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Red Handed By: Vivian Vasquez.

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1 Red Handed By: Vivian Vasquez

2 Steps for the painting

3 The Steps: Step 1: I knew I wanted to do a painting of Macbeth’s hands so I had to go on google and find a picture of bloody hands so I could get the image in my mind. Step 2: I did this project all in one day so I took an easy way and went to the copier and copied my hands so I could cut them out and place them on my canvas. Step 3: I had to paint the canvas black to portray the darkness of Macbeth’s terrible action and set a tone for the audience to see. Step 4: This is sort of an easy step that I did after I painted something and needed to paint over it, and that was that I blow dyed it to dry the paint faster so I could get the project done quickly. Step: 5 I didn’t get to take a picture but I traced the hands onto the black canvas using tracing paper. Step 6: I painted the hands and then added the detail to the hands to make it more realistic. Step 7: The final step was to add the guilt, to add the blood and tie the whole image together.

4 Challenges: I had to face 3 problems when painting the guilty hands of Macbeth. The first problem that was faced was that I wasn’t even going to paint, I was going to do Lady Macbeth’s servants journal. So me deciding to jump to the painting the day it was due was pretty risky and challenging. Another challenge I faced was that I painted the hands on the canvas the opposite way then what I intended to do. Notice the thumbs, in the first picture it’s sup[posed to be the person with the bloody hands looking at their own hands but the way I drew it is different. III. The third challenge was that I used to different beige/tan colors to create the skin tone and it made it hard to recognize but I fixed it but re-doing all of the skin parts on the hand.

5 My perspective I hope to grab my audiences attention that have read the play and show them the guilt on Macbeth’s hands. The bloody hands of a murderer. I also hope to grab the attention of the audience that have not read the play and make them wonder what they plays about when they see the painting and maybe get them interested into maybe reading it themselves. I have never been so proud of a project ever. I never really paint or draw and the way this turned oput even with a few errors I made I am very proud of my artwork and glad that we had the chance to read this play and I was bale to share this with the students here and shoiw them my point of view of this scene.

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