straight line, unless acted on by an outside force. Also, an object at rest will stay at rest. The word for this is inertia. Newton's Second Law of Motion: Force will cause a change in the motion of an object. The change in motion depends on the amount of force and the mass of the object. There is a formula for this F=ma (force equals mass times acceleration). Newton's Third Law of Motion: For each action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

30 Objectives What the factors that contributed to the Scientific Revolution? Renaissance/Reformation People were no longer content to explain the world in terms of religious thought, magic or ideas of ancient writers Use of experiments and mathematics to answer question about the natural world New instruments emerged Scientific Method

31 Review Scientific Revolution: 1500s people began to question traditional opinions and began to observe and experiment for themselves. Scientist had access to newly invented instruments: barometer, microscope, thermometer, air pump, telescope Used scientific method to verify the results of an experiment Scientific method: method of inquiry that includes carefully conducted experiments and mathematical calculations to verify the results of experiments

32 Objectives How did Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo challenged traditional thought?

33 Review Ptolemy’s theory that the Earth was the center of the universe and other planets and the Sun moved around it: Geocentric theory Copernicus published a book in which he explained his theory. The book was titled On the Revolutions of Celestial Spheres Copernicus’ theory was called heliocentric theory

34 Review Johannes Kepler: Galileo Galilei
Used mathematics to test the heliocentric theory of Copernicus Discovered the orbits of the planets were not exact circles, they were ovals called ellipses Kepler’s Three Laws of Planetary Motion Galileo Galilei Used a telescope and provided concrete evidence that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Published findings in 1632 in Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems.

35 Review Isaac Newton: Published
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. It combined and related the contributions of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo.

36 Objectives Identify the factors that contributed to the Scientific Revolution Explain how Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo challenged traditional thought Identify the accomplishments of Isaac Newton and who’s works did he use to achieve them Identify some of the important scientist of the period and their discoveries.

37 Do Now

38 Do Now Instructions Take out a sheet of paper
Put your Name, Date and Period # Number your paper 1-4 Answer the following questions. Do not talk or share your answers during this time. You will have three minutes

39 Use the picture above to answer the following questions.
1-3. Identify the scientists who are responsible for the 3 models of the solar systems. (Write the name next to the number (1,2,3)) 4. Based on the above illustrations, Identify the Theory (name /number and how were the three models of the solar system different.

40 Scientific Revolution: Questions for the Reading Material
Read the packet entitled The Scientific Revolution and answer the questions on the worksheet The work will be picked up

41 Scientist of the Scientific Revolution

42 Objectives Identify the factors that contributed to the Scientific Revolution Explain how Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo challenged traditional thought Identify the accomplishments of Isaac Newton and who’s works did he use to achieve them Identify some of the important scientist of the period and their discoveries.

43 Andreas Vesalius (vi sā′lē əs)
Pioneered the study of anatomy. Published On the Fabric of the Human Body Helped people gain a visual understanding of the body and how it worked

44 William Harvey Described the circulation of the blood through veins and arteries, the working of the heart, and the function of the blood vessels. Circulatory system

45 Scientific “Orders” New “orders” help spread knowledge of the development of the Scientific Revolution Accademia dei Lincei in Rome Federico Cesi Royal Society in London King Charles II French Academy of Science in Paris Louis XIV

46 Rene Descartes (day-KAHRT)
French philosopher and scientist who wrote In Discourse of Method argued that everything had to be proved, except basic ideas that were true beyond doubt i.e.. he could think and that proved his existence “I think, therefore I am” "Father of Modern Philosophy“

47 Rene Descartes (day-KAHRT)
 Inventor of deductive reasoning: All thought follows a clear orderly progression Deductive reasoning or deduction, starts out with a general statement and examines the possibilities to reach a specific, logical conclusion

48 Deductive Reasoning Researcher works from the more general information to the more specific An example of a deductive argument: 1. All men are mortal. 2. Aristotle is a man. 3. Therefore, Aristotle is mortal. 1. states that all objects classified as "men" have the attribute "mortal". 2. states that "Aristotle" is classified as a "man" – a member of the set "men". Conclusion :"Aristotle" must be "mortal" because he inherits this attribute from his classification as a "man".

49 Francis Bacon English philosopher believed that only through observation and repeated experiments could theories be built. Relied on truths that could demonstrate physically rather than thru deductive thinking or reasoning Inductive reasoning Published in Novum Organum (1620) Scientific Method

50 Francis Bacon Inductive reasoning is the opposite of deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning makes broad generalizations from specific observations.  An inductive statement is derived using facts and instances which lead to the formation of a general opinion.  E.g. “This marble from the bag is black. That marble from the bag is black. A third marble from the bag is black. Therefore all the marbles in the bag black.” Since the first marble from the bag was black, the second was black and the third was black the conclusion reached is that all the marbles in the bag are black.

51 Other Scientific Discoveries
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (Lie-b-nits) Developed calculus in 1675 Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (LAY-ven-hook) Used microscope to discover bacteria (1670s) Single-lens microscope from the ~1670s in which two screws allowed the distance from the lens and the up-and-down movement of the specimen to be adjusted.

52 Other Scientific Discoveries
Robert Boyle Helped pioneer the modern science of chemistry (1662) (Boyle’s Law amount of space gas takes up (in a room, tank, or balloon, for example) decreases as pressure is applied.) Joseph Priestley Discovered the element of oxygen in 1774

53 Other Scientific Discoveries
Antoine Lavoisier (luhv-WAHZ-ee-ay) Proved that matter can change form, but it can neither be destroyed nor created Law of Conservation of Matter Showed that fire resulted when a substance rapidly combined with oxygen Steam mixes with air and becomes invisible

54 What are the 5 factors that contributed to the Scientific Revolution?
Renaissance/Reformation People were no longer content to explain the world in terms of religious thought, magic or ideas of ancient writers Use of experiments and mathematics to answer question about the natural world New instruments emerged Scientific Method

55 Name of this theory. Who came up with it?
Geocentric Theory Ptolemy

56 Name of this theory. Who came up with it?
Heliocentric Theory Copernicus

57 Name of this theory. Who came up with it?
Heliocentric Theory Kepler

58 Review Identify the following works with the scientists
He wrote On the Revolutions of Celestial Spheres He wrote the Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems He came up the Three Laws of Planetary Motion He published Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy Copernicus Galileo Kepler Newton

59 Review Describe some of the important scientific discoveries of this period Described the circulatory system Helped pioneer the modern science of chemistry Discovered the element of oxygen in 1774 Developed calculus Used microscope to discover bacteria Law of Conservation of Matter William Harvey Robert Boyle Joseph Priestley Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (Lie-b-nits) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (LAY-ven-hook) Antoine Lavoisier (luhv-WAHZ-ee-ay)

60 Review Describe some of the important philosophers of this period
Believed that only through observation and repeated experiments could theories be built. Argued that everything had to be proved, except basic ideas that were true beyond doubt i.e.. he could think and that proved his existence Francis Bacon Rene Descartes (day-KAHRT) “I think, therefore I am”


62 Flash Card Activity

63 Scientific Revolution
Name Period # Front Information Back

64 Write the following term on index cards and define them
Scientific Revolution Name Period # Scientific Revolution Scientific Method Heliocentric Theory Geocentric Theory Five Factors that Contributed to the Scientific Revolution Information

65 Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems.
Ptolemy Nicolaus Copernicus On the Revolutions of Celestial Spheres Problem with Copernicus’ theory Johannes Kepler Three Laws of Planetary Motion Problem with Kepler’s theory Galileo Galilei Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. Andreas Vesalius On the Fabric of the Human Body William Harvey Isaac Newton The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy Rene Descartes Discourse on Method “I think, therefore I am” Deductive reasoning Francis Bacon (Scientific Method) Novum Organum Inductive reasoning Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Anton van Leeuvenhoek Robert Boyle Joseph Priestley Antoine Lavoisier

66 Method of inquiry that includes carefully conducted experiments and mathematical calculations to verify the results of experiments Scientific Method 66

67 French philosopher and scientist who wrote In Discourse of Method
Rene Descartes 67

68 Geocentric Theory Ptolemy
Identify the theory and who came up with it. 68

69 Do Now

70 Do Now Instructions Define the following words: Astronomy Chemistry

71 Do Now Astronomy: the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.

72 Do Now Chemistry : a science that deals with the structure and properties of substances and with the changes that they go through

73 Do Now Anatomy: the branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms

74 Write the name of each scientist in the correct circle
Kepler Harvey Copernicus Vesalius Priestley Galileo Boyle Newton Lavoisier

75 Take everything off the desk except your Flash Cards
Quiz Take everything off the desk except your Flash Cards

76 Quiz Take out your Flash Cards and be prepared to use them to complete a worksheet.

77 Scientific Revolution Chart

78 Create this chart on a separate paper and complete it
Scientist Year Discovery Explanation of Discovery Problems/Importance of Discovery/Name of Book (if any) Ptolemy About A.D. 100 Put forth the Geocentric theory Said that the earth was the center of the universe Nicholaus Copernicus Early 1500s Developed the Heliocentric theory Johannes Kepler

79 Name of Scientists 1. Nicolaus Copernicus 2. Johannes Kepler
3. Galileo Galilei 4. Andreas Vesalius 5. William Harvey 6. Rene Descarte 7 Francis Bacon 8. Isaac Newton 9. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 10. Anton van Leeuvenhoek 11. Robert Boyle 12. Joseph Priestley 13. Antoine Lavoisier

80 Objectives Identify the factors that contributed to the Scientific Revolution Explain how Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo challenged traditional thought Identify the accomplishments of Isaac Newton and who’s works did he use to achieve them Identify some of the important scientist of the period and their discoveries.

81 What are the 5 factors that contributed to the Scientific Revolution?
Renaissance/Reformation People were no longer content to explain the world in terms of religious thought, magic or ideas of ancient writers Use of experiments and mathematics to answer question about the natural world New instruments emerged Scientific Method

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