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A Journey To The Center Of The Earth
The Earth - The Earth formed about 4.6 billion years ago as bits of material collided and stuck together. The planet grew larger as more and more material was added. These impacts, along with the Earth’s gravity, produced intense heat. The young planet became a glowing ball of melted rock. In time, denser materials, such as iron and nickel, sank toward the center of Earth. Less dense materials moved toward the surface. Other materials settled between the planet’s center and its surface. Slowly, Earth’s main layers formed—the core, the mantle, and the crust.
Layers of the Earth Crust Mantle Outer Core Inner Core
Earth’s interior layers.
The layers of the Earth consist of the crust, mantle, outer core and inner core.
Crust This is the layer that we live on.
The thickness ranges from 6 kilometers to 70 kilometers. It consists of cooler rock. It’s temperature is 0 degrees – 700 degrees Celsius. It is the thinnest layer of the earth
This is between 20 and 60 km thick. It is composed of granitic rocks. OCEANIC CRUST - This is only about 10 km thick. It is composed of basaltic rocks.
The Mantle The mantle is semi- liquid. This layer consists of magnesium, iron, and silicon. The mantle is Earth’s thickest layer. It is 2900 km thick. It’s temperature is 870 degrees – 4,400 degrees Celsius. Flow in the mantle occurs as convection currents; hot material in the mantle rises up, cools down, and then sinks.
The Outer Core The temperature here is very high, so iron and nickel are present in a liquid state. The molten outer core flows at a very slow rate. This layer has electrical current which powers the Earth’s magnetic field. The outer core is 2300 km thick. Its temperature is 4,400 degrees – 6,100 degrees Celsius.
The Inner Core This layer is solid.
The inner core consists of the metals, nickel and iron. Its temperature is 7,000 degrees – 8,000 degrees Celsius. It is 2,400 km thick.
Composition of the Earth.
Lithosphere and Asthenosphere
Earth’s crust and the very top of the mantle together form the Lithosphere. This layer is the most rigid of all the layers. The lithosphere sits on top of the Asthenosphere, a layer of hotter, softer rock in the upper mantle. This layer is soft enough to flow slowly like hot tar.
Lithosphere – The solid part of the Earth, consisting of the crust and the upper mantle.
Tectonic Plates - The lithosphere does not form a continuous shell around Earth but is broken into many large and small slabs of rock called Tectonic Plates. Tectonic plates fit together like a jigsaw puzzle that makes up the surface of the Earth. Most large tectonic plates include both continental crust and oceanic crust. Most of the thicker continental crust rises above the ocean. The rest of the plate is thin oceanic crust, or sea floor, and is underwater.
Tectonic Plates - The tectonic plates of the world were mapped in the second half of the 20th century.
This theory explains how and why the surface of the earth constantly changes. This theory states that the earth’s outer shell, the lithosphere is divided into large plates. Each plate moves as a single unit so the interiors of the plates are generally stable. Major activities like earthquakes or volcanoes occur along the plate boundaries.
Continental Drift - In the late 1800s, German scientist Alfred Wegener proposed a hypothesis known as continental drift suggesting that the Earth’s continents were once joined in a single landmass and gradually drifted, apart. In the mid-1900s scientists found new evidence that supported continental drift.
Evidence for Continental Drift -
Fossils - Wegener learned that the fossils of an ancient reptile, Mesosaurus had been discovered in South America and western Africa. This small reptile lived about 270 million years ago. Its fossils were not found anywhere else in the world. Wegener said this fact could easily be explained if South America and Africa were once joined.
Evidence for Continental Drift -
Climate - Evidence of climate change supported Wegener’s hypothesis. Greenland lies near the Arctic Circle and is mostly covered in ice. Yet fossils of tropical plants can be found on its shores. In contrast, South Africa today has a warm climate. Yet its rocks were deeply scratched by ice sheets that once covered the area.
Evidence for Continental Drift -
Geology - Wegener’s best evidence for continental drift came from the kinds of rocks that make up the continents. He showed that the type of rock found in Brazil matched the rock found in western Africa. Also, limestone layers in the Appalachian Mountains of North America were exactly like the limestone in Scotland’s Highlands.
Pangaea – The Super Continent -
For Wegener, all the evidence pointed to a single conclusion. The continents had once been joined in a huge supercontinent he called Pangaea. This giant continent reached from pole to pole and was centered over the area where Africa lies today. Pangaea began to split apart some 200 million years ago. In time, the continents moved to where they are today.
The Theory of Plate Tectonics -
This theory states that Earth’s lithosphere is made up of huge plates that move over the surface of the Earth.
DIVERGENT PLATE BOUNDARIES- Plates are moving away from each other. Very active volcanically due to the rising of magma. (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) CONVERGENT PLATE BONDARIES- Plates are coming together. The regions of plate collision are regions of great mountain buildings. (Andes, Himalayas, Sierra Nevada) TRANSFORM BOUNDARIES – Two tectonic plates scrape past each other and crust is neither formed nor destroyed. (San Andreas Fault in California)
Sea Floor Spreads apart at Divergent Boundaries: Mid-Ocean Ridges and Rift Valleys are formed
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge – The World’s longest Mid-Ocean Ridge, runs the length of the Atlantic Ocean!
Three Types of Convergent Boundaries -
1) Where Two Continental Plates Meet 2) Where Two Oceanic Plates Meet 3) Where One Oceanic Plate meets with a Continental Plate
Plates Push Together at Convergent Boundaries
When Two plates with Continental Crust collide they will crumple and fold the rock between them. Plates with older, denser Oceanic Crust will sink beneath another plate. When one plate sinks beneath another, it is called “Subduction”.
Oceanic–Oceanic Subduction:
Collision between two oceanic plates can result in the process when one plate bends and sinks beneath the other to produce deep oceanic trenches. (Mariana Trench) Oceanic–Continental Subduction: When an oceanic plate and a continental plate converge, the denser oceanic plate is subducted beneath the less dense continental plate. A deep-ocean trench is formed and magma is generated. (Andes) Continental–Continental Collision: When two continental plates collide their edges crumple and fold forming folded mountains. The collision between continental plates has produced some of the most famous mountain ranges. (Himalayas, European Alps, Appalachian)
Deep Ocean Trenches - Trenches are like deep canyons that form in the ocean floor as a plate sinks. The deepest known trench is the Mariana Trench, which is the deepest place in the world’s oceans, extending nearly 11,000 meters into the sea floor. Most deep-ocean trenches are found in the Pacific Ocean.
Island Arcs – These are chains of volcanic islands that form on the top plate, parallel to a deep-ocean trench.
Transform Boundaries -
San Andreas Fault – This is a Transform Boundary that runs from the Gulf of California through the San Francisco area.
Theory of plate Tectonics -
The theory of Plate Tectonics has changed the way that scientists view Earth. Today, the theory helps them to explain Earth’s past and to predict what might happen along plate boundaries in the future and also predict other geological events.
MINERALS Minerals have four qualities ; Formed in nature Are solids
Have a definite chemical makeup Have a crystal structure (crystals are solids in which the atoms are arranged in an orderly, repeating 3-D pattern.)
Properties Of Minerals:
Color Streak Luster Cleavage Fracture Density Hardness
Moh’s Scale: Hardness Mineral 1 Talc 2 Gypsum 3 Calcite 4 Fluorite
5 Apatite 6 Feldspar 7 Quartz 8 Topaz 9 Corundum Diamond
Special properties of Minerals:
Fluorescence - Fluorite Magnetic - Magnetite Radioactive Minerals in the carbonate group, such as calcite, react with acid.
Formation Of Minerals:
When water evaporates - Halite When hot water cools down – Gold Molten rock cools – Quartz Heat and pressure cause changes – Graphite Organisms produce minerals – Calcite and Apatite
Mining of Minerals : Surface Mining – 1) Panning 2) Strip Mining
3) Open-pit Mining Deep Mining
There are thousands of different minerals on Earth but only about 30 are common in the Earth’s crust. These 30 minerals make up most of the rocks in the crust. They are called the rock-forming minerals.
Groups of Minerals Silicates - These contain oxygen and silicon—the two most common elements in Earth’s crust. They make up 90% of the rocks in the Earth’s crust. Some examples are - Quartz, feldspar, and mica Carbonates - These contain carbon and oxygen joined together. Example - Calcite, found in seashells Oxides – These consist of an element, usually a metal, joined to oxygen. Example – hematite, which is a source of iron.
Elements Elements are substances which are made up of the same kinds of atoms. Of the known 112 elements, 92 occur naturally in the earth’s crust and combine to make 4000 different minerals.
MINERALS Silicates Nonsilicates Carbonates Sulfates Clay Minerals Oxides Sulfides Ferromagnesian Phosphates Halides Nonferromagnesians Native Elements
ROCKS AND MINERALS A ROCK is a naturally formed solid, that is usually made up of one or more types of minerals. A MINERAL is a substance that forms in nature, is a solid, has a definite chemical makeup, and has a crystal structure.
IGNEOUS ROCKS IGNEOUS ROCKS are formed by the cooling and crystallization of hot, molten rock – magma. The word igneous means “formed by fire”. Igneous rocks make up about 95% of the Earth crust. Basalt and granite are common igneous rocks.
SEDIMENTARY ROCKS SEDIMENTARY ROCKS are formed from pieces of other rocks (sediments) carried by water, wind, or ice. Sedimentary rocks are easy to find on the ground beneath our feet – the uppermost portion of Earth crust. Sedimentary rocks cover more than two-thirds of the Earth’s surface. Sandstone, shale, and limestone are common sedimentary rocks.
METAMORPHIC ROCKS METAMORPHIC ROCKS are formed from older, preexisting rocks (igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic) that are transformed by high temperature, high pressure, or both – without melting. The word metamorphic means “changed in form”. Marble and slate are common metamorphic rocks.
Activity # 1- Making a Cross Section
Identify the layers of the earth (crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core). Draw an apple Identify the skin (crust) Identify the apple (mantle) Identify the outside of the seeds (outer core). Identify the inside of the seeds (inner core).
Activity #2- Making Flash Cards
Read the book “Magic School Bus- Inside the Earth.” Make a list of the earth’s characteristics. Get into groups of four. Make flash cards using the information form the book. Quiz each other and see who gets the most correct.
Activity #3- Making a Model of the Earth
Review the characteristics of the layers of the earth. Choose four facts that you wish to discuss. Make a poster of the earth, its layers, and the information that you chose.
Assessment Have students present his/her poster or earth creation.
Grade them on the responses to the flashcards. Play a game that involves questions about the crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core.
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