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Characteristics, Properties & Mathematical Functions

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristics, Properties & Mathematical Functions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics, Properties & Mathematical Functions
Vector Basics Characteristics, Properties & Mathematical Functions

2 What is a Vector? Any value that requires a magnitude and direction.
Examples we have already used this year Velocity Displacement Acceleration New example Force: a push or pull on an object unit: Newton (N)

3 How to show a Vector? Drawn as an arrow
Length represents the magnitude of the vector. Arrow points in the correct direction. Individual vectors are called COMPONENTS The sum of 2 or more vectors is called a RESULTANT. (A resultant is one vector that represents all the components combined.)

4 Representing Direction
Draw the arrow pointing in the correct direction. North North is up South is down East is right West is left West East South

5 Vector in One Dimension
So far we have only dealt with vectors on the same plane. Walk 10m to the right and then 5 m more to the right = 10 m + 5 m 15 m When 2 vectors are in the same direction add the values and keep the same direction!

6 Vector in One Dimension
Walk 10m to the right and then 5 m to the left - 5 m = 10 m 5 m When 2 vectors are in opposite directions subtract the values and keep the direction of the bigger value.

7 Between the basic directions
If your vector is exactly between 2 basics directions both will be named. Northeast Southeast Northwest Southwest N W E S

8 Direction not exactly between
Start pointing toward the last written direction. Turn the number of degrees given toward the 1st written direction. For example: 30˚ north of west Start west and turn 30˚to north N W E S

9 Direction not exactly between
Start pointing toward the last written direction. Turn the number of degrees given toward the 1st written direction. For example: 55˚ south of east Start east and turn 55˚to south N W E S

10 = Vectors in 2 Dimensions +
Vectors that are in two different directions that meet at a 900 angle to each other requires the use of Pythagorean theorem and trigonometric functions. 5 m + 4 m = 53° N of E 3 m

11 a2+b2=c2 SOH CAH TOA Sin A = a/c Cos A =b/c Tan A = a/b
Right Triangles a2+b2=c2 SOH CAH TOA Sin A = a/c Cos A =b/c Tan A = a/b

12 (3m)2 + (4m)2 =R2 R = 5m Tan θ= 4m/3m Tan-1(4/3) θ=53°N of E
Pythagorean Theorem (3m)2 + (4m)2 =R2 R = 5m Tan θ= 4m/3m Tan-1(4/3) θ=53°N of E

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