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Improved Immobilization of Chiral Bisoxazolines on Silica: Application to Circulating Flow-Type Pack Bed Reactor Su Seong Lee, Jaehong Lim, Jackie Y. Ying.

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Presentation on theme: "Improved Immobilization of Chiral Bisoxazolines on Silica: Application to Circulating Flow-Type Pack Bed Reactor Su Seong Lee, Jaehong Lim, Jackie Y. Ying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improved Immobilization of Chiral Bisoxazolines on Silica: Application to Circulating Flow-Type Pack Bed Reactor Su Seong Lee, Jaehong Lim, Jackie Y. Ying Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology Singapore The 12th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference (June 24-26, 2008) Washington, DC

2 Chiral Bisoxazoline Ligands
Privileged chiral catalyst Yoon, T. P. & Jacobsen, E. N. Science 299,1691, 2003 R1 R2 R1 R2 R3 R2 R2 Cyclopropanation Ene-Reactions Diels-Alder Reactions Allylic substitution Aziridination reactions Mukaiyama Aldol Reactions Enantioselective Henry reaction Enantioselective conjugate addition of carbamates (synthesis of β-amino acids)

3 Causes of the low enantioselectivities?
Silica-Supported Chiral Bisoxazoline Cyclopropanation of styrene < 30% ee Causes of the low enantioselectivities? < 65% ee J. Org. Chem., 66 (26), 8893, 2001 Silica < 55% ee Grafting on MCM Chem. Commun. 1936, 2001

4 Spherical MCF Microparticles as a Silica Support
Spherical, micron-sized MCF particles Packed beds for catalysis and separations Conventional MCF Conventional MCF Advantages Large pore size more than 20 nm  No diffusion problem Easy control of the pore size Excellent mechanical strength Easy isolation of catalysts  Higher activity Easy control of catalyst microenvironment MCF = mesocellular siliceous foam Conventional MCF More efficient packed bed reactor Spherical MCF

5 Asymmetric cyclopropanation of styrene
Interaction of Bisoxazoline with Silica Surface MCF or TMS-capped MCF MCF + AzatBBOX:Cu(II) A C PhNHNH2 Stirring, CH2Cl2 TMS-MCF + AzatBBOX:Cu(II) B D Asymmetric cyclopropanation of styrene + N2CH2CO2Et A B Catalyst Run Yield (%) Trans:Cis Trans (ee%) Cis (ee%) C 1 73 64:36 78 66 2 67 66:34 82 72 D 74:26 91 87 71:29 86 81 After two runs Adv. Synth. Catal. 350, 1295, 2008

6 Asymmetric cyclopropanation of styrene
Influence of Postcapping M C F M C F (HMDS) Asymmetric cyclopropanation of styrene % ee (for trans isomer) Trans/cis ratio / /40 Chem. Commun. 3577, 2005 65% ee  71% ee  81% ee Amount of TMS capping Org. Lett. 3, 2493, 2001

7 Influence of Precapping
M C F M C F M C F HMDS + Cu(I) B HMDS toluene Cu(I) Vapor-phase grafting Pre-capping A Post-capping M C F M C F + HMDS M C F Cu(I) C Asymmetric cyclopropanation of styrene Catalyst % Yield Trans/Cis % ee trans % ee cis H 80 68/32 86 84 A 70 59/41 82 79 B 73 64/36 90 87 H C 80 65/35 95 92 Adv. Synth. Catal. 348, 1248, 2006

8 Asymmetric cyclopropanation of styrene
Influence of Precapping MCF Bare MCF Post-capping Cu(I) TMS(0.8)-MCF Pr-1 Post-capping Cu(I) Cu(I) MCF Bare MCF MCF HOMO-Me Pr-2 Pr-3 Asymmetric cyclopropanation of styrene Catalyst Loading (mmolg-1) Run# % Yield Trans:Cis % ee trans % ee cis HOMO-Me 80 71:29 91 87 Pr-1 0.240 1 69 63:37 37 27 2 67 32 Pr-2 0.262 88 83 81 Pr-3 0.066 75 62:38 86 78 Adv. Synth. Catal. 350, 1295, 2008

9 Fabrication of Immobilized Catalysts
Complexation Immobilization Post-capping Pre-capping Cu+ : Si-OH : Si-OTMS : Si-O L

10 Asymmetric cyclopropanation of styrene
Influence of Linker Group TMS(0.8)-MCF Post-capping MCF MP MCF Pr-3 HOMO-MP Asymmetric cyclopropanation of styrene Catalyst Loading amount (mmol/g) Run# Yield (%) Trans:Cis Trans ee% Cis Pr-2 0.120 1 68 70:30 64 2 40 67:33 38 MP 0.148 55 72:28 84 80 58 88 Pr-3 0.066 75 62:38 86 78 HOMO-MP 82 74:26 93 90 Adv. Synth. Catal. 350, 1295, 2008

11 Blank test by mixing of MCF with Cu(OTf)2
(no ligand) Support = 100 mg, Cu(OTf)2 = 3.6 mg (0.01 mmol) Catalyst Run # Styrene/EDA Yield (%) Trans:Cis MCF:Cu(I) 1 1.5 58 57:43 TMS(0.8)-MCF:Cu(I) 35 63:37 2 53 3 49 67:33 Silanol or siloxane-coordinated cooper can give cyclopropanation products Incomplete complexation Low enantioselectivity Adv. Synth. Catal. 350, 1295, 2008

12 Influence of Catalyst Loading Amount
Loading amount (mmol/g) 0.120 0.262 Trans ee (%) 68 (40)a 88 (91)a Cis ee (%) 64 (38)a 83 (87)a Pr MCF a result from the 2nd run Loading amount (mmol/g) 0.148 0.245 Trans ee (%) 84 93 Cis ee (%) 80 91 MP MCF Catalyst Loading amount (mmol/g) Reaction time (min) Run# Yield (%) Trans/Cis Trans ee% Cis MP 0.507 420 1 81 69/31 94 90 2 77 68/32 180 61 70/30 93 91 63 0.245 75 82 72/28 83 35 4 79 5 Adv. Synth. Catal. 350, 1295, 2008

13 Packed Bed Reactor Continuous flow reaction Circulating flow reaction
Circulating at a high flow rate (5 ml/min) N2 mix Flow rate: 0.2 ml/min MCF Packed Bed Reactor (50 mm  4.6 mm I.D.) Adv. Synth. Catal. 350, 1295, 2008

14 Circulating Flow-Type Reactor
Conditions Reactor = 50 mm x 4.6 mm, Catalyst ~ 240 mg (0.03 mmol) Flow rate = 5.0 ml/min Reaction time per cycle = 75 min Turn over number (TON) per cycle = 100 Total TON = 2000 (20 cycles) Decrease the amount of the reaction medium Trans ee Yield Trans ratio Adv. Synth. Catal. 350, 1295, 2008

15 Synthesis of Useful Chiral Ingredient
+ * Cilastatin (dehydropeptidase) MCF Run # Catalyst (mol%) % Yield % ee 1 0.1 90 92 2 Adv. Synth. Catal. 348, 1248, 2006 Run # Catalyst (mol%) % Yield % ee 1a 0.1 90 92 2a 86c 3a 91 4b 5b MCF a Dripping of EDA for 5 hr at 0C and then warm to RT over 14 hr b Dripping of EDA for 5 hr at 5C, stirring at 10C for 90 min, and then warm to RT over 30 min c Overall yield from run #2-5 Adv. Synth. Catal. 350, 1295, 2008

16 Summary Selectivity and recyclability of silica-supported chiral bisoxazoline-copper(I) were greatly improved by pre-capping, post-capping and a rigid linker group Circulating flow-type reaction system was developed for gas-generating catalytic reactions

17 Acknowledgments Dr. Jaehong Lim, Dr Han Yu, Ms. Siti Nurhanna Riduan
Members of the Nanobiotechnology Group IBN Staff Facilities and Administration Staff IBN, BMRC and A*STAR

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