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Standard Constructions

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1 Standard Constructions
Grade 5 Standard Constructions Use the standard ruler and compass constructions to construct a 60° angle, a perpendicular bisector of a line segment, a perpendicular to a given line from/at a given point, and an angle bisector If you have any questions regarding these resources or come across any errors, please contact

2 Lesson Plan Lesson Overview Progression of Learning
Objective(s) Use the standard ruler and compass constructions to construct a 60° angle, a perpendicular bisector of a line segment, a perpendicular to a given line from/at a given point, and an angle bisector Grade 5 Prior Knowledge Familiarity with holding and using a pair of compasses Duration Allow 60 minutes for this objective Resources Print slides: 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 16 Equipment Ruler Pair of compasses Visualiser Progression of Learning What are the students learning? How are the students learning? (Activities & Differentiation) How to do construct a perpendicular bisector Give students slide 4 printed. Use the demonstration on slide 5 to explain each step. Students to repeat 3 more times independently. Show how this method varies slightly if required to construct a perpendicular at a given point. Use this first construction to communicate to students key points – do not rub out constructions lines (these are the workings out), pencil always, keep distance between pencil and sharp point consistent. 10 How to do construct a angle bisector Give students slide 6 printed. Use the demonstration on slide 7 to explain each step. Students to repeat 3 more times independently. How to do construct a 60 degrees angle / equilateral triangle Give students slide 8 printed. Use the demonstration on slide 8 to explain each step. Students to repeat 3 more times independently. Give students slide 10 printed – further practice. 15 Contextualised problem involving constructions Introduce the builders dilemma problem. Students have the instructions and constraints printed on slide 10. Give them slide 13 printed. Check the scale works once you have printed this sheet – depending on the size you print. Students to work in groups to complete the task. Constructions in OCR exam questions (from specimen papers) Give students slide 16. This includes an exam questions related to objective. Students need to use notes from lesson to answer the questions. Ensure that all steps are shown. Relate to mark scheme to show how the marks are allocated. Next Steps Assessment PLC/Reformed Specification/Target 5/ Geometry & Measures/Standard Constructions

3 Key Vocabulary Angle Perpendicular Bisector Equilateral
Student Sheet 5

4 Perpendicular Bisector
Repeat 3 more times on your sheet: Student Sheet 1 4

5 Perpendicular Bisector

6 Angle Bisector Repeat 3 more times on your sheet: Student Sheet 2 6

7 Angle Bisector 7

8 60 Degrees Angle / Equilateral Triangle
Repeat 3 more times on your sheet: Student Sheet 3 8

9 60 Degrees Angle / Equilateral Triangle

10 Practice Student Sheet 4
Draw three angles using a ruler, perform the angle bisector, check you answers with a protractor. Draw three lines 10cm, 8cm, and 5cm. Perform the perpendicular bisector. Check with your ruler. Without looking at the notes perform an equilateral triangle construction with side length 6cm Bob, the builder, has purchased 33,000 m2 of land to develop a new housing estate. He has now learnt that the council has imposed a series of constraints on where he can build the houses. Your team is the planning department of his company and you are required to produce a map showing the area that can be built on. Rules: Houses must be at least 10m from a road Houses may not be built within 20m of an electricity pylon All houses must be within 60 metres of the water supply Label the areas where building can take place Student Sheet 4

11 Problem Solving The Builders Dilemma Constraints/Rules
Bob, the builder, has purchased 33,000 m2 of land to develop a new housing estate. He has now learnt that the council has imposed a series of constraints on where he can build the houses. Your team is the planning department of his company and you are required to produce a map showing the area that can be built on. Constraints/Rules Houses must be at least 10m from a road Houses may not be built within 20m of an electricity pylon All houses must be within 60 metres of the water supply Label the areas where building can take place

12 Constraints/Rules Houses must be at least 10m from a road
Houses may not be built within 20m of an electricity pylon All houses must be within 60 metres of the water supply Label the areas where building can take place

13 Problem Solving – The Builders Dilemma
Student Sheet 5 Key: 1cm = 10 m = Water Supply = Pylon

14 Just in! Problem Solving
The council has now decided that Bob must lay an underground gas pipeline across the building site. To make it as safe as possible the pipeline must always be an equal distance from the two electricity pylons. Clearly label the pipeline.

15 Problem Solving - Solution
Pipeline Key: 1cm = 10 m = Water Supply = Pylon

16 Exam Questions – Specimen Papers
Student Sheet 6

17 Exam Questions – Specimen Papers

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