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Biography and Main Works

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1 Biography and Main Works
Jane Austen Biography and Main Works Daniela Macedo Desirée Castro Tomas Aznara Rodrigo Velarde

2 Who is Jane Austen? Witty, elegantly structured satire
English novelist Best Known for: Witty, elegantly structured satire The transition in English literature from 18th century neo- classicism to 19th century romanticism

3 The Specs When was Jane Austen Born? On Saturday, December 16, 1775
Where was Jane Austen Born? In Hampshire, England at the Steventon rectory When Did Jane Austen Die? On Friday, July 18, 1817 Where Did Jane Austen Die? In Winchester, England Where is Jane Austen Buried? At Winchester Cathedral in Winchester, England

4 Life Father was a reverend Mother an educated and dedicated home maker
7th out of 8 children Performed plays and charades with older sister for fun Was encouraged to read and write as a hobby

5 Wrote her first novel at age 14
"Seldom, very seldom, does complete truth belong to any human disclosure; seldom can it happen that something is not a little disguised, or a little mistaken.“ Jane Austen Wrote her first novel at age 14 Wrote Pride and Prejudice in her twenties Fell in love with a man who later died and left her heart-broken Was engaged to Harris Bigg-Wither but rejected him

6 Death In the winter of 1816 she contracted Addisons Disease
a tubercular disease of the kidneys She was no longer able to walk, she took donkey rides around town. In 1817, she had to move closer to her physician Died in the early hours of July 18th 1817 at the age of 41.

7 Works Novels Frederic & Elfrida The History of England
Sense and Sensibility (1811) Jack & Alice A Collection of Letters Pride and Prejudice (1813) Edgar & Emma The female philosopher Mansfield Park (1814) Henry and Eliza The first Act of a Comedy Emma (1815) The Adventures of Mr. Harley A Letter from a Young Lady Northanger Abbey (1817) (posthumous) A Tour through Wales Sir William Mountague A Tale Persuasion (1817) (posthumous) Memoirs of Mr. Clifford The Beautifull Cassandra Short fiction Amelia Webster Juvenilia – Volume the Third Lady Susan (1794, 1805) The Visit Evelyn Unfinished fiction The Mystery Catharine, or the Bower The Watsons (1804) The Three Sisters Sanditon (1817) A beautiful description The generous Curate Other works Ode to Pity Sir Charles Grandison (1793, 1800) Plan of a Novel (1815) Poems Juvenilia – Volume the Second Prayers Letters Love and Freindship Juvenilia – Volume the First Lesley Castle

8 Main Works Pride and Prejudice Sense and Sensibility Mansfield Park
Emma Northanger Abbey (published post humorously)

9 Pride and Prejudice Is about the relation between Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy in the England of the 19th. Lizzy has four sisters, none of them is married, witch Mrs. Bennet thinks it’s an absurd. When the young and succesful Mr. Bingley rents a mansion close to the Bennet’s house, Mrs. Bennet thinks he could be a great husband for one of the girls. As a matter of fact, he is interested in Jane, the eldest one, who he met at the baw where the sisters, Mr. Darcy and he attended. Mr. Bingley is seen with good eyes by everyone. On the other hand, Mr. Darcy, because of his sullen temperament is “mal hablado”. Lizzy hates him because he hurts her pride the first time they spoke. Despite the first bad impression, Darcy secretely likes Lizzy. A lot issue went by and they start to like eachother. Lizzy descovers Darcy’s good and noble soul and his secrets that leads to that harsh character. Both families admire their love.

10 Movie Trailer ZDM

11 Sense and Sesibility Despite their diferent temperaments, Marianne and Eleanor. The first one is impulsive and emotional, the second is reflexive and willing to maintain the rules of the civility in every ocasion. Elianor is the linking character when it comes to the search of wealthy husband, a idle life fill with parties. All o this clash with the honesty of their hearts that chose thw worse matches following their feelings.

12 Emma Is a comic novel about the perils of misconstrued romance. The novel was first published in December As in her other novels, Austen explores the concerns and difficulties of genteel women living in Georgian-Regency England; she also creates a lively 'comedy of manners' among her characters. Before she began the novel, Austen wrote, "I am going to take a heroine whom no-one but myself will much like”. In the very first sentence she introduces the title character as "Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich." Emma, however, is also rather spoiled; she greatly overestimates her own matchmaking abilities; and she is blind to the dangers of meddling in other people's lives and is often mistaken about the meanings of others' actions.

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