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Canvas and Arrays in Apps

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1 Canvas and Arrays in Apps
Lesson 5-17 AP Computer Science Principles

2 Objectives Students will be able to:
Programmatically control the canvas element in response to user interactions. Maintain a dynamically generated array through the running of a program in order to record and reuse user input. Use nested loops within a program to repeat a command on the same array index multiple times. Perform variable arithmetic within an array index to access items in an array by their relative position.

3 Create a Drawing App in App Lab
Today we are going to be building a drawing app in App Lab. Along the way, we’ll be introduced to a couple new ideas and concepts, but for the most part, we will be combining old skills. At this point, you all know most of the core concepts of programming, and so as we move forward, we’ll spend more time thinking about interesting ways to combine them. With that in mind, let’s get into Code Studio and start building our next app!

4 Stage 17 Complete Stage 17

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