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International Training Management

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1 International Training Management
Lesson #8002 5 January 2017

2 Why We Train International Partners

3 Full-Spectrum Capability
Training and Education are only two aspects of Full-Spectrum Capability but they impact many of the other inputs

4 Why We Train International Partners
It is about building and maintaining relationships in support of national security and foreign policy Critical tool of U.S. foreign policy and DoD strategy In an era of increased competition and diminishing resources, its importance has never been greater Imperative we posture the Security Cooperation enterprise for success in the new environment

5 Training Information/Guidance

6 Training Definition “Training” Defined:
“...includes formal or informal instruction of foreign students in the United States or overseas by officers or employees of the United States, contract technicians, or contractors (including instruction at civilian institutions), or by correspondence courses, technical, educational, or information publications & media of all kinds, training aids, orientation, (training exercise) & military advice to foreign military units & forces,...” Para (5), Sec 47, Chap. 4, AECA as amended

7 Principal Training Guidance
Security Assistance Management Manual (SAMM) C10 – International Education and Training C11.8 – Teams Other references related to training can be found throughout the SAMM as well Published by DSCA JSCET 3-9

8 Principal Training Guidance
JSCET - Joint Security Cooperation Education and Training Regulation: Army……...AR 12-15 Maritime…SECNAVINST B Air Force….AFI JSCET 1-1, 3-9

9 International Training Management Website (ITM)
ISCS Homepage ITM Homepage New Items

10 Training Organizations

11 Training Organizations
Many organizations are involved in training management, but who is the U.S. military’s training interface? Congress President Dept of State SecState Dept of Defense SecDef Combatant Command Ambassador DSCA SCO ISCS Host Nation Dept of Army DASA DE&C Dept of AF SAF/IA Dept of Navy Navy IPO SATFA AFSAT NETSAFA Dept of Army USASAC MCSCG CG-DCO-I SATMO MTB Schools / Teams Schools / Teams Schools / Teams Teams Schools Schools Teams DLIELC

12 Training Organizations: The Military Service Training Activities
Air Force Air Force Security Assistance Training Squadron Randolph AFB, TX Navy Naval Education & Training Security Assistance Field Activity NAS Pensacola, FL Congress President Army – CONUS Security Assistance Training Field Activity Ft. Eustis, VA Dept of State SecState Dept of Defense SecDef Marine Corps Marine Corps Security Cooperation Group Ft. Story, VA Coast Guard Directorate of International Affairs & Foreign Policy Washington, DC Combatant Command Ambassador DSCA SCO ISCS Host Nation Dept of Army DASA DE&C Dept of AF SAF/IA Dept of Navy Navy IPO SATFA AFSAT NETSAFA Dept of Army USASAC MCSCG CG-DCO-I SATMO Army - OCONUS Security Assistance Training Management Organization Ft. Bragg, NC MTB Schools / Teams Schools / Teams Schools / Teams Teams Schools Schools Teams DLIELC

13 Training Organizations
Schools Schools / Teams Dept of Army DASA DE&C Dept of AF SAF/IA MTB DLIELC DSCA Dept of Defense SecDef Dept of State SecState Ambassador SCO President Congress Dept of Navy Navy IPO ISCS Combatant Command Host Nation USASAC SATFA SATFA AFSAT AFSAT NETSAFA NETSAFA MCSCG MCSCG CG-DCO-I CG-DCO-I SATMO SATMO

14 Training Process

15 Identify Training Needs
Non-U.S. Sources WHAT KIND WHEN WHERE COST HOW MANY Training Sources Direct Commercial Sources FMS IMET Other Bandaria MoD 15

16 Country Training Requirement
How does this relate to the Country Campaign Plan? Can we support the request? “We need to train a…” Bandaria MoD Training Officer SCO Bandaria

17 Refine Training Requirement
Do we have courses that support the country’s desires and U.S. plans? Some resources available to the SCO in refining training needs: SC-TMS -> T-MASL CCMD Training Manager Military Service Training Activities Consider: Total Program Assessment “Course Catalog” in SC-TMS Training Office SCO Bandaria SC-TMS = Security Cooperation - Training Management System T-MASL = Training - Military Articles and Services Listing SAMM C and C10.4.3

SCO Requests Training Request To: Army CPM From: SCO Subject: Request for Training Request the following training be added to Bandaria’s training program: BN-D-YCY-989 B (Infantry BOLC), 3rd qtr, FY18 B (Finance BOLC), 4th qtr, FY18 Thank you, SCO IMET CTFP Military Service Training Activity Etc. MoD SCO FMS SATFA, SATMO, AFSAT, NETSAFA, MCSCG, CG-DCO-I 18

19 Military Service Training Activity Programs Request Into STL
Standardized Training List (STL): - List of requested courses and their status - Used to manage training program DSAMS STL DSAMS SATFA, SATMO, AFSAT, NETSAFA, MCSCG, CG-DCO-I STL MoD SCO SC-TMS Invitational Travel Order (ITO) Authorization SC-TMS SAMM C10.4.1 SAMM C10.4.5 JSCET 3-9.k

20 SCO Prepares Student for Training Including…
Getting Student’s Name English Language Test Medical Screening Medical Coverage Local Screening: criminal activity Leahy Vetting, by DoS: human rights Security Classification Physical Fitness Test Visa Travel Arrangements Pre-Departure Brief Invitational Travel Order (ITO) Arrival Message MoD SCO Schoolhouse Student Travel JSCET 10 20

21 International Military Student Office (IMSO)
IMSO Functions: Take care of international students administratively at the schoolhouse Conduct the U.S. Field Studies Program (FSP) Hello, I am your IMSO. Welcome to training! Schoolhouse JSCET 10-6

22 Security Cooperation Education & Training Working Group (SCETWG)
Hosted Annually by each Combatant Command (CCMD) Attendees CCMD, DSCA, DoS, SCO Other organizations as invited by CCMD Purpose Review “Combined Education & Training Program Plan” (CETPP) Plan ahead... Validate training requirements being requested for the next 2 years (Focus is on IMET) SAMM C10.5 and JSCET 3-10

23 Screening & Vetting Students/Units
Before students can attend training they are checked for: Unfavorable Activities Gross Violations of Human Rights (GVHR) There are two checks that can take place: Local Screening - by the Country Team Leahy Vetting for Gross Violations of Human Rights (GVHR) - by the Country Team and DoS in Washington D.C. SAMM C10.8.1; JSCET 10-8; FAA, Section 620M; 10 U.S.C. Section 2249e

24 Types of Formal Training

25 Types of Formal Training
English Language Training: Defense Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC) Institutional Training: Professional Military Education (PME) Technical Proficiency Flight Specialized Training: On-the-job training & Observer training Orientation Tours Training Teams

26 Formal Training Locations
United States In-country: Short term – TDY: Mobile Training Team (MTT) Mobile Education Team (MET) Long Term – PCS: Extended Training Services Specialist (ETSS) Contract Field Services (CFS) SAMM C11.8

27 U.S. Field Studies Program

28 U.S. Field Studies Program (FSP)
The U.S. FSP objective is to provide a view of U.S. society, institutions, and goals, to international military students (IMS) outside the classroom IMSO will conduct U.S. FSP events for IMS attending their schoolhouse SAMM C and JSCET 11-1a(2)b

29 International Training Management
Lesson #8002 5 January 2017

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