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Rollout of revised TTM audit

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1 Rollout of revised TTM audit
CoPTTM 4th edition Have on screen when trainees arrive Welcome to the Traffic Controller (TC) workshop When you are in control of a worksite you are the traffic management safety person onsite You are responsible for keeping the worksite crew safe from traffic and ensuring that drivers , pedestrians and cyclists are kept safe from the worksite activity You are there to make sure everybody goes home safe and sound at the end of the day This workshop is designed to make you aware of the best practice procedures that the industry has put in place to help achieve this More about that as we go through the day

2 Development of the new SCR approach
When AT developed the new audit approach: Workshops were held with representatives from: Industry representatives from ATMA Industry trainers Auckland Transport As part of NZTA adopting new audit approach: Working party included representatives from: A range of RCAs Existing auditors NZTA Each element was discussed in detail to agree minimum standards required

3 Effective dates Technical Note online September 2017
Revised SCR audit/review form available for use from 18 September 2017 All audits/reviews using the full audit SCR completed after 1 January 2019 must use the revised SCR form

4 TTM SCR Based on full audit
Guidelines provide specific details of how to measure each element of the SCR The initial focus for the auditor/reviewer is the worksite Auditor/reviewer also assesses: design of the TMP application of CoPTTM and Local authority standards

5 Audit resources Section I-21: Audit resources: RCA strategies to improve CoPTTM compliance TTM SCR form – Paper version TTM SCR form – Smart PDF version TTM SCR form – Excel version TTM SCR form – Online tool User Guide for Excel SCR form TTM SCR guidelines TTM Advisory Note Template We have created a guideline and training package to assist reviewers On your table to share Also electronically as per the DropBox link on the screen and on your documents Lets just explore a few in greater detail

6 Options for using the SCR form
What it does Paper Incorporates all of the new audit fields Manually calculate site score and SCR Smart PDF Automatically calculates site score/Manually calculate SCR Excel Calculates SCR automatically Onscreen help for each field Able to save data Can add audit information to a database Online tool Free until end of 2017 Able to save data Allows photos to be stored with audit Speech to text function

7 What’s changed on the SCR form
Reorganisation of the form Some items removed or added Clarifications or tightening up of others One tool for reviews Simple / Clean Electronic version with background formatting

8 Work space hazard management issues I.e.. excavation not protected.
Removed Excavation not protected Lower risk items Work space hazard management issues I.e.. excavation not protected. Create some much need real estate

9 Re-allocated Position Spacing Sign on wrong side
Speed limit not correctly aligned Lateral location wrong Non-compliant support Sign too low Not Visible Not upright Faulty TSL All about sign position Support for the sign / message Visibility Moved into other checks, TSL inappropriate

10 Re-allocated Missing or ineffective taper Missing Tapers too short
Spacing along lanes Spacing between multiple tapers Signs omitted AWVMS/Arrowboard noncompliant Message One item to cover potentially multiple failures was insufficient Delineation along lanes, is really what it is. Further clarification coming Site induction Signs missing on a mobile, thus scored under signs Multiple similar areas amalgamated Site induction not score , recorded only

11 Site details Excel Spreadsheet Get Road ID from Mobile Roads
When entered here, it automatically fills in the Road name and Suburb

12 Operational details (excel Spreadsheet
Excel Spreadsheet Select from dropdown menu

13 Signs

14 Mobile and Semi Static

15 Pedestrians / Cyclists

16 Delineation

17 Clarification of terms
Along lanes Trailing tapers Leading tapers Beautiful slide What we have done is separated out all of the individual component of delineation RED Leading Tapers Green Tailing Tapers Black Delineation section scored per section and/or per 100m

18 Clarification of terms
Along lanes Leading tapers Beautiful slide What we have done is separated out all of the individual component of delineation RED Leading Tapers Black Delineation section scored per section and/or per 100m

19 Miscellaneous

20 Other worksite aspects

21 LOW RISK? For all road users, does this site feel safe? Note: If you don't feel safe as a road user then the answer is NO THIS ONLY CHANGES THE RESULT IF THE SCORE IS 51+ The SCR changes from Unacceptable to Dangerous The Auditor/Reviewer should issue a Stop Works Order without delay The Stop Works Order may be lifted as soon as issues corrected and the site has been re-checked and the SCR is acceptable or better Key points: If a site is operating in a truly dangerous manner no delay in issuing a Stop Works Order, 1st verbally and then backed up with a written notice minutes later. Did the STMS cease the activity while corrections made? If not willing to cease activity and site has immediate safety risk then a stop works order will be issued Additional: If No, a Stops Works Order will be considered Should be seen as appositive step as why would you continue to operate a dangerous site

22 Final result - Existing ratings unchanged
0-10 High standard 11-25 Acceptable 26-50 Needs Improvement Scores over 50 default to unacceptable and sites where there are actual safety issues, not death by a thousand paper cuts, are transferred into Dangerous After a sensibility check embedded in the electronic TTM SCR to Dangerous Dangerous sites are issued Stop Works Order As why would you want sites to continue to operate in a dangerous manner

23 Final result - New / changed ratings:
UNACCEPTABLE (OTHER) SCR under 51 and: item(s) in OTHER WORKSITE ASPECTS are marked N (unacceptable) UNACCEPTABLE SCR 51+ and: Item(s) in OTHER WORKSITE ASPECTS are marked Y LOW RISK? is marked Y Scores over 50 default to unacceptable and sites where there are actual safety issues, not death by a thousand paper cuts, are transferred into Dangerous After a sensibility check embedded in the electronic TTM SCR to Dangerous Dangerous sites are issued Stop Works Order As why would you want sites to continue to operate in a dangerous manner

24 Final result - New / changed ratings:
UNACCEPTABLE (MULTIPLE ISSUES) SCR 51+ and: item(s) in OTHER WORKSITE ASPECTS are marked N (unacceptable) LOW RISK? is marked Y DANGEROUS SCR 51+ and LOW RISK? is marked N Scores over 50 default to unacceptable and sites where there are actual safety issues, not death by a thousand paper cuts, are transferred into Dangerous After a sensibility check embedded in the electronic TTM SCR to Dangerous Dangerous sites are issued Stop Works Order As why would you want sites to continue to operate in a dangerous manner

25 Unacceptable - Multiple
Exercise Score = 75 Other worksite aspects = 3 unacceptable Low Risk? = Yes SCR = ???? Unacceptable - Multiple

26 Exercise Score = 35 Other worksite aspects = 1 unacceptable Low Risk? = Yes SCR = ???? Unacceptable - Other

27 Score = 55 Other worksite aspects = All yes Low Risk? = Yes SCR = ????
Exercise Score = 55 Other worksite aspects = All yes Low Risk? = Yes SCR = ???? Unacceptable

28 Score = 55 Other worksite aspects = All yes Low Risk? = No SCR = ????
Exercise Score = 55 Other worksite aspects = All yes Low Risk? = No SCR = ???? Dangerous

29 Options for using the SCR form
Paper Smart PDF Excel (requires customisation) Online tool (requires some setup)

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