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Unit 2 Review October 9, 2007.

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1 Unit 2 Review October 9, 2007

2 Tips for learning vocabulary
Make vocab and grammar flashcards Learn phrases rather than isolated words Practice out loud Practice in writing Use visualization techniques Look for connections between words Learn pairs of words Invent your own connections

3 Э́то vs. Э́тот Э́то is a fixed expression for “this is” or “these are,” often introduces new object for first time This is a beautiful tie! Э́тот refers to a specific item “this” This tie is beautiful! The neuter form of э́тот and the fixed expression э́то look identical, but mean two different things

4 Э́то cont. Note: Э́то does not always equal “It is” or “It’s”
Is this a good printer? Yes, it’s good. Э́то хоро́ший при́нтер? Да́, о́н хоро́ший.

5 Practice with э́то These are new boots. They are brown.
Э́то но́вые сапоги́. Они́ кори́чневые. This dog is bad. She is old. Э́та соба́ка плоха́я. Она́ ста́рая. Whose magazine is this? This is my magazine. Чей э́то жу́рнал? Э́то мо́й жу́рнал.

6 Кака́я она́ больша́я! Expression of surprise/exclamation
Can be either delight or dismay Intonation very important; goes from mid to high to low Several options for construction: Adjective + noun: Кака́я краси́вая маши́на! One or more adjectives: Э́то ва́ша ко́шка? Кака́я больша́я и краси́вая! A noun: Како́й чемода́н! Какой кошма́р!

7 Intonation Review IC-1: Simple declarative sentences
Voice drops down slightly at end of sentence. IC-2: Questions with a question word Intonation falls sharply on word in question. IC-3: Yes-No questions Intonation rises very sharply on word in question. IC-5: Mid-high-low What we have just learned for “what a big…”

8 Word Order Important/new information often comes at the end of a sentence Зде́сь живёт Са́ша? Не́т, зде́сь живёт Во́ва. Insert “то́же” after new information in sentence Вы́ студе́нтка, Лари́са? Да́. А я́ то́же студе́нтка.

9 Ну́... A particle that will make your Russian sound more authentic
A very common Yiddish word Means more than just “well…” Can be used for exclamation, emphasis, sarcasm, impatience «Ну и ну!» Well, well!

10 Пожа́луйста... Another extremely common particle
Book has one meaning, “you’re welcome” Has many meanings: Please! Here you go! Certainly! By all means!

11 Other useful additions
Ой! Молоде́ц! Всё. Во́т. Во́т и всё. Поня́тно. Интере́сно...

12 Welcome! С прие́здом!

13 Make yourself at home! Бу́дьте ка́к до́ма!

14 Go on through! Проходи́те.

15 Thank you. Спаси́бо.

16 Fine. Good. Хорошо́.

17 Opposites! ста́рый но́вый У меня́ е́сть... У меня́ не́т... сы́н до́чь
ту́т та́м большо́й ма́ленький интере́сный неинтере́сный краси́вый некраси́вый

18 Noun and adjective endings
Nouns A noun can be: masculine (0, -ь) feminine (-а, -я, -ь) neuter (-о, -е, -мя) Plural nouns: Standard ending -ы Changes to -и because of softness or spelling rules Neuter endings -а, -я Adjectives Adjectives must agree with nouns in number and gender Masculine ending -ый Changes if soft or end-stressed or spelling rules (-ий, -ой) Feminine (-ая, -яя) Neuter (-ое, ее) Plural (-ые, -ие)

19 What to review for the test
Ownership Possessive pronouns Plural nouns Adjectives and agreement Numbers (passively) Это, Этот All active vocabulary in the unit Oral examination is cumulative

20 Спаси́бо!

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