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Genetics Genetic Traits

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1 Genetics Genetic Traits
Myths and Good Videos with the Facts Genetics Genetic Traits Genes

2 Genes—The Key Ideas Genes carry the information for specific traits.
Genes are located within chromosomes.

3 Genes—Prior Knowledge
All living things inherit genes, expressed as visible traits, from their parents. Genes are made of discreet segments of DNA located in chromosomes. From their study of meiosis, students might know that genes can “interchange” or recombine between pairing chromosomes. Genes can be dominant or recessive Each one of a pair of genes for a given trait is called an allele.

4 Genes—Common Misconceptions
Genes can be found everywhere in nature. Reality: They are found only on chromosomes and only in the nucleus of a cell. Blending of genes can occur, such that traits are “averages” of expression between two parents. Reality: Genes are inherited as discrete entities. Final “expression” comes from proteins they control. These are not blended, but rather they can express intermediate results from the two parental genes. Entire genes are inherited from each parent. Reality: In fact, the genes separate during sexual reproduction, with one allele for each gene coming from each of the two parents.

5 Genes—Using DE Science Content
Use the PowerPoint version of this presentation for hyperlinks to these resources, or you can get to them through the browser or search feature. Video: Genes: The Blueprint of Life (relates genes to the structure of DNA) Video: Patterns of Inheritance (provides an excellent summary of Mendel’s work and inheritance) Video: Genes, Genetics, and DNA: A Review (reviews the basics of genes, DNA, and the science of genetics)

6 Genes—Instructional Ideas
The Video Genes: The Blueprint of Life introduces the parallel between genetic information and a blueprint. It will be helpful to explain what a blueprint is. The Video Patterns of Inheritance provides a link between the study of genes and what was learned from Mendel’s experiments. Use the Video Genes, Genetics, and DNA: A Review as a review of the basics of genes, DNA, and the science of genetics.

7 State Standards If you wish to review your state standards regarding Genes, click here to get to the curriculum standards search feature of DES. You can click on any standard to see what resources are available for you to use.

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