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Figure Three basic levels of neural integration in sensory systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Figure Three basic levels of neural integration in sensory systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Figure 13.2 Three basic levels of neural integration in sensory systems.
Label the structures associated with a nerve. Describe and provide function(s) of each. Define pain tolerance. What is referred pain? Give an example. Summarize 13.1.

2 Figure 13.4b Structure of a nerve.
Label the structures associated with a nerve. Describe and provide function(s) of each.

3 Figure 13.5 Regeneration of a nerve fiber in a peripheral nerve.
Label and describe each phase of nerve regeneration. Elaborate on why the CNS is unable to regenerate. What is Wallerian degeneration?

4 Table Cranial Nerve I AKA: Origin & course: Function(s): Clinical Testing HI:

5 Table Cranial Nerve II AKA: Origin & course: Function(s): Clinical Testing HI:

6 Table 13.2 Cranial Nerve III
AKA: Origin & course: Function(s): Clinical Testing HI:

7 Table Cranial Nerve IV AKA: Origin & course: Function(s): Clinical Testing HI:

8 Table Cranial Nerve V AKA: Origin & course: Function(s): Clinical Testing HI:

9 Table Cranial Nerve VI AKA: Origin & course: Function(s): Clinical Testing HI:

10 Table 13.2 Cranial Nerve VII
AKA: Origin & course: Function(s): Clinical Testing HI:

11 Table 13.2 Cranial Nerve VIII
AKA: Origin & course: Function(s): Clinical Testing HI:

12 Table Cranial Nerve IX AKA: Origin & course: Function(s): Clinical Testing HI:

13 Table Cranial Nerve X AKA: Origin & course: Function(s): Clinical Testing HI:

14 Table Cranial Nerve XI AKA: Origin & course: Function(s): Clinical Testing HI:

15 Table 13.2 Cranial Nerve XII
AKA: Origin & course: Function(s): Clinical Testing HI:

16 Figure 13.8 Formation of spinal nerves and rami distribution.

17 Figure 13.9 The cervical plexus.
Label the following plexus. Identify the levels and structures served by the phrenic nerve. Summarize HI 13.2.

18 Figure 13.10 The brachial plexus.
Label the following plexus. Identify the structures served by the nerves. Summarize HI

19 Figure 13.11 The lumbar plexus.
Label the following plexus. Identify the structures served by the nerves. Summarize HI 13.7.

20 Figure 13.12 The lumbar plexus.
Label the following plexus. Identify the structures served by the nerves. Summarize HI 13.8.

21 Figure 13.13 Map of dermatomes.
Define dermatomes. What prevents complete numbness anywhere on the trunk if a nerve is severed? What is Hilton’s Law?

22 Figure 13.14 Hierarchy of motor control.
Compare & contrast the motor ending of autonomic and somatic nerve fibers. What are varicosities? Compare the roles of the cerebellum and basal nuclei in controlling motor activity. What are CPGs?

23 Figure 13.15 The five basic components of all reflex arcs.
Define spinal reflex. List the components of the reflex arch. Distinguish between autonomic and somatic reflexes.

24 Figure Stretched muscle spindles initiate a stretch reflex, causing contraction of the stretched muscle and inhibition of its antagonist. (2 of 2) What other term(s) is the stretch reflex also referred to as? What is the sensory organ? What is the purpose of the stretch reflex? Label and describe how this reflex works. Define reciprocal inhibition.

25 Figure 13.19 The tendon reflex.
What is the sensory organ used? What is the purpose of the tendon reflex? Label and describe how this reflex works. Define reciprocal activation.

26 Figure 13.20 The crossed-extensor reflex.
What other term(s) is the crossed extensor reflex also referred to as? What is the sensory organ(s)? What is the purpose of this reflex? Label and describe how this reflex works.

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