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Consolidated Planning & Monitoring

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1 Consolidated Planning & Monitoring
Strategic Planning Consolidated Planning & Monitoring

2 Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. Benjamin Franklin

3 Continuous Improvement

4 Agenda Current Landscape of ESEA and WV Accountability
School Strategic Plan Wrap-Up and Support


6 Shifts in ESEA Federally-defined accountability to State –defined accountability systems Responsibility for improvement focused at the district level ESEA State and LEA plans expectation for well-rounded program of instruction as opposed to single-issue programs

7 Policy 2320, Section 5.2.a Waiver of WVBE Policy 2320, Section 5.2.a on March 8, 2017 Policy 2320, Section 5.2.a. stated that beginning with the school year, the WVAS will assign all schools a rating of A-F. A waiver was requested of the determination of grades for schools for the school year. The waiver puts West Virginia in alignment with the federal timelines of ESSA for full implementation of an accountability system in The WVBE and WVDE will work with stakeholders to ensure multiple measures are included and the requirements of ESSA are met in the accountability system based on data from the school year.

8 ESEA Required Minimum Accountability
Proficiency For elementary/ middle school Growth or another valid academic indicator EL percent proficient Graduation rate for high schools Minimum of one school quality or student success indicator

9 State Context State Code Section 18-2E-5 authorized the WVBE to develop a system for improving schools WVBE Policy 2320 outlines this system as -High academic standards -Assessment that measures achievement against the standards -Accountability system for schools -School improvement capacity building

10 LEA Plans The well-rounded program must meet the academic needs of all students by: Meeting its responsibility to provide comprehensive school support and improvement Providing effective parent and family engagement Coordinating and integrating services with preschool programs Addressing overuse of discipline practices that remove students from classrooms Addressing transition between programmatic levels & Addressing disparities in teacher distribution.


12 Share how you work within your school to update and submit your strategic plan?

13 WV School Strategic Plan
ESEA Components: Title I Schoolwide/TAS Comprehensive Support and Improvement & Targeted Support and Improvement Plans Needs Assessment Goals Performance Measures Strategies Action Steps Progress Notes


15 County Needs Assessment
School Needs Assessment County Needs Assessment Needs Assessment Sections School Plan Needs Assessment School Plan – Demographic Data School Plan – Academic Data School Plan- College/Career Readiness Data School Plan – School Climate and Culture Data School Plan – Educator Equity & Effectiveness

16 County Needs Assessment
School Needs Assessment County Needs Assessment School Plan Needs Assessment School Plan – Academic Data Pre-Populated Data Tables

17 County Needs Assessment
School Needs Assessment County Needs Assessment Needs Assessment Section Populated Data Table Elements County Plan Needs Assessment WVEIS (Enrollment,Subgroups,etc.) WVGSA , DLM, ELPA21 Assessment Data Certified Accountability Indicator Data Attendance, Discipline, Surveys Educator Evaluation Reports School Plan Needs Assessment School Plan – Demographic Data School Plan- Academic Data School Plan –College/Career Readiness Data School Plan – School Climate and Culture Data School Plan – Educator Equity & Effectiveness

18 County Needs Assessment
School Needs Assessment County Needs Assessment School Plan Needs Assessment School Plan – Academic Data Data analysis After analyzing the data, provide a summary of findings including root causes and challenges to improve learner outcomes. When appropriate the analysis should include upward and downward trends in subgroups that have an n size of more than 10. Customizable data tables for local data input and analysis System of Support for All Schools-resource

19 County Discussion


21 County Needs Assessment
School Goals County Needs Assessment Overall goal statement to drive improvement Driven by needs assessment process Sample Goal: Through work in literacy (reading & reasoning), 75% of students will make gains of 50 Lexile levels from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

22 County Needs Assessment
School Goals County Needs Assessment

23 County Discussion

24 In many spheres of human endeavor, from science to business to education to economic policy, good decisions depend on good measurement. Ben Bernanke

25 County Needs Assessment
School Performance Measures County Needs Assessment What measure (data) will be used to guide work toward the goal. Sample Measure: Scholastic Reading Inventory

26 County Needs Assessment
School Performance Measures County Needs Assessment

27 County Discussion

28 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

29 County Needs Assessment
School Strategies County Needs Assessment Specific strategies used to support the goal Sample Strategy: School level collaborative teams

30 County Needs Assessment
School Strategies County Needs Assessment

31 County Discussion


33 County Needs Assessment
School Action Steps County Needs Assessment Specific actions to be taken to work toward the goal Sample Action Step: Collaborative teams will use data from the Scholastic Reading Inventory to determine interventions to use in student grouping

34 County Needs Assessment
County/School Action Steps County Needs Assessment

35 County Discussion


37 County Needs Assessment
School Progress Notes County Needs Assessment Area to report data results and summary of progress toward meeting goal Sample Progress Note: Based on Scholastic Reading Inventory results, students in grade 3 require specific interventions in providing supporting evidence around a given problem statement.

38 County Needs Assessment
School Progress Notes County Needs Assessment

39 County Discussion



42 Key Dates One-Day District-Level Technical Trainings:
-May 9 - Tech Park (Fairmont, WV) -May 10 - Tech Park (Fairmont, WV) -May 16 - Tamarack (Beckley, WV) -May 17 – Transportation Cplx. (Htgn., WV) School Plans – June 30, 2017 County Plans- July 31, 2017

43 Questions


45 County Needs Assessment
County/School ESEA Components- Needs Assessment County Needs Assessment Any activity/staff that you want to fund or support through ESEA programs must be supported by the summary of the County/School Needs Assessment If TA program – define eligible children

46 County Needs Assessment
County ESEA Components-Strategies County Needs Assessment Embedding of district –level Title I (SW,TA,N&D),Title II, Title III activities interwoven within strategies Parent & family engagement Transitions between programmatic levels Coordination with CTE Disparities created by educator inequity Equitable services for homeless youth Reduction of disciplinary removals from the classroom If TA program – define eligible children

47 County Needs Assessment
School ESEA Components-Strategies County Needs Assessment Schoolwide: -Opportunities for all children including subgroups -Activities that strengthen a well-rounded educational program -Increase the amount and quality of learning time -Provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum -Address the needs of at-risk learners - Student support services - Broadening secondary school options (CTE, AP, IB, Dual Enrollment) - PBIS - Professional development and teacher recruitment - Preschool transition -Parent & family engagement If TA program – define eligible children

48 County Needs Assessment
School ESEA Components-Strategies County Needs Assessment TAS: -Identify students to be served -Activities that strengthen a well-rounded educational program -Increase the amount and quality of learning time -Provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum -Address the needs of at-risk learners - Student support services - Broadening secondary school options (CTE, AP, IB, Dual-Enrollment) - PBIS - Professional development and teacher recruitment - Preschool transition -Parent & family engagement -Coordination of program -Minimize pull-out instruction -Review progress of children served under the program If TA program – define eligible children

49 County Needs Assessment
School ESEA Components-Strategies County Needs Assessment If TA program – define eligible children

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