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Chapter 14 Review Game.

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1 Chapter 14 Review Game

2 Question What are the 3 categories of freshwater use? (3 points)

3 Agriculture, Industry, Personal

4 Question Water is used to cool machinery elements in factories. This is an example of what category of freshwater use?

5 Industry

6 Question Why is freshwater consider to be limited in quantity? (3 points)

7 People don’t always live where the water is
Places experience rainy and dry seasons Only a small percentage of available water is both fresh and liquid

8 Question Besides being everywhere, why is water considered to be a renewable resource if it is limited?

9 It cycles through the water cycle with little gain or loss

10 Question In an aquifer, what is the area called where it is still permeable but completely filled with water?

11 Zone of Saturation

12 Question In an aquifer, what is the boundary between the zone of aeration and the zone of saturation called?

13 Water table

14 Question What percentage of Earth’s water is salt water?

15 97.5%

16 Question What term is given to all of the land area that supplies water to a particular river system

17 watershed

18 Question How is the boundary of a watershed defined?

19 By the mountains/peaks/high points of elevation that surround it

20 Question Water is carried to locations where people need it via diversions such as canals and stored there via dams and reservoirs. Through what 2 modes is water lost in these processes?

21 Diversions – seepage Reservoirs - evaporation

22 Question True or False: In the U.S. about 77% of the fresh water used comes from surface water.

23 True

24 Question What is it called when groundwater is withdrawn faster than it can be replaced?

25 Groundwater Mining

26 Question Most commonly, through what filtering process can the salt be removed from sea water?

27 Reverse osmosis

28 Question What is the trend that replaces lush, green lawns with outdoor plants that are more adapted for arid conditions.

29 Xeriscaping

30 Question Provide an example of point-source pollution.

31 Factories, sewers

32 Question Provide an example of nonpoint-source pollution.

33 Runoff carrying fertilizers, pesticides, salt, oil, etc.

34 Question What are bodies of water that have a high nutrient content but low oxygen content called?

35 Eutrophic

36 Question Excess nutrient pollution can cause sudden explosions of algal growth. What nutrient most typically contributes to algal bloom?

37 Phosphorus

38 Which type of water pollution is caused by erosion?

39 Sediment pollution

40 Question List one avenue through which thermal pollution of water occurs.

41 Shade causing trees/plants are removed from the banks
Water used for cooling industrial processes released

42 Question What are disease-causing organisms or viruses that contribute to biological pollution of water called?

43 Pathogens

44 Question True or False: The largest single source of oil in the oceans comes from large scale tanker spills.

45 False

46 Question What law made it illegal to release pollution from a point source without a permit, set standards for pollution in levels in surface waters and industrial waste water, and funded construction of sewage treatment plants?

47 Clean Water Act

48 Question What is a toxic heavy metal that collects in the tissues of fish and is unsafe for people to consume?

49 Mercury

50 Question How many times is drinking water filtered in the typical drinking water treatment process?

51 2

52 Question What happens in the second step of the typical drinking water treatment process, coagulation?

53 Chemicals added to cause small suspended solids to clump and sink to the bottom

54 Question What is water that flows over land and has not been absorbed into the ground called?

55 Runoff

56 Question True or False: Due to the interconnected nature of Earth’s river systems, it is more beneficial to manage an entire watershed than an individual river system.

57 True

58 Question Of the 3 categories of water use, which accounts for the largest portion?

59 Agriculture

60 Question When crops are overirrigated, they can become waterlogged and result in the buildup of salts on the surface. What term describes this buildup?

61 Salinization

62 Question What form of irrigation targets individual plants and introduces water directly into the soil?

63 Drip irrigation

64 Question Why is desalination currently not a viable option to solve the water crisis occuring in the Western United States?

65 It is very expensive, requires a lot of energy, produces a concentrated salty waste

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