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Knowledge Transfer in the UK

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1 Knowledge Transfer in the UK

Company Limited by Guarantee 1,600 members Institutional members Elected Council of 11 – (no regional representation) Executive Director (80%), secretary and events organiser funded from Income

3 AURIL – ITS ROLE The Voice of the KT Profession
Seeks out, engages with KT people Looks and Listens to the needs of KT people Articulates those needs Responds to those needs Communicates needs through engagement with others Continues to listen

AURIL MEMBERS WHO ARE THE “PEOPLE” <<< PARTNERSHIP >>> Public Bodies Industry KT Service Suppliers Research Councils Govt. Ministries Agencies & Authorities Business Support & Exploitation Organisations University,PRO, NHS IP hubs Pharma companies such as AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, BT, Proctor& Gamble Solicitors, Patent Agents, Accountants MRC, EPSRC, BBSRC, AHRB Department of Trade & Industry HE Funding Councils, The Patent Office, Regional Development Offices, IRCs ContactKE, BusinessLink UNIVERSITy TO – and through them the whole campus community, staff, senior managers, students and researchers EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council BBSRC Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council NERC Natural Environment Research Council PPARC Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council

Interested in: Income generation Influencing change Good practice delivery Measuring the impact and benefits of KT to organisations, community and society Networking with the whole community

Biannual Conferences Professional Theme Groups Research, Europe and FP7 Medicine and Health-related Ethics Commercialisation & Entrepreneurship Regional Economic Development Cultural & Creative Industries Continuing Professional Development

7 LOOKS AT KT NEEDS Practitioner observation across diverse activities:
Identifying, evaluating, exploiting knowledge Technology audits Bidding for research / exploitation / development funding Brokering partnerships and strategic alliances Contract Negotiation, Closing Deals Managing intellectual property Research and contract administration

8 LOOKS AT KT NEEDS (continued)
Practitioner observation across diverse activities: Consultancy Creating Start-Up / Spin-Out Companies Marketing and related services Hire of equipment and facilities Supporting and training Company managers Establishing work-based CPD training programmes Training fellow professionals

9 ARTICULATES THE NEEDS Sets the KT standard by:
Representing industrial liaison, knowledge transfer, commercialisation, research administration specialists Developing partnerships between higher education, the health sector, industry, business and the community Supporting innovation and competitiveness

10 RESPONDS TO THE NEEDS Exchange of good practice through developing and disseminating policies and processes guidelines and procedures Delivering KT workshops and conferences Providing enquiry service with 1,600 members Facilitating networking and innovation Encouraging collaborative partnerships

11 RESPONDS (continued) Benchmarking/Survey
measurement and monitoring of performance dissemination of national and international survey results Influencing national perception of KT Influence policy of funders, Government, industry and other stakeholders

Influences opinions of different stakeholders: Internally – from VC down and practitioners establishing an KTO office maintaining an office funding an office With Funding Bodies With Regional Development Agencies With Industry Through the Media With Government

13 ENGAGES WITH OTHERS Gained support from Government:
Government sees value of KT in all aspects: graduates, technology transfer, collaborative research, use expertise Funds KT activity by formula Funds KT activity by competition Funds continuing professional development for KT in universities

14 ENGAGES WITH OTHERS Works in partnership with ProTon Europe Association: To support the professional development of Knowledge Transfer Offices across Europe through networking, sharing GP, staff exchange and training To influence National and European Policy, representing the membership, by developing, informing and influencing decision making

15 ProTon Europe – THE PROJECT
Purpose to foster Innovation and increase Knowledge Exchange Contract: August 2002 till December 2006 5.3 million euro project Involved 53 contracted European members delivering on fourteen workpackage 260 member institutions - engaged many more practitioners

16 ProTon Europe – THE PROJECT
Developed the Profession Annual Survey (benchmarking) Collection and Dissemination of Tools and Good Practices Annual Conferences Training Events (Schools and Workshops) Staff Exchange Programme

17 ProTon Europe – THE PROJECT
Covered Knowledge Exchange Functions Setting up and Running Transfer Offices Patenting and Managing IPR Licensing Maintaining University / Industry Interaction Spin-Off and Campus Companies

18 ProTon Europe – THE ASSOCIATION
Carries forward its services: survey, collect GP, conference, events, CPD and staff exchange Influencing National and European Policy, amd representing the membership, by developing, informing and influencing decision making Taking forward other initiatives including Special Interest Groups Responsible Partnering European Institute of Technology Patent Policy

19 Institute of Knowledge Transfer
ENGAGES WITH OTHERS AURIL a founding member and leading partner in the newly formed Institute of Knowledge Transfer IKT has the support of all major UK organisations involved in the field of KT – across the public and private sectors The IKT Board has now met twice and is currently formulating its business plan Chair – Sir Brian Fender, BTG AURIL SEEDA / RDAs DTI Devolved Administrations PRAXIS Patent Office University Associations NHS IP HUBS CBI SECs UUK HEFCE UKBI UKSPA Knowledge Exchange Partnership AIRTO CCLRC NERC / RCUK AURIL Ireland

20 Institute for Knowledge Transfer
IKT established to: Promote interests of the profession & practice of Knowledge Transfer Be a national network for the whole KT sector Represent the breadth of the KT community Provide a unified voice Membership of the IKT will be open, but not restricted, to individuals practicing in the sponsoring organisations as will practitioners in following sectors/agencies: Industry (including large corporate, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Faraday Partnerships Manufacturing Advisory Service Business Link University Business Link Business Support (SBS) Defence Diversification Agency Innovation Group, DTI Knowledge Transfer Partnership Knowledge Transfer Services, DTI Partnerships UK Small Business Services, DTI Innovation Relay Centres PSREs OST, DTI & any public body engaging in KT

21 Institute for Knowledge Transfer
Recognised nationally and internationally as the leading independent professional body for KT practitioners Offer credibility and standing to members of the Institute through education and training, the exchange of good practice and set professional standards Represent the profession by developing arguments and supplying evidence to encourage interest and investment in KT

22 IKT Planned Actions & Services
Raise the status of KT professionals Define standards of professional conduct Provide a national CDP Accreditation Framework Deliver directly or through affiliated organisation A recognised, accredited CPD programme Conferences / Lectures Workshops

23 IKT Planned Actions & Services
IKT web portal to provide a unified source of information and good practice Supply regular web-based news/publications including a journal and abstract service Technology brokering Invite membership from outside the UK and the Republic of Ireland

24 AURIL GOING FORWARD Continues to listen, learn and act
Promote and represent interests of members Pioneer and contribute to initiatives in support of members carrying out their business Enable members (and others) to exchange good practice and share ideas and experience Support and contribute to development of policies and practice in the management and administration of mutually beneficial collaborative work

25 ISER University of Essex
Thank You Eileen Clucas ISER University of Essex

26 IKT have defined Knowledge Transfer as:
“The systems and processes by which knowledge, including technology, know-how, expertise, and skills are transferred from one party to another, leading to innovative, profitable or economic and social improvements”

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