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Suspended Particulate Matter concentration and HACH/OBS Turbidity

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Presentation on theme: "Suspended Particulate Matter concentration and HACH/OBS Turbidity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Suspended Particulate Matter concentration and HACH/OBS Turbidity
In the Southern North Sea, the Scheldt & the Gironde Rivers and Río de la Plata Estuary B. Nechad, A. Dogliotti, D. Doxaran, E. Knaeps, Q. Vanhellemont, D. van der Zande, K. Ruddick BELCOLOUR-2 PROJECT

2 Overview SPM & Turbidity (T) Variability Conclusions Instruments
Measurement methods Sites Variability Through sites SPM vs T relationship Conclusions

3 Instruments SPM filters: Portable HACH 2100P OBS500
GF/F pre-ashed at 450°C for 1h washed in 500mL MilliQ, dried at 75°C for 1h pre-weighted (Sartorius, precision: 0.1mg) stored in desiccator/50 mm Petri dish Portable HACH 2100P Light emitted at 860 nm, scattered at 90° T in Formazin Nephelometric Units (FNU) OBS500 Side-scattered: T (FNU) Back-scattered light, 850 nm  Tb in Formazin Backscatter Units (FBU)

4 Methods 1/2 – T Mix the sample (tumble container gently), take subsample in a turbidity vial / Rinse the vial with the sampled water / Fill the vial/ Clean outside of vial with milliQ & dry / Wipe with oiled then dry cloth / Visually inspect for dust / Tumble gently 3 times up-down/ Set to automatic range scaling and signal averaging / Record 3 times with same sample (tumble gently 3 times up-down in between records) [For Remote Sensing algo. developpement and products validation: in-water in situ measurements at depth <3m] OBS500 just below the water surface / Continuous measurements (1 scan per second, record 1 average/std/min/max T and Tb per minute) / Remove first&last 2 records (bubbles effect)

5 Methods 2/2 - SPM Sample below the surface (0.5m depth, <3m)
Mix the sample: 2 full rotations tumbling the container, gently Take a subsample for turbidity measurement Determine filtration volume based on turbidity (Neukermans et al., 2012) Wet the GF/F filters with MQ and filter the sample / Rinse the measuring cylinder with 3x50ml / Filter 250ml of MQ / Rinse each funnel with 3x50ml After filtering: remove the funnel, rinse the rim with MQ Put in freezer, GF/F to be dried at 75°C for 24 hours, weighted Measure turbidity after all filtrations Rinse filter holders and bottom of funnel with MQ

6 Sites Southern North Sea (SNS) Scheldt (SC) Gironde (GIR)
Mediterranean Sea (MS) French Guyana (FG) Río de la Plata (RdP) Dogliotti et al., 2015

7 Variability: SPM & T time series
Different sampling periods and frequencies Various ranges at the 6 sites Similar variations of SPM and T at each site Though some differences between SPM and T

8 Variability: SPM/T ratio (1/2)
Low wind: small-sized particles in suspension/water surface Moderate wind: both fine/coarse particles in re-suspension High wind: larger muddy flocs to break

9 Variability: SPM/T ratio (2/2)
SPM/T generally in [ mg/l/FNU] All sites show SPM/T~1 mg/l/FNU Need of more simultaneous pigments, PIM/POM, wind & current data esp. for “outliers”

10 Conclusions Summary+ Is T a good surrogate for SPM?
SPM vs T is highly affected by particles size distr. [e.g. Landers and Sturm 2013] In low wind conditions (and clearer waters) SPM vs T is highly affected by pigments During re-suspension, SPM vs T may be hugely affected by heterogeneous types of particles (depends on sampling rate?) In highly mixed waters the relationship -> stabilize Is T a good surrogate for SPM? YES in well mixed waters Network for Marine Optics Measurements in Turbid Waters (TurbiNET) Testing: OBS300, OBS500, OBS501 Validating with HACH and SPM measurements Future: continuous measurements (<2m depth below surface)

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