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Presentation on theme: "Energy RESEARCH AND INNOVATION POLICY FOR EUROPE"— Presentation transcript:

14th SG MEETING OF PA2 INSTITUTE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND TRADE Budapest, 13 July 2017 Energy RESEARCH AND INNOVATION POLICY FOR EUROPE András Siegler dr. eng. Director of Energy R&I (ret.) - European Commission

2 The 10 priorities of the Juncker Agenda
1. Jobs, Growth and Investment, 2. Digital Single Market, 3. Energy Union and Climate, 4. Internal Market,…,10. A Stronger Global Actor Political statement: "I want to reform and reorganise Europe’s energy policy in a new European Energy Union." „It will ensure that Europe has secure, affordable and climate- friendly energy. Wiser energy use while fighting climate change is both a spur for new jobs and growth and an investment in Europe's future.” 2

3 The Multiannual Financial Framework (the EU budget) 2014-2020:
Smart & inclusive growth* (€451 billion) Sustainable growth, natural resources (€373 bn) Security and citizenship (€16 billion) Global Europe (€58 billion) Administration (€61.6 billion) (figures are given in constant prices) HORIZON 2020 (€77Bn) Education, Youth, Sport Competitive Business SMEs Connecting Europe* Cohesion TOTAL €960 billion Funding programs: HORIZON2020, Structural funds, European Fund for Strategic Investment, NER300, … 3

4 Energy and Transport R&I in the EU policy agenda
Pres. Juncker's political agenda: the 10 points Cmr Moedas's R&I policy agenda Jobs, growth, investment Internal market, industrial base Open innovation Energy Union, Climate change Energy & Transport R&I global actor Stronger Open science Open to the world boost growth and jobs + decarbonise economy + improve mobility Digital single market VP Sevcovic's policy strategy 4

5 The Energy Union strategy (2015) five interlinked dimensions
Energy Security, Solidarity and trust A fully integrated internal energy market Energy Efficiency Decarbonisation of the economy Research, innovation and competitiveness 5

6 1. Energy security, solidarity and trust
Diversify sources, suppliers and routes Security of gas supply Comprehensive LNG strategy Southern Gas Corridor & Mediterranean Intergovernmental Agreements EU Energy and climate policy diplomacy 6

7 Infrastructures (PCIs*) Electricity market design
2. A fully-integrated internal energy market Connecting markets and upgrading their software Infrastructures (PCIs*) Electricity market design Regional cooperation Energy prices & costs *Projects of Common Interest 7

8 3. Energy efficiency Meeting the 2030 target and "energy efficiency first" Buildings Products Transport Energy Efficiency Directive Energy perform. of buildings Directive Energy labelling & Ecodesign Strengthened financial instruments Heating and Cooling 8

9 4. Decarbonisation of the Economy
Meeting 2030 targets and COP21 decisions Achieve the 40% GHG target Renewable Energy Package Decarbonization of transport Alternative fuels and clean vehicles 9

10 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy*
-20 % GHGs Emissions 20% Renewable Energy 20 % Energy Efficiency  - 40 % GHGs Emissions 27 % Renewable Energy  27%** Energy Efficiency 10 % Interconnection 15 % Interconnection ** To be reviewed by 2020, having in mind an EU level of 30% 2020 2030 New governance system + indicators *European Council Conclusions, Oct 2014 10

11 5. Research, innovation and competitiveness
Integrated Strategic Energy Technology Plan Strategic transport research and innovation R&I agenda EU global technology and innovation leadership Implemented via HORIZON 2020 11

12 EU energy R&I policy framework: the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan)
Research, innovation and competitiveness How to maintain global leadership? World leader in renewables & energy storage Empowering consumers Efficient energy systems Sustainable transport systems Additional priorities: CCS and safe nuclear 12

13 Accelerating Clean Energy Innovation (EC Communication 30 Nov. 2016)
Contribution to the 4 priority R&I areas The EC intends to focus future funding available under Horizon 2020 more clearly on four interconnected strategic priorities, digitalisation being a key driver. Decarbonising the EU building stock Strengthening EU leadership on renewables Developing affordable and integrated energy storage solutions Electro-mobility and a more integrated urban transport system 13

14 Accelerating Clean Energy Innovation
Funding energy S&T and its market adoption The EU is one of the global leaders and largest public funders of clean energy research & innovation  Horizon 2020 allocates over €10 billion in funding to clean energy R&I. Complemented by investments from the European Structural Investment Funds (ESIF), supported by Smart Specialisation Strategies. 14

15 ENERGY MIRACLE? SOLAR 15 Costs down 150 x
MW Installed 100,000 $/W (DC) 50 Costs down 150 x 10,000 1,000 5 110000 Cumulative installations up 115,000x 10 1 1 1975 Volume installed (MW) - RH scale 2015 15 Source: Maycock, Bloomberg New Energy Finance

16 SOLAR WIND 0.0 % 0.0 % 0% (% OF SYSTEM TOTAL) 16 Seven doublings Four
25.0% 25.0% 12.5% 6.3% 3.1% 1.6% 0.8% 0.4% 0.2% 0.1% Seven doublings Four doublings 12.5% 6.3% 3.1% 1.6% 0.8% 0.05% 0.0 % 0.4% 0.03% 0.0 % 15 years 15 years 0.01% 0.2% 0% 0.0% 0.1% 2000 2002 2004 2006 2014 2000 Note: Y-axes are logarithmic with base 2 16 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, BP, UNEP

17 H2020 Energy Challenge: objectives
Develop next generation of clean energy technologies Demonstrate innovative solutions Removing barriers for market uptake Improved energy security Reduced negative impact on climate / environment Affordable energy prices Intelligent Energy for Europe (IEE) ( ) EUR 0.73 bn FP7 Energy ( ) EUR 3.25 bn safe H2020 Energy Challenge ( ): EUR 5.7 billion 17

18 Low carbon fuels low emission energy production
Market development of alternative fuels and infrastructure "Clean Power for Transport” package Alternative Fuels: biofuels CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) – waterborne and long haul hydrogen battery electricity 18

19 Improving energy efficiency of mobility systems - vehicle and infrastructure
Sustainable transport: "working towards a form of mobility that is sustainable, energy-efficient and respectful of the environment" European Green Vehicles Initiative to develop technologies allowing the efficient use of clean energies in road transport Electrification Alternative fuels Vehicle technology Automation and connectivity in Transport Improving conventional ICE Hydrogen and Fuel-Cell Initiative for developing hydrogen appl’s in transport 19

20 Decoupling mobility demand from economic growth
Logistics and freight multimodality/modal shift, load factors, platooning… Intelligent transport systems and automation traffic management, cooperative systems, automation and connectivity… Smart mobility systems innovative mobility: car pooling/sharing, public transport, alternative modes… 2020

21 Transport system efficiency Deployment of alternative powertrains
Expected impacts Transport system efficiency Improvement by 50% from 2010 to 2030, including: +80% energy efficiency of urban vehicles +40% energy efficiency of long distance freight transport Deployment of alternative powertrains Electric and plug-in hybrid technologies: 5 million Electric & Hybrid vehicles in the EU by 2020 Battery life-time and energy density to be doubled by 2020 Battery costs to be decreased by 30% by 2020 21

22 Fundamental research (European Research Council)
Horizon 2020 elements ensuring quality and impact of future European investments towards a low-carbon economy Fundamental research (European Research Council) Market-creating innovation (European Innovation Council) Inducement prizes „Grand Societal Challenges” (Thematic programs): Energy research Transport research Climate research Space research Social sciences and humanities EURATOM research 2222

23 For further information
Participant Portal Helpdesk Learn more about Horizon 2020 2323

24 Thank you for your attention!


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